Per IRS regulation, household employees are only liable to pay Social Security and Medicare taxes (commonly referred to as FICA) if they earn wages from a single employer over a certain amount in the calendar year. Per IRS Publication 15, Circular E, in 2019, that amount is $2,100.
All adjustments for refunded FICA must be made using Form 941-X. A separate Form 941-X must be filed for each quarter in which FICA was withheld that is ultimately refunded. A Schedule R for Form 941 must accompany each Form 941-X showing the corrected wages and taxes only for those employers impacted by FICA refunding for the quarter.
Date discovered errors: 12/31/YYYY
Part 1, check Box 1 to apply the overdeposit to a future return (fastest way to get money)
Check Box 2 to get a check from the US Treasury (slow way to get money)
If you choose this method, F/EA can only correct overreported amounts on this 941-X and F/EA must complete a separate 941-X if F/EA is also correcting overreported amounts.
Part 2, check Box 3 and 3.a
Column 1 = F/EA's originally filed Form 941 less amounts for employees impacted by FICA Refunding
Column 2 = the amount originally filed on Form 941 for the quarter
Line 6: F/EA gross wages stay the same. The workers were still paid. It’s the Social Security and Medicare wages that will be adjusted. Yes, workers were paid, but the wages were not Social Security or Medicare Taxable.
Column 3 = the difference. This will also be F/EA's total amount for employees impacted by FICA refunding.
Line 8 – take it through like the other lines.
Column 4 is the sum of F/EA total workers and employer refunded SS tax for the quarter
Line 10 – take it through like the other lines.
Column 4 will also be the sum of F/EA total workers and employer refunded Medicare tax for the quarter
Lines 10 – 18 follow the remaining instructions on Form
The amount in line 18 is the amount of FICA refunded for the quarter
Half of this amount will be sent as a refund to the individual employees (their share of FICA)
Half of this amount will be refunded to the employer (almost always, this means refunding to the state)
Complete Section 21 to explain how you find the errors.
Also complete a Schedule R to accompany each Form 941-X. The Schedule R should include ONLY those employers affected by refunded FICA in the quarter for which the Form 941-X is filed.
The internal controls used by F/EA to monitor this process establish responsibility, segregate duties, document procedures and ensure independent internal verification.