<<Insert Process to Collect, Verify and Transfer Applicable Records>>
The internal controls used by F/EA to monitor this process establish responsibility, segregate duties, document procedures and ensure independent internal verification.
When a participant transfers from F/EA to a new Fiscal/Employer Agent (F/EA), F/EA submits certain tax information to the new F/EA within 10 days of the participant transferring to the new F/EA.
Process to Transfer State Tax Data when a Consumer Transfers from one F/EA to Another within a Calendar Year
Process to Transfer Federal Tax Data when a Consumer Transfers from one F/EA to Another within a Calendar Year
1. F/EA 1 makes deposits to IRS for any FICA withheld throughout year.
2. For any employer-employer who transfers from F/EA 1, F/EA 1 provides F/EA 2 with all information on wages paid to the employer’s workers(s) and federal employer and workers FICA taxes withheld and deposited.
3. F/EA 2 records wages paid to the employer-employer’s workers(s) by F/EA 1. F/EA 2 will include wages paid by F/EA 1 when determining if a employer-employer and his/her workers are eligible for a refund of over collected FICA at the end of the calendar tax year.
4. By November 1st each year, F/EA 2 provides F/EA 1 with a report of wages it has paid and taxes it has deposited for all transferred employer-employers and their workers.
5. After the last payroll in the calendar tax year, F/EA 2 determines if any additional workers transferred from F/EA 1 have been paid wages by F/EA 1 and 2 equal to or in excess of the FICA wage threshold for that calendar tax year or not.
6. For each workers that has not earned wages equal to or in excess of the FICA wage threshold in the calendar tax year for services provided to their employer-employer, both F/EA 1 and 2 determine the total employer and workers share of FICA that was over-collected by each F/EA and that is to be refunded by each F/EA.
7. If the F/EA will operate as an agent in the next calendar year, it has another option for obtaining a refund of over collected FICA that was not deducted from the deposit(s) in the last quarter of the calendar tax year. The F/EA can report the balance of over collected FICA (not obtained from deposit(s) in the last quarter of the calendar tax year) in Box 15 and check the box for “Apply to Next Return” on the 4th quarter IRS Form 941 submitted to the IRS on or before January 31st.
Once the balance of over collected FICA is received by the F/EA, the F/EA then issues the refund of over collected FICA to the applicable employer-employer or State based on the instructions provided by the State self-directed program agency.
8. There may be a case where all IRS Forms 941 have been filed and all FICA has been deposited for employer-employers and workers for a particular calendar tax year, but over collected FICA has not been withheld for refunding. In this case an F/EA must request a refund from the IRS of over collected FICA so it can refund FICA to eligible employer-employer(s) and support service workers. To obtain a refund of over collected FICA, the F/EA can file an IRS Form 941X per IRS Form instructions.
9. Any FICA refund checks that are returned to the F/EA should be reported
per the state’s unclaimed or abandoned property law.
10. When a workers does not receive wages equal to or in excess of the FICA wage threshold, they still can receive an IRS Form W-2. In the case where a employer-employer transfers F/EA in a calendar tax year, the support service workers will receive an IRS Form W-2 from F/EA 1 and F/EA 2. Both F/EAs should report FICA wages paid to the workers on the IRS Form W-2 they prepare and issue, completing the rest of the Form per IRS instructions for agents.
However, it should be noted that currently the Social Security Administration (SSA) will not allow an F/EA to electronically file an IRS Form W-2 if the Form reports FICA wages greater than zero but below the FICA wage threshold. However, F/EAs that file 250 or more Forms W-2 must file electronically or be penalized $50 per Form filed in hardcopy. Discussions currently are underway with IRS to see if SSA will adjust their Form W-2 e-filing rules so as to allow F/EAs to electronically file IRS Forms W-2 that report FICA wages that are greater than zero but below the FICA wage threshold.
The internal controls used by F/EA to monitor this process establish responsibility, segregate duties, document procedures and ensure independent internal verification.