Mains’l believes that it is the responsibility of the agency and its leaders to help employees successfully manage their positions and to support their professional development. This is accomplished through on-the-job mentoring, training, and coaching, performance management meetings with the supervisor and the use of performance management tools and processes. All are intended to assist employees with their career development while helping the agency retain a competent work force.
Performance Management is an ongoing process rather than a once a year event. Supervisors will mentor and coach employees whenever they are present at the work site in addition to the annual or bi-annual Employee Feedback and Development Summary meetings. The purposes of these meetings are to discuss training, development goals, to set expectations, and to generate any needed outcomes.
Employees share responsibility for their successful performance of their position. Employees are expected to speak with their supervisors to request training.
Performance Management is the general term describing a process by which Mains'l helps employees to successfully manage their positions. The specific process and tool used is determined by the position of the employee and the outcome desired.
Performance Evaluations
Performance evaluations are intended to assist employees with their career development while helping the Agency retain a competent work force. It is the policy of the Agency to provide employees with a formal review of their performance at various career milestones, as follows:
Type of Evaluations:
Evaluations will be reviewed with the staff member in private with the opportunity for the staff member to comment. The staff member signs the form to acknowledge that an evaluation has been done and receives a copy of the evaluation. In the event the employee refuses to sign the evaluation, a witness (other than the supervisor) will sign the evaluation confirming that the employee has received a copy of the written evaluation and refused to sign it.
After the employee signs the performance evaluations, all completed forms will be forwarded to human resources.