Record All Communication with Consumers and Representatives


F/EA maintains a log of all communication with consumers and representatives in the Customer Service system. Each call is denoted with a code denoting the nature of the call. Each <<Staff Title>> receives training on the use of phone call log codes.  A phone call log codes chart, with code and description, is posted at each <<Staff Title>>’s work area.

Every non-routine inbound and outbound call is recorded in Customer Service System with an applicable code and sub-code. Any walk-in visits to F/EA are also recorded in Customer Service System using the same codes as are used for phone communication, but with a different sub-category code. Logs are reviewed by staff and management as applicable.
Information recorded in log includes:
  • Consumer’s name
  • Date of Communication
  • Type of Communication
  • Issue
  • Resolution
  • Person with whom communication occurred


  1. <<Staff Title>>, and any other F/EA staff who make or receive calls, record calls in Customer Service System with an applicable phone call log code
  2. All non-routine communication is recorded
  3. Non-routine communication includes:
  • Verification of F/EA’s phone or fax number
  • Verification of F/EA’s address
  • Communication with a workers or other stakeholder to whom Customer Service is not permitted to talk

 4.  All other communication with consumers or representatives is recorded

 5.  Upon making an outbound call or receiving an inbound call, log in to Customer Service System

 6.  Enter username and password

 7.  Select a participant by number or name

 8.  Go to Customer Service Tab and start logging the call.

 9.  Enter one of the following codes in the “Caller” field for the applicable description covered by the communication being recorded: 



10. In the “Notes” field, first enter a sub-category code:

11. Enter “OG” for an outgoing call

12. Enter “IC” for an inbound call

13. Enter “VM” for a voice message

14. Enter “WI” for a walk-in communication

15. After entering the sub-category code in the “Notes” field, enter as much of the following information as possible:

16. Enter at least the first name of the person with whom communication occurred

17. Enter the nature of the issue

18. Enter the resolution to the issue as applicable

  •  If any non-standard information was provided or exceptions to standard protocol made, enter that information

19. Save the note

Internal Controls: 

The internal controls used by F/EA to monitor this process establish responsibility, segregate duties, document procedures and ensure independent internal verification.

  1. Standard codes are used to record all phone communication in the Payroll system
  2. Information logged includes:
    • Consumer
    • Date of Communication
    • Type of Communication
    • Issue
    • Resolution
    • Person with whom communication occurred
  3. F/EA staff are trained on what constitutes a non-routine call
  4. All systems are password protected
    • Only staff with direct responsibility for applicable duties are granted access to systems
  5. Phone call log codes are published and posted at <<Staff Title>>’s work areas