F/EAs must file Schedule R with their Forms 941. Vendor Fiscal/Employer Agents that operate in Self-Directed (also known as Participant-Directed and Consumer-Directed) programs operate under Section 3504 of the Internal Revenue Code and must file a Schedule R with their aggregate Form 941.
Schedule R (Form 941) is used to allocate the aggregate information reported on Form 941 to each participant employer. For purposes of Schedule R (Form 941), the Internal Revenue Service refers to employers represented by agents as their 'clients'.
When the F/EA serves 15 or more employer clients, complete as many Continuation Sheets for Schedule R as necessary. Attached Schedule R (Form 941) and any Continuation Sheets to the aggregate Form 941. F/EA should file Schedule R and Form 941 together with the Internal Revenue Service.
Schedule R is due with Form 941 for each quarter that an agent files an aggregate Form 941, beginning with Quarter 1, 2010.
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