F/EA maintains a System Security Plan Template outlining the security measures enacted to protect and secure F/EA computer systems and data. The System Security Plan is updated with each change to F/EA systems or systems security. Following a change to the Plan, the Plan is reviewed and signed and dated by F/EA executive staff and F/EA officers. All changes to the Plan are tracked under the “Revisions History” section of the plan.
The purpose of this written information security policy is to define the safeguards that F/EA has in place for protecting confidential information (“CI”) including:
CI shall not include information that is lawfully obtained from publicly available information or from federal, state or local government records lawfully made available to the general public; nor shall it include any information that is excluded from protection by an agreement that F/EA has in place with another entity.
Staff Requirements
F/EA requires all staff members to adhere to the following rules regarding information security:
Physical Security
Paper records (e.g., participant files) are kept in locked file cabinets and are accessible only to authorized F/EA personnel. CI stored in this manner is accessed only to fulfill F/EA-related tasks and/or duties.
Security Checklist and Staff Requirements
Violations of this policy shall be handled on a case-by-case basis. Discipline shall also be handled on a case-by-case basis, with potential discipline ranging from retraining to suspension and termination depending on the context of the violation.
Security Incidents
In the event F/EA discovers that unencrypted CI has been accessed by an unauthorized third party, F/EA shall notify all personnel that are impacted by the breach.
Ongoing Responsibility
<<F/EA Director>> shall have ultimate responsibility for the ongoing maintenance of and compliance with this Information Security Policy.