Reconciliation of Federal Withholding Tax Payments to General Ledger
Performed Monthly
<<GL Account Number>>
- <<Staff Title>> reviews bank account transactions for Federal Withholding Tax payments process from program operating bank account
- Sum all payments made for Federal Withholding Tax from program operating bank account
- Subtotals with description “IRS USATAXPYMT” are weekly Federal Income Tax, Social Security and Medicare Tax payments
- Obtain report from payroll department called EFTPS Batch Provider Payment Inquiry Report
- Compare payments made within the month from the bank account to payments made weekly as shown on EFTPS Batch Provider Payment Inquiry Report
- Identify, research and resolve any discrepancies
- Communicate with payroll department as necessary
- Direct payroll department to make adjustments to their records as necessary
- Print reconciliation sheet for <<GL Account Number>> found at <<File Path>>
- Enter ending balance for account
10. Enter sum of Federal Withholding Tax payments from bank account on bank account transactions sheet
- Ending balance and sum of payments should match
- Research and correct any discrepancies
- Make necessary adjustments to general ledger if required
11. F/EA Accountant signs and dates reconciliation sheet
12. F/EA Accountant passes reconciliation sheet and supporting documents to <<Staff Title>>
13. <<Staff Title>> verifies completeness and mathematical accuracy
14. <<Staff Title>> signs and dates reconciliation sheet