Information/computer technology is a vital factor in the performance of the day to day services and business at Mains'l Services, Inc. Maintaining the integrity and security of the information, and protecting the hardware and software systems, assures the continuity and stability of the technology and the information.
All computer hardware, software, and peripherals are owned by Mains’l Services, Inc. The systems administrator/data security officer (SA/DSO) is responsible for the purchase and installation of the computer software and hardware, and for maintaining the equipment. Mains’l Services, Inc. complies with all software copyrights and adheres to the terms of all software licenses to which the organization is a party.
Information is an important asset of Mains’l Services, Inc. and the control, access, and dissemination of it must be in accordance with this policy and procedure. All information developed on an agency system or introduced to an agency system is the property of Mains’l Services, Inc., and may be viewed by the SA/DSO, as needed.
Mains’l meets or exceeds all state, federal, HIPAA, and tax standards, regulations, laws, and practices pertaining to data security and privacy in all activities involving handling and maintaining participant and consultant data, including the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), International Organization of Standards (IOS), and International Electro-technical Commission (IEC) security standards.
Network and Data Security
Information is considered an important asset of Mains’l Services, Inc., and restrictions are imposed for controlled data access. Mains’l Services, Inc. considers it important to provide access to information to authorized users only. This operating procedure defines the processes to be used to protect the confidentiality, integrity, availability, and reliability of all information technology resources used to support the needs of our internal and external stakeholders, and to implement and enforce that level of security which will provide for the protection of data and information technology resources from accidental or intentional unauthorized disclosure, modification, or destruction by persons within or outside of Mains’l Services, Inc.
All Mains’l Services, Inc. technology equipment has up to date antivirus software installed, which automatically scans for viruses in real time.
1. Access to the Network – Local and Remote Access
Access to the Mains’l Services, Inc. intranet (agency network) is restricted. Each user has a confidential personal identifier (user name and password.) Personal identifiers are not to be shared with anyone for any reason. Upon gaining access to the network, user’s access and ability to view, add or modify information is governed by permissions. These permissions allow access to information which is appropriate to his or her job responsibilities. Access rights are authorized by the executive assistant and chief financial officer and configured by the ITS/DSO. Mains’l Services, Inc. Technology and Systems Use Policy and Procedure must be reviewed by all authorized users before intranet access will be given.
Mains’l Services, Inc. complies with all HIPAA data privacy requirements (see Notice of Privacy Practices for Employees, and Notice of Privacy Practices for Consumers.)
Supervisors of authorized users are responsible for immediately notifying the ITS/DSO upon termination, transfer, or resignation for the purpose of system access adjustment or termination.
2. Access to the FTP site
A. Security of Mains’l Services, Inc.’s file transfer protocol (FTP) site is the sole responsibility of the ITS/DSO.
B. Data Handling
3. Equipment
4. Physical/Site Security
5. Training and Agreement
Technology and Systems Use Policy
Technology and Systems Use Procedure
IT Disaster Recovery Plan
Training and Security Agreement
Notice of Privacy Practices for Employees
Notice of Privacy Practices for Consumers