Mains’l retains all corporate related records in a secure location for the period of time required by law.
Corporate records are retained as indicated below. Electronic (soft) copies are stored in the agency’s document management software or in appropriately apportioned secure folders, unless originals are required to be maintained, as indicated. Original paper (hard) copy records are located in a secure location. Most corporate documents are maintained by the director of administrative services or controller.
Category | Longest Retention Period | Paper or Electronic Copy |
Real Estate Records Deeds/Mortgages Title Papers |
Permanently Permanently |
Paper and/or Electronic Paper |
Legal Documents Tax Records |
Permanently |
Paper and/or Electronic |
Corporate records are shredded based upon above timelines, and removed by an authorized document destruction service provider.
The CEO, CFO, VP of administration, controller, and director of administrative services are authorized personnel to have access to corporate records, with limited access by the corporate administrative coordinator for filing and retrieval purposes.
Information/computer technology is a vital factor in the performance of the day to day services and business at Mains'l Services, Inc. Maintaining the integrity and security of the information, and protecting the hardware and software systems, assures the continuity and stability of the technology and the information.
All computer hardware, software, and peripherals are owned by Mains’l Services, Inc. The systems administrator/data security officer (SA/DSO) is responsible for the purchase and installation of the computer software and hardware, and for maintaining the equipment. Mains’l Services, Inc. complies with all software copyrights and adheres to the terms of all software licenses to which the organization is a party.
Information is an important asset of Mains’l Services, Inc. and the control, access, and dissemination of it must be in accordance with this policy and procedure. All information developed on an agency system or introduced to an agency system is the property of Mains’l Services, Inc., and may be viewed by the SA/DSO, as needed.
Mains’l meets or exceeds all state, federal, HIPAA, and tax standards, regulations, laws, and practices pertaining to data security and privacy in all activities involving handling and maintaining participant and consultant data, including the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), International Organization of Standards (IOS), and International Electro-technical Commission (IEC) security standards.
Network and Data Security
Information is considered an important asset of Mains’l Services, Inc., and restrictions are imposed for controlled data access. Mains’l Services, Inc. considers it important to provide access to information to authorized users only. This operating procedure defines the processes to be used to protect the confidentiality, integrity, availability, and reliability of all information technology resources used to support the needs of our internal and external stakeholders, and to implement and enforce that level of security which will provide for the protection of data and information technology resources from accidental or intentional unauthorized disclosure, modification, or destruction by persons within or outside of Mains’l Services, Inc.
All Mains’l Services, Inc. technology equipment has up to date antivirus software installed, which automatically scans for viruses in real time.
1. Access to the Network – Local and Remote Access
Access to the Mains’l Services, Inc. intranet (agency network) is restricted. Each user has a confidential personal identifier (user name and password.) Personal identifiers are not to be shared with anyone for any reason. Upon gaining access to the network, user’s access and ability to view, add or modify information is governed by permissions. These permissions allow access to information which is appropriate to his or her job responsibilities. Access rights are authorized by the executive assistant and chief financial officer and configured by the ITS/DSO. Mains’l Services, Inc. Technology and Systems Use Policy and Procedure must be reviewed by all authorized users before intranet access will be given.
Mains’l Services, Inc. complies with all HIPAA data privacy requirements (see Notice of Privacy Practices for Employees, and Notice of Privacy Practices for Consumers.)
Supervisors of authorized users are responsible for immediately notifying the ITS/DSO upon termination, transfer, or resignation for the purpose of system access adjustment or termination.
2. Access to the FTP site
A. Security of Mains’l Services, Inc.’s file transfer protocol (FTP) site is the sole responsibility of the ITS/DSO.
B. Data Handling
3. Equipment
4. Physical/Site Security
5. Training and Agreement
Technology and Systems Use Policy
Technology and Systems Use Procedure
IT Disaster Recovery Plan
Training and Security Agreement
Notice of Privacy Practices for Employees
Notice of Privacy Practices for Consumers
Mains’l uses policies, procedures and forms as guides for informing people why and how we operate – “This is how we do it around here.” The purpose of this policy and procedure is to ensure all of our other policies, procedures and forms meet the following expectations:
1. Support the Mains’l vision, mission and values.
2. Achieve accountability by identifying who is responsible for what.
3. Provide employees with clear and concise guidelines.
4. Document how Mains’l conducts business.
5. Have a common format that is easy to read and understand.
6. Formally approved by a designated person or committee.
7. Maintained centrally and accessible to all interested parties.
8. Kept current.
When a person identifies an issue, concern, or recommendation for a change or addition to Mains’l policy, procedure, or form please use the following steps.
