Mains'l Services believes that all employees want to be successful in their positions; and that it is the responsibility of the agency and its leaders, along with the employee, to help employees successfully manage their positions and to support their professional development. This is accomplished though on-the-job mentoring, training, coaching, performance management meetings with the supervisor and the use of performance management tools. In support of an employee’s success, areas for improvement in an employee’s work are communicated by a supervisor through coaching and feedback as soon as possible. This exemplifies good leadership and fair supervision at all employment levels. Communication between the supervisor and employee through coaching and feedback may effectively support any needed improvement for an employee to successfully meet their job responsibilities. This is the first step in providing ongoing training and development and addressing areas for improvement.
The purpose of performance coaching and feedback is to prepare the employee for satisfactory work performance. Mains’l will determine appropriate action based on the improvement needed and the employee’s prior performance record. Options utilized may include the following:
These processes may be used at any point during employment with Mains'l Services. Employee improvement can be achieved at an early stage, benefiting both the employee and Mains’l
Coaching and Development Conversations
Coaching and development conversations describe a process by which Mains’l Services helps encourage employees to maintain accountability within their work performed and to support their development.
Coaching and development conversations are intended to assist employees with their career development while helping the agency retain a high performing workforce of people engaged in work that has meaning and purpose. It is the policy of Mains’l to provide employees with ongoing support through continuous coaching and development.
When a supervisor identifies areas for improvement within an employee’s job responsibilities, typically the first step is coaching and development conversations with the employee. As a guideline the conversation may include:
If coaching and development conversations are not successful, the employee may be engaged in a written performance feedback process. The drafted written performance feedback (Success Plan) is reviewed by Human Resources before it is provided to the employee. The supervisor schedules a meeting with the employee and presents it to the employee. The document includes the following information:
Management may vary from this procedure if circumstances demand. Although not the desired outcome of Mains’l, immediate separation of employment may be needed depending on circumstances.
90 Day Feedback
Employees may receive a written performance feedback evaluation after 90 days following the date of hire. In the case of a job transfer or change in job classification, an evaluation may be conducted 90 days after the change. Managers are responsible for initiating and conducting 90-day evaluations and completing them within two weeks of the due date. The manager and the employee will review different aspects of the employee’s job including the core responsibilities, training and documentation, and team work. The manager and the employee will review together what is working and not working and if there is further improvement needed. The employee can then set personal goals they would like to achieve before their annual feedback.
Annual Review
Employees may receive an annual review at the anniversary of their hire date. Managers initiate and conduct these evaluations annually or bi-annually depending on the job title or as needed. During an annual review, the employee will review themselves and discuss what people like and admire about them, what they have accomplished within their work and what is working and not working related to their position. The supervisor will provide their comments as well with the employee. Together, the employee and the supervisor will discuss developmental areas that the employee may be interested in to grow within their role. The employee receives a copy of their review as well.
360 Degree Feedback Tool (Internal and External)
360 Degree Feedback is a tool also available for all managers, senior managers, vice presidents and senior leadership team as supervisor or employee discretion. A director, vice president or senior leadership team member may use the 360 degree feedback tool to determine progress after a performance issue has been addressed or prior to a promotion. The employee provides names of people to be contacted – which may include people receiving services, parents, county and district stakeholders, colleagues, etc. The supervisor reviews the list and may add to it. The manager e-mails the 360 Degree Feedback forms, collects the data, and summarizes what is learned to share with the employee. There may be improvement or development goals resulting from the 360 degree feedback.
Job Performance Correction, Performance Management