The Worker Hire Package consists of all employment forms that must be completed by the participant or representative and workers when hiring a workers. This package is only for consumers who choose to hire workers.
A new participant will receive the Worker Hire Package from the F/EA or their Counselor only after <<insert any criteria here for distributing the Hire Package; e.g. in some programs a budget has to be issued first>>. The participant will be trained by the Counselor at the first intake meeting. The Counselor will review each form with the counsumer, helping the participant to understand and to complete them.
Existing consumers receive their supply of employment packages from their Counselor or F/EA as they request packages to hire new workers. Packages must be sent to consumers the same business day that the request is made.
The internal controls used by F/EA to monitor this process establish responsibility, segregate duties, document procedures and ensure independent internal verification.
This form includes policies to which the workers must agree to provide service in the program.
<<Worker agreement will be different for each program.>>
<<Common language in workers agreement addressess:
This form is automatically included in every Worker Hire Package.
The internal controls used by F/EA to monitor this process establish responsibility, segregate duties, document procedures and ensure independent internal verification.
This document is included in every Worker Hire Package.
The front of this form is used to collect workers, participant and representative biographical information, including whether the workers has a family relationship with the employer that causes the workers to qualify for an employment tax exemption.
The back of this form provides information on which forms must be completed by the Worker and which forms are optional. This page also includes some helpful tips for completing the forms.
This form is reviewed by <<Staff Title>> <<enter periodicty>> for accuracy and completeness. If changes are made to the standard form, the changes are reviewed by <<Staff Title>>. See Stay Up to Date with Forms, Rules and Regulations
This form is automatically included in every Worker Hire Package.
The internal controls used by F/EA to monitor this process establish responsibility, segregate duties, document procedures and ensure independent internal verification.
This form is used to collect Federal Income Tax withholding information from the workers.
Workers must complete this form prior to employment. If a workers provides service before completing this form and must be paid for that service, F/EA pays workers as if the workers's Federal Form W-4 was completed as "Single" with "0 Allowances." Completion of the W-4 in this manner ensures the highest withholding for Federal Income Tax occurs.
The internal controls used by F/EA to monitor this process establish responsibility, segregate duties, document procedures and ensure independent internal verification.
This form is used to collect State Income Tax withholding information from the workers.
Not all states have or require completion of a State Form W-4.
This form is for the employer to verify and record employment eligibility information for their workers. This form is included in every workers packet by default.
This completed form must be received by the F/EA prior to issuing payment to a workers.
The internal controls used by F/EA to monitor this process establish responsibility, segregate duties, document procedures and ensure independent internal verification.
This form is used to collect bank account information for employees electing to have their pay directly deposited into their bank account.
This form is only completed if an employee desires to have direct deposit. Completion of this form is not required for payment. Employees who do not complete this form will receive payment via paper check.
This form is automatically included in all employee hire packages.
The internal controls used by F/EA to monitor this process establish responsibility, segregate duties, document procedures and ensure independent internal verification.
As required by the F/EA’s contract with the Medicaid Agency, the F/EA obtains an executed Medicaid Provider Agreement from every worker. The Medicaid Provider Agreement is stored in the F/EA’s files per File Retention Policy.