In accordance with State regulation, consumers must file and pay State Unemployment Tax, as calculated on workers gross wages, individually using the individual participant’s account number designated for this purpose. Payments and returns are made and filed per regulation on a quarterly basis.
Each participant employer has his/her own experience rate for State Unemployment Tax. This means that each individual employer may pay a different tax rate for State Unemployment Tax. In most states, new employers are designated a standard "New Employer Rate". New employers usually maintain the "New Employer Rate" for some uniform time period.
Each state maintains a taxable wage base. The taxable wage base is the amount of gross wages paid to an workers in a calendar year that are taxable for State Unemployment Purposes. Any wages paid to the workers in excess of the taxable wage base are considered "Excess Wages" and are not taxable for State Unemployment Purposes.
Filing and Payment
Reconciliation of Unemployment Return and Payment
The internal controls used by F/EA to monitor this process establish responsibility, segregate duties, document procedures and ensure independent internal verification.