- Weekly the payroll department creates a <<report>> for employers without a UI Account No. and gross wages greater than $1000 in a single calendar quarter
- <<Staff Title>> creates the report
- <<Staff Title>> date stamps report
- <<Staff Title>> assigns task to a <<Staff Title>> or other F/EA staff
- Assigned staff completes state Employer Status Report forms <<that is what the forms are usually called, but an individual state may have a different form name or a different process>> for each participant employer using the employer name, address and FEIN information
2. Collect Quarterly tax payroll data from the payroll system for each employer who needs a UI number
3. <<Insert Process to collect the data>>
- Review the data for each quarter for the participant
- Write the applicable gross wage information on the Employer Status Report <<process may vary by state; insert where on the form to insert applicable data>>
4. Insert the following on the Employer Status Report Form for each participant as applicable <<This process will vary based on the state form requirements>>
- Enter the First Date of Employment, which is the first check date, on the Employer Status Report Form in “Please Enter a Valid Payroll or Employment Start Date”
- Select “Continue”
- In “Company Name”, enter Employer’s First and Last Name
- In “Attention To:” enter C/O F/EA – F/EA
- In “Legal Address” enter employer's address
- In "Mailing Address" enter the F/EA's mailing address
- Enter the employer's FEIN on the form as applicable
- In “Are you liable for federal unemployment tax?”, select “Yes”
- In “First Date of Liability”, enter first check date from Employer Status Report
- Select the participant’s city from the drop down
- In “Please describe the principal activity…”, enter “Household Employer”
- In “What is the principal product or service…”, enter “None”
- “Please enter the address of your physical location…” enter participant’s address information
- In “Please choose the option that best describes your business” select Domestic
- In “Please choose the option that best describes your business” select Domestic
- In “Name”, enter Consumer’s Name
- In “Home Address” enter Consumer’s Address
- In “Social Security Number”, enter the participant’s SSN
- In “Is this individual compensated for services performed for the company”, select “No”
- In “Select the above individual’s title”, select “Owner”
- On the next page, the participant’s DUA ID will be listed.
5. Record in the database the date that the Employer Status Report Form is submitted to the state for each participant
6. Mail the forms to the state
7. In approximately <<X>> days,
F/EA will receive each employer's UI Account No. via <<mail>>
- Date stamp letter upon receipt
- This letter contains the UI Account No. and the employer's contribution rate <<there may also be a 'surcharge rate' or disability insurance rate or other, additional rate>>
- Enter the new UI Account No. in the participant database for the employer
- This number will be used to file and pay state unemployment tax on behalf of the participant employer
- Enter the employer's rate in the database
8. On a monthly basis, <<Staff Title>> runs report from payroll system that shows any consumers for whom a "Date Sent" was entered for the date the Employer's Status Report was sent to the state, but a UI Account No. has not yet been received
- This report shows any consumers that should have a UI Account No., but don't
- <<Staff Title>> follows up with state to inquite about status of UI Account No.s for these consumers