F/EA reviews uncashed checks monthly. After <<one year>>, any checks that have not been cashed are removed from the bank reconciliation uncashed checks list (Account <<99999>>) and accounted for in General Ledger Account <<99999>> (See Policy and Procedure X.X).
10. All letters are mailed to workers
11. Some letters will be returned as “undeliverable”
12. After undeliverable letters are received, F/EA Accountant or <<Staff Title>> try to contact workers by phone to verify their addresses
13. Verify mailing address with each workers
14. Record that call is made in <<Customer Service System>>
15. pdate address in Payroll System
16. After verifying or updating address with each workers, send each workers the uncashed check letter
17. When vouchers are returned to F/EA, F/EA Accountant logs the date the voucher was returned in the Outstanding Check Issue spreadsheet
18. For all workers in the spreadsheet for whom a voucher has been received, F/EA Accountant approves re-issuance of the check value by completing the "Re-Issued Check Requisition Form"
19. For each returned, signed voucher, collect the voucher and the Re-Issued Check Requisition form
20. Provide these forms to <<Staff Title>> for review
21. Each check gets one form with the Check Requisition and the Letter
22. <<Staff Title>> reviews all supporting documents and Check Requisition form
23. <<Staff Title>> initials and dates Check Requisition form in lower right corner
24. <<Staff Title>> reviews letter and Check Requisition form
25. If errors do not exist, <<Staff Title>> signs and dates the Check Requisition form
26. F/EA Accountant interoffice mails the Check Requisition forms to Accounts Payable Department
27. F/EA Accounts Payable Department issues checks
28. Issued checks are submitted to F/EA Accountant
29. F/EA Accountant reviews checks received from Accounts Payable Department
30. F/EA Accountant enters “Reissued” in column <<B>> of the Check Issue spreadsheet at <<File Path>>
31. F/EA Accountant enters the reissued check number in column <<R>>
32. Filter spreadsheet by column B = “Reissued”
33. Copy all lines with “Reissued” in column B
34. Paste results to bottom section of spreadsheet where reissued checks are stored
35. <<Staff Title>> puts checks in envelopes
36. Seals envelopes
37. Delivers checks to outgoing mail box
38. Checks are mailed
39. By November of the calendar year, uncashed checks are reported to abandoned property for checks that are 3 years old or older
40. F/EA Accountant provides report of uncashed checks 3 years or older to F/EA Controller for reporting
41. F/EA Controller completes <<State Issued Report of Abandoned Property>>
42. If any payment is due to transfer the unclaimed property to the Division, F/EA Controller will make payment and submit original report and payment to Division of Abandoned Property
43. Copies of payment and <<State Issued Report of Abandoned Property>> are provided to <<Staff Title>>
44. Copies of payment and <<State Issued Report of Abandoned Property>> are scanned and saved to <<File Path>> for a minimum of 7 years per File Retention Policy
45. <<Insert process to appropriately update General Ledger and reconciliation documents>>
The internal controls used by F/EA to monitor this process establish responsibility, segregate duties, document procedures and ensure independent internal verification.