Personal Time Off
Personal Time Off is important for the physical and mental health of employees and every effort is made to accommodate PTO requests. PTO provides flexibility and greater opportunity for employees to manage their time off according to their lifestyle and needs. However, consideration must also be given to the needs of the job, the people supported by the agency, and to maintaining any prescribed staffing schedules at work sites. For this reason, full time hourly employees may be expected to work holidays. Supervisor pre-approval is required for all PTO requests. Employees are asked to help find replacements for their personal time off.
Full Time Hourly employees of Mains’l Services, after one (1) year of service, earn Personal Time Off (PTO) as an employment benefit and on each subsequent year’s anniversary date based on the following schedule:
Full Time Anniversary Date | PTO Days/Year | PTO Hours/Year |
First Anniversary | 6 | 48 |
Second Anniversary | 10 | 80 |
Third Anniversary | 10 | 80 |
Fourth Anniversary | 12 | 96 |
Fifth Anniversary | 12 | 96 |
Sixth Anniversary | 15 | 120 |
Seventh Anniversary | 15 | 120 |
Eighth Anniversary | 18 | 144 |
Ninth Anniversary | 18 | 144 |
Tenth Anniversary and going forward | 20 | 160 |
PTO does not carry over from service year to service year and must be used before the next anniversary date or the employee loses it.
Sick Leave
Mains’l Services believes employees should have paid time off if they or their family members are ill or injured, or if medical/dental appointments are necessary during scheduled work time. Full time hourly employees receive six (6) days of sick leave per year.
For anticipated use of sick leave employees are asked to help to find replacements.
Bereavement Leave
Paid leave, up to three (3) days is granted to full time hourly employees in the event of the death, pregnancy loss, funeral or estate settlement of an immediate family member. Immediate family member includes spouse, parents, children (including unborn children), siblings, grandparents, step-children, parents-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, daughter-in-law, and son-in-law.
Jury Leave
Mains’l Services, Inc. supports the civic responsibility of employees when called for jury duty. In order to help full-time employees maintain their income during this time, Mains’l Services supplements jury pay, up to a maximum of two (2) weeks, with the amount necessary so the employee’s take home pay is unchanged.
Parental Leave
Mains’l Services recognizes the importance of parental involvement, support, and nurturing following the birth or adoption of a child. In support of this commitment to parenting, eligible employees, upon request, are granted four (4) weeks of paid leave. Employees who are eligible under the Family and Medical Leave Act can request additional unpaid leave, up to eight (8) more weeks. (See Family and Medical Leave Policy)
Upon return to work, the employee is guaranteed the same rate of pay as prior to the leave. Every effort is made to return the employee to the same position or a position of comparable responsibility.
Personal Time Off
All full time employees, after one (1) year of full time employment, are eligible for Personal Time Off (PTO).
On the employee’s first anniversary of full time employment, and on every subsequent anniversary date, the employee receives PTO according to the schedule in the Paid Time Off – Full time Hourly Employees policy.
PTO is used in four (4) hour increments or for a regular scheduled shift, if less than four (4) hours. (For example, a typical morning shift is two (2) hours - PTO can be used). PTO cannot be used if an employee wants to come in two (2) hours late for a regularly scheduled 8-hour shift, unless it has been arranged in advanced. Exceptions to this guideline may be pre-approved by the supervisor.
PTO requests for less than three (3) days needs to be given, verbally or in writing, to the immediate supervisor with as much notice as possible. Employees are asked to help find their own coverage.
PTO requests for three (3) days or more need to be given, verbally or in writing, to the immediate supervisor two (2) weeks in advance. Employees are asked to help find their own coverage.
PTO requests for two (2) weeks need to be given, verbally or in writing, to the immediate supervisor four (4) weeks in advance of the first PTO day. Employees are asked to help find their own coverage.
Advances on PTO are not permitted. Requests to increase pay by cashing out PTO is not permitted.
Managers have the right to approve or deny vacations requests, if policy is not followed or it is not conducive to the program at that time.
Employees need to use their PTO within their individual full time year of service. The PTO balance is not carried over from one service year to another. (For example, if an employee’s start date is June 1st, all accrued PTO must be used within the pay period of June 1st of each subsequent year). If the PTO is not used by the end of the service year, the employee loses it.
Employees should be aware of their PTO balance as they approach their anniversary date. The PTO balance is stated on the bi-weekly payroll advice. Employees can also check your PTO balance on Solana under the “My Time Off” tab. Mains’l Services does not notify an employee of their approaching anniversary date and the possible loss of PTO.
If overtime is worked during a week in which PTO has been used, the employee will not be paid for overtime until the actual hours worked exceeds forty (40) hours. Also, replacement employees cannot incur overtime by working replacement shifts, unless approved by the supervisor.
When staffing schedules dictate, the immediate supervisor after consulting with human resources, may cancel or postpone previously approved PTO requests. When this is necessary, as much notice as possible is given.
An employee cannot use PTO as part of the notice given before resigning
PTO is not paid to the employee at the time of resignation or termination
PTO accounts are maintained by the payroll department. The PTO balance is recorded on the payroll advice or payroll check stub.
