F/EA includes the Complaint and Grievance Policy in each Consumer Welcome Package and the Policy is distributed by Counselors. The F/EA Complaint and Grievance Policy is published so that consumers understand that they have a right to express grievances and that F/EA welcomes reporting of grievances. The Policy outlines the process by which consumers should report complaints and grievances to F/EA and the steps F/EA will take to resolve the complaint or grievance.
The Complaint and Grievance Policy is included in the Consumer Welcome Package distributed to consumers
The internal controls used by F/EA to monitor this process establish responsibility, segregate duties, document procedures and ensure independent internal verification.
Upon receiving communication from participants or representatives, whether via phone, in person or in writing, F/EA <<Staff Title>> determine if the communication must be classified as a complaint or grievance. Staff is trained, within 15 days of employment as a F/EA <<Staff Title>>, on handling complaints and grievances.
Assess Communication and Determine if it is a Complaint or Grievance
The internal controls used by F/EA to monitor this process establish responsibility, segregate duties, document procedures and ensure independent internal verification.
After recording a complaint, F/EA develops a corrective action plan and responds to the individual submitting the complaint within <<X>> business day(s).
4. After fact-seeking, and on the same day that the complaint is received, <<Staff Title>> notifies <<Staff Title>> and <<Staff Title>>, verbally or in writing, that a complaint has been received
5. <<Staff Title>> schedules meeting with <<Staff Title>>, <<Staff Title>> and applicable Customer Service, Payroll or Billing staff to occur on or within one day of receiving complaint
6. During meeting, all parties review facts as presented by <<Staff Title>> and seek additional facts as necessary
7. After collecting relevant facts, meeting attendees develop a corrective action plan to resolve the participant or representative’s complaint or grievance while maintaining compliance with program rules and regulations
8. <<Staff Title>> drafts a letter that outlines the corrective action plan
9. Corrective action plan must include expected dates of completion for each element in plan
10. <<Staff Title>> calls participant or representative
11. <<Staff Title>> shares with participant or representative F/EA’s corrective action plan to resolve the complaint or grievance
12. <<Staff Title>> records communication in Payroll System per Policy and Procedure document
13. <<Staff Title>> submits written corrective action plan to participant or representative
14. <<Staff Title>> records in Customer Service System per Policy and Procedure that written corrective action plan was submitted to participant
15. Written corrective action plan and fact-seeking document are scanned to participant’s scan folder and maintained for a minimum of 7 years per File Retention Policy
16. If the participant or representative is not satisfied with the corrective action plan, he/she will contact F/EA within 3 business days of receiving the plan in writing
17. <<Staff Title>> will schedule a hearing with a mediator in an effort to resolve the issue to both partys' satisfaction
The internal controls used by F/EA to monitor this process establish responsibility, segregate duties, document procedures and ensure independent internal verification.
On a monthly basis, <<Staff Title>> reviews complaints received for the month. <<Staff Title>> and other F/EA staff members determine if processes can be improved to minimize complaints and improve services to program stakeholders. Processes that can be improved are reviewed with <<Staff Title>> and Chief Financial Officer as applicable and process changes are implemented.
The internal controls used by F/EA to monitor this process establish responsibility, segregate duties, document procedures and ensure independent internal verification.