Timesheets are checked for completion in accordance with Program rules. The process to verify timesheets in accordance with program rules occurs using <<F/EA’s Payroll System.>> <<Program rules will vary by program. Some sample program rules are here.>>
The Payroll system includes a database containing all budget data, including the participant name, budget number,budget start date, budget end date and approved hours/units for each service and workers/vendor. <<Include approved rate information?>> The database also contains all workers data.
This system is programmed to perform automated data validation. Each timesheet is checked against database data per program rules and any discrepancy is flagged for follow-up.
Timesheets are entered into this system either manually or via an import from the <<Optical Character Recognition>> system. Timesheets are verified in the payroll system <<Monday through Thursday >> of each payroll week.
Program Rules
<<List the program payment rules here. Below are some examples.>>
-A participant cannot receive service from more than one workers simultaneously
-A workers cannot provide service to more than one participant simultaneously
-Workers who get paid for transportation must show proof of a valid drivers' license
-Workers must pass a criminal background check before they can be paid for service
-A participant's budget must include an authorized service before a workers or vendor can be paid for providing that service
-A participant must have sufficient funds in the budget line item before a workers or vendor can be paid for the service