The Human Resource Department is responsible for interpreting the PTO policy and procedure.
Sick Leave
All full time hourly employees are eligible for sick leave and receive it at the beginning of full time employment and on every subsequent employment anniversary date.
Before using sick leave, employees need to successfully complete three (3) months of employment.
The amount of sick leave credited to the employee remains the same throughout the length of employment (six (6) days per year).
Sick leave may be used for illness, injury, or medical/dental appointments of employees or their spouse, children, parents, sibling, mother-in-law, father-in-law, grandchild, grandparent, or stepparent.
Sick leave may be used for an employee or relative (as listed above) to provide or receive assistance because of sexual assault, domestic abuse, stalking, or harassment.
We ask that unexpected sickness or injury is telephoned to the supervisor at least four (4) hours prior to the scheduled shift. If sick leave is anticipated the employee is asked to help find replacements for their sick time. Replacement employees must not incur overtime by working the replacement shift, unless approved by the supervisor.
If overtime is worked during a week in which sick leave has been used, the employee will not be paid overtime until the actual hours worked exceeds forty (40).
Sick leave is not earned on overtime hours.
An employee cannot use sick leave as part of the notice given before resigning.
A doctor’s statement may be required to verify absence. A doctor’s statement may be requested upon return to work if the sick leave is (3) days or more.
If absence exceeds three (3) consecutive days, Family and Medical Leave policy may apply and continuing absences are counted toward the FMLA leave.
Limit on sick leave balances is twenty (20) days.
If an employee changes status from FT to PTWB or PT and has accrued Sick Leave, they will be eligible to use that sick leave until their next Anniversary date. Whatever sick leave is not used by that time will be lost and their Sick leave balance will be set back to zero (0) days.
Sick leave is not paid upon termination.
The payroll department maintains the sick leave accounts. The sick leave balance is recorded on the payroll advice or payroll check stub.
The human resource department is responsible for interpreting the sick leave policy and procedure.
Bereavement Leave
All full time hourly employees are eligible for Bereavement leave.
Up to three (3) days can be used in the event of the death, loss of pregnancy, funeral or estate settlement of an immediate family member. The number of hours per day of funeral leave is based on the regular scheduled hours the employee would normally work on that day.
Bereavement Leave may be used for employees who experience miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, or stillbirth as well.
Immediate family members include spouse, parents, children (including unborn children), siblings, grandparents, step-children, parents-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, daughter-in-law, and son-in-law.
If the Funeral Leave is needed, employees notify the supervisor, verbally or in writing, with as much notice as soon as possible.
No Limit
Bereavement leave benefits do not accrue and no payment is made for unused funeral leave benefits upon termination.
The human resources department is responsible for interpreting the Bereavement Leave policy and procedure.
Jury Leave
All full time hourly employees are eligible for paid time off while serving on a jury.
Up to a maximum of two (2) weeks of pay to supplement jury pay.
The employee is asked to help find replacements for their jury leave. Replacement employees should not incur overtime by working the replacement shift.
If Jury Leave is needed, employees notify the supervisor, verbally or in writing, with as much notice as soon as possible. Documentation of Jury Duty from the County, District or Federal court is also submitted to the employee’s supervisor, who partners with human resources to coordinate jury pay.
Paid jury leave from Mains’l Services supplements the Jury Duty Pay from the court. The money received from the court system is deducted from the paid jury leave that Mains’l Services pays the employee. If the court reimbursement exceeds the compensation lost through not working, supplement pay is not made.
The employee and the supervisor determine the extent of the employee‘s job responsibilities while on jury duty.
Jury leave benefits do not accrue and no payment is made for unused jury leave benefits upon termination.
The human resource department is responsible for interpreting the jury leave policy and procedure.
Parental Leave
All full time hourly employees, who have been employed for a minimum of one consecutive year prior to the leave request, and have been full time during that year, are eligible for paid time off following the birth or adoption of a child.
Parental leave is available following the birth or adoption of a child. The employee completes the “Mains’l Parental Leave” with approximate dates of the leave, and submits to the immediate supervisor.
Paid leave is equivalent to the regular schedule of the employee. For example, if an employee works 37 hours per week, the employee is eligible for 4 weeks at 37 hours of paid parental leave or 148 total hours. Mains’l will not exceed 160 hours of paid parental leave.
The leave must be taken within the first six (6) months of the birth or adoption.
The cost of medical, life, and dental benefits must be assumed by the employee effective on the first of the month following four (4) weeks of leave. For employees who are eligible for Family and Medical Leave benefits, other arrangements may apply. (See policy Family and Medical Leave).
Parental leave benefits do not accrue and no payment is made for unused parental leave benefits upon termination.
If the employee requests a leave in excess of four (4) weeks, the Family and Medical Leave policy or the Unpaid Leave of Absence policy is followed.
The human resource department is responsible for interpreting the parental leave policy and procedure.
Leave Absence Request: M: M:\Forms\Leave of Absence Request.pdf
Parental Leave Request: M:\Forms\Parental Leave Request.pdf