By January 31 of each calendar year, F/EA submits Forms W-2 to consumers’ employees for wages earned in the previous calendar year. A employee receives an individual form W-2 for each employer for whom they work, as a distinct employer/employee relationship exists for each employer/employee relationship.
Forms W-2 are produced per Internal Revenue Code Section 3504, Revenue Procedure 70-6 and Revenue Procedure 2013-39. Each Form W-2 shows Federal and State taxable wages earned in the calendar year by the employee from the employer.
9. Prior to March 31, F/EA submits an electronic file of Forms W-2 to the Social Security Administration via their Business Services Online portal
10. A file of electronic Forms W-2 is produced per Social Security Administration publication EFW2
11. The file is uploaded to the Social Security Administration
12. After uploading the file, the F/EA receives a Transmittal Confirmation receipt
13. <<Staff Title>> saves Transmittal Receipt confirmation to <<File Path>>
14. Transmittal Receipt confirmation is saved for a minimum of 7 years per File Retention Policy
15. Also prior to March 31, reporting agent submits an electronic file of Forms W-2 to the State Department of Revenue in the required format
16. After submitting the file, a Transmittal Confirmation receipt is received
17. <<Staff Title>> saves Transmittal Receipt confirmation to <<File Path>>
18. Transmittal Receipt confirmation is saved for a minimum of 7 years per File Retention Policy
The internal controls used by F/EA to monitor this process establish responsibility, segregate duties, document procedures and ensure independent internal verification. The methods of internal control utilized by F/EA in are: