Mains’l is committed to providing and maintaining a work environment free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment and sexually offensive behaviors. It is the belief of Mains’l that all employees should be treated with dignity and respect and are entitled to work in an environment free from unsolicited and unwelcome sexual overtures, behaviors and other unwanted actions.
Mains’l does not tolerate sexually or other harassing or offensive behavior in the workplace, whether committed by supervisors, non-supervisory employees, or non-employees.
Sexual harassment is defined as unwanted sexual advances, or visual, verbal, or physical conduct of a sexual nature. This definition includes many forms of offensive behavior and includes gender-based harassment of a person of the same sex as the harasser. The following is a partial list of sexual harassment examples:
An intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment is created by a wide range of sexually directed behaviors when they are unwanted, unwelcome, or personally offensive. In addition, if these behaviors interfere with the work performance of any or all employees, they are considered to be sexually harassing.
Examples, although not all inclusive, of sexually directed behaviors are:
Sexual harassment does not refer to occasional compliments or other generally acceptable social behavior.
Mains’l encourages employees to report all claims of sexual and other harassment immediately to their supervisor. If the supervisor is unavailable or an employee believes it would be inappropriate to contact that person, they should immediately contact human resources or any other member of management.
Mains’l Services does not retaliate or take any adverse action against any person who, in good faith, makes a claim of sexual harassment.
All allegations of sexual and other unlawful harassment are quickly and discreetly investigated. To the extent possible, employee’s confidentiality and that of any witnesses and the alleged harasser are protected against unnecessary disclosure. When the investigation is completed, the employee is informed of the outcome of the investigation. The investigation is comprised of the following steps:
Rev. 2/28/2019, HR Policy Team