When an employer who was active in the F/EA program passes away, the employer's EIN and State Tax (State Income Tax and State Unemployment Tax) Account Numbers must be retired.
Retire Employer Identification Number for Deceased Employers
Dear Sir or Madam,
The following employers are deceased as of <<Insert Today's Date.>> Please retire the employers' Employer Identification Numbers.
<<List Employer Name>> <<List EIN for Employer Name>>
<<List as many employer names as needed.>>
Please contact <<Staff Name at number during available hours>> with any questions.
<<Staff Name>> (can be any staff person)
<<Staff Title>>
4. Copy letter
5. Store copy of letter for each deceased employer in participant's file
6. Submit letter to IRS office where F/EA's Aggregate Forms 941 are filed
7. For each deceased employer, record date letter was sent to IRS office in Customer Service System
8. The Internal Revenue Service will NOT issue a notice to the F/EA that the EIN has been retired.
<<Insert Process to Retire State Department of Labor Account Number for Deceased Employers>>
<<Insert Process to Retire State Department of Revenue Account Number for Deceased Employers>>
The internal controls used by F/EA to monitor this process establish responsibility, segregate duties, document procedures and ensure independent internal verification.