1. The Policy Team should be informed in writing of the issue, concern or recommendation.
2. The person responsible on the Policy Team for the identified policy area works with his or her strategic partners to identify if a change should be made.
3. A written response is provided to the person who brought forward the issue, concern or recommendation, informing them of the decision of the policy team.
4. If it is determined that a change will be made, the procedures for developing and writing policies, procedures and forms should be followed.
Developing and writing policies and procedures: The following steps should be followed when completing a revision or creating a new policy and procedure:
1. The person responsible on the Policy Team for making the change works with his or her strategic partners to revise or create the new wording.
2. The reason a policy and procedure is being revised or created and the wording changes are to be explained in an email to the Policy Team.
3. The Policy Team talks with people who would be impacted by the change to get feedback.
4. The Policy Team either approves or denies the proposed changes through email or a meeting.
5. Policies and procedures that are in draft form, because they are new or being revised, should be saved in a separate folder titled DRAFT Policies and Procedures in the policy and procedure manual folder on the M Drive.
6. A date of any revision should be put on the bottom right hand corner of the last page of the document. Revision dates should be on the page itself, not in the footer. The format is Arial font size 9. The revision date should look like this: Rev. 11/6/15
7. If the policy and procedure is new, it should list the date of creation. Creation dates should be on the page itself, not in the footer. The format is Arial font size 9. The creation date should look like this: Created 11/6/15
8. Once a draft is approved, it is moved by the Policy Administrator to the official policies and procedures location.
9. Policies and procedures that are no longer valid given an end date are archived by the Policy Administrator up to seven years and then destroyed.
10. If a draft is not approved, the person who created it or the Policy Administrator delete the draft.
Mains’l policies and procedures are written and maintained following the format described below to ensure clarity and consistency:
a. Body Text: Policy, procedure and internal controls should be typed in Arial font 11 with narrow 0.5” margins and single spacing with one space between paragraphs and two spaces between the end of the policy, procedure, and internal controls.
b. Header: The Header contains the Mains’l logo sized to 0.66 x 1.3 in the left corner and has a 0.1” margin. Centered on the page is the title of POLICIES AND PROCEDURES in bolded Arial font size 16. The header should look like the header on this policy and procedure.
c. Footer: The footer contains the title of the policy and procedure in caps, Arial font size 9, centered and the page number in the right corner and has a 0.3” margin. The footer should look like the footer on this page.
d. Policy: Policies tell what we do. Policies are clear, simple statements of how Mains’l intends to conduct services, actions and business. Each policy should:
e. Procedure: Procedures tells how we do things. Procedures describe how each policy will be put into action and should be written in a format that is easy to follow, using numbers or bullets to list steps to be followed. Each procedure should outline:
f. Internal Controls: Internal controls help ensure that we do things the way we say we do them. They provide quality assurance and support people to be successful in knowing and following policies and procedures.
Maintaining policies and procedures
The Mains’l web portal provides 24/7 access to policies and procedures for portal users, including all Mains’l employees, participant directed service recipients and their employees. The documents on the Mains’l web portal are the official electronic storage and access point for Mains’l policies and procedures.
A folder on the agency M: drive, contains the word versions of each current and draft version of the policies and procedures. The M:drive is where individuals with approval to create and revise policies and procedures are to access and store the documents.
To maintain an organized system of change control, and to ensure consistency, individuals should not keep separate copies or versions of policies or procedures in other locations. Instead, departments should forward policies and procedures, to be hosted on the website, to the Policy Administrator.
Notification of changes to policies and procedures
The policy team determines when notifications of policy and procedure changes are issued, who will receive them, and the timeline for implementation of the change. Communication regarding changes is saved in the folder titled Communication of Changes within the policy and procedure on the M Drive.
A member of the Mains’l policy team or their designee sends notification when a policy and procedure change occurs. Determining who should be notified is based on what in the policy or procedure has been changed and who is impacted by the change. Common recipients of change notifications include employees, people we support, and funders.
a. Minnesota notification requirements:
4. Before implementing revisions to any required policies and procedures, we inform all employees of the revisions and provide training on implementation of the revised policies and procedures.
5. Upon request, Mains’l provides the person, or the person's legal representative, and case manager with copies of the revised policies and procedures.
b. California notification requirements:
4. Before implementing revisions to any required policies and procedures, we inform all employees of the revisions and provide training on implementation of the revised policies and procedures.
5. Upon request, Mains’l provides the person, or the person's legal representative, and case manager with copies of the revised policies and procedures.
Policies and Procedures are grouped by category and in alphabetical order by name. Each policy and procedure is assigned to one of the following categories.
a. Human Resources: Policies and procedures related to employees.
b. Finance: Policies and procedures related to accounting, budgeting, and other financial functions.
c. Services and Supports: Policies and procedures related to the services and supports provided by Mains’l.
d. Medical: Policies and procedures related to the medical health and wellbeing of the people we support.
e. Corporate: Policies and procedures that are of a general administrative or operational nature.
f. Participant Directed Services: Policies and procedures related to Financial Management Services and Participant Directed Services.
Form development, maintenance, notification and categories follow a similar process to policies and procedures. The location of forms is dependent on the form itself. Forms are typically located in the Forms folder.
1. The Mains’l Policy Team reviews policies and procedures at least once per year.
2. Employees are provided training at orientation and annually on policies, procedures and forms that are important to success in their role and for the agency.
3. People receiving services are provided information after choosing Mains’l as their provider and annually on policies and procedures that are important to success in partnering with Mains’l and to their individual success in using home and community based services.
4. All interested parties are encouraged to communicate with Mains’l when there is a question, concern, or suggestion related to our policies and procedures.
Information/computer technology is a vital factor in the performance of the day to day services and business at Mains'l Services, Inc. Maintaining the integrity and security of the information, and protecting the hardware and software systems, assures the continuity and stability of the technology and the information.
Acceptable Use
The intention for publishing an Acceptable Use policy is not to impose restrictions that are contrary to Mains’l’s established culture of openness, trust and integrity. Mains’l is committed to protecting its employees, partners, and the company from illegal or damaging actions by individuals, either knowingly or unknowingly.
The purpose of information technology systems at Mains’l is to process information related to business. Intranet/extranet/internet-related technology systems, includes, but is not limited to, computer equipment, software, operating systems, storage media, network accounts providing electronic mail, WWW browsing, and file transfer protocol (FTP.) Also included in the information technology systems are personal communication devices and voicemail.
Much of the information in the Mains’l computer system is confidential. All employees using computers authorized by Mains’l will adhere to all HIPAA data privacy requirements. In addition, whenever Mains’l Services requires the services of third parties ("business associates") to conduct its operations, all business associates (BA) will complete and sign standard HIPAA BA agreements, as required by HIPAA.
Occasionally, employees serve on boards, committees or other community forums outside of Mains’l. Because these services relates to Mains’l business, staff may use the agency computer system to support their involvement. Employees are responsible for exercising good judgment regarding the reasonableness of personal use. Individual departments are responsible for creating guidelines concerning personal use of intranet/extranet/internet systems. In the absence of such policies, employees should consult with their supervisor or manager.
All information developed on an agency system or introduced to an agency system is the property of Mains’l, not the employee, regardless of where it was created. Similarly, all information developed by a Mains’l employee on computers outside of Mains’l, if in conjunction with their employment with Mains’l, is agency property. Copies of all such files will be provided to the agency, which has exclusive rights to retain, maintain and modify these files.
All users are responsible for managing a regular process of deleting outdated files that are no longer of value to the organization.
All computer hardware, software, and peripherals are owned by Mains’l. Information Technology personnel are responsible for the purchase and installation of the computer software and hardware, and for maintaining the equipment. Mains’l complies with all software copyrights and adheres to the terms of all software licenses to which the organization is a party.
Mains’l employees should use caution and care with the computer equipment. Employees are expected to be professional in their use and transmission of information and correspondence and abide by licensing and copyright provisions of the software. Any illegal activity is strictly prohibited.
Specific issues that are managed and addressed in the Computer Use Procedure are:
Hardware and Software Authorized Users and Installation
End User Hardware
Computers are provided to those employees requiring such technology to perform day to day services and business at Mains’l Services and its subsidiaries.
Desktops are routinely provided to office personnel and 24-hour program site locations. Laptops are provided to those employees whose position requires mobility. Employees who are authorized to use laptop computers are required to sign a “Portable Equipment Agreement” before equipment is authorized for use (see “Portable Equipment Agreement.”) Use of personal computers is permitted with limited access to agency information via terminal servicers and website only; personal computers are not supported by IT personnel.
All computer hardware and peripherals, whether desktop or laptops, are owned by Mains'l and are set up and installed by information technology (IT) department personnel.
Employees authorized to use computer equipment owned by Mains’l include those given possession of the computer (senior leadership team members, directors, senior managers, managers, office personnel, etc.) Other employees who may operate the technology include support coordinators and direct support professionals; however, the accountability of the computer remains with those employees who have been given possession. Any users of computer equipment owned by Mains’l are expected to comply with this Information Technology Use Policy and Procedure.
People who receive services from Mains’l may use computers which are owned by the agency, at the discretion of the manager and their supervisor. The manager is responsible for any and all computer use at their site.
Server Hardware
Mains’l Services currently uses Cloud technology to deliver database services, applications, e-mail, file storage, and public services. See IT Plan for specifications.
Mains’l complies with software copyrights and adheres to the terms of all software licenses to which the organization is a party. Employees may not copy or duplicate any software for use in other Mains’l locations, or for their personal use, as it may subject Mains’l and/or the employee to civil and criminal penalties. In addition, only software approved by the IT department may be used on Mains’l computers. Software is installed exclusively by IT department personnel. Standard software installed includes Microsoft Office Suite: Microsoft Word, Excel, and Outlook. Other programs installed may include Access, Provider Pro, Publisher, internet access software, or other approved software. If unauthorized programs are used on Mains’l computers, discipline, restitution, and/or employment separation may result.
Assistive technology needs are addressed on an individual basis. Employees will discuss needs with their supervisor, who will notify IT personnel of any necessary adaptations.
Training, Use, and Care of Hardware and Software
All authorized computer users will receive initial orientation/training from IT department personnel. Employees will be directed to receive training on this policy and procedure within two weeks of receiving equipment. Employees are expected to have general knowledge of computer technology. Employees are also expected to independently obtain additional training classes appropriate to their level of competency/job description requirements. Classes
may be provided by IT department personnel on an individual or group basis; outside coursework may be obtained independently by authorization of the employee’s supervisor.
Care of Equipment
All users are expected to treat agency computers as fragile and valuable property. Users are expected to:
If equipment is damaged during the user’s possession, and it is the determination of the IT department that damage was caused by user misuse or neglect, the user is responsible to fully reimburse Mains’l for repairs. The human resources and finance departments are responsible to ensure payment is received.
If equipment is lost or stolen, outside of a Mains’l owned facility/leased property; employee is responsible for the replacement costs. The human resources and finance departments are responsible to ensure payment is received. User will receive temporary equipment until the replacement can be procured.
Network and Data Security
Information is considered an important asset of Mains’l and restrictions are imposed for controlled data access. Mains’l considers it important to allow access to information to authorized users only, with information being accessed only by those who need it.
1. Access to the Network – Office and Remote Access
Access to the Mains’l network permits the user to access their e-mail, automation applications, office (word processing, spreadsheet and presentation graphics), and any specialized applications which have been configured for their use, whether they are in the office or off-site. Pre-determined security access rights to information (user groups) have been created based on position responsibilities. Each user has a confidential password. Passwords are not to be shared with anyone for any reason. Those employees assigned a Mains’l computer have the authority to allow other users access to their computer. However, a generic account is provided for their access; this Technology and Systems Use Procedure will be reviewed by the manager before computer access is given, and a signature record is completed and placed in their personnel file by the manager.
Password Security Policy
All Mains’l employees who access our network file system are required to change their password for security purposes, as dictated by domain services. Employees are required to update their password every 90 days.
The current password requirements are:
Employees will not write down passwords. Employees will not share passwords with others. If access to information is required, and access is available only through another employee’s account, permission needs to be obtained by the employee’s supervisor. Supervisor will contact the IT department for direction and assistance in obtaining necessary information. Password will then be reset by IT department personnel. If passwords or security is breached, or believed to be breached (stolen equipment, hackers/viruses may have compromised security, etc.), employee will notify the IT department immediately for protection resolution.
2. Access to the Network – Wireless
Wireless access to the Mains’l network is protected by the Wi-Fi Protected Access II (WPA2) security protocol. Employees/authorized users are provided access to the network according to their personal access limits. Guest users are provided wireless access to the internet only.
3. Permissions within the Network
Upon gaining access to the network, the user’s access and ability to view, add or modify information is governed by permissions. These permissions allow access to information which is appropriate to his or her job responsibilities and/or on a need to know basis. Access rights are configured by the IT department.
4. Virtual Private Network
Communication between Minnesota and satellite offices exists through firewalls configured to communicate through the internet by using secure Virtual Private Network connections (VPNs). All VPN connections are configured by IT department personnel.
5. Firewalls
Mains’l Services uses Watchguard firewalls as the agency’s defensive barrier to unapproved ports. IT department personnel are the only authorized employees to configure port access.
Mains’l adapts to HIPAA data privacy requirements (see Notice of Privacy Practices for Employees, and Notice of Privacy Practices for Consumers.) Data is stored in appropriately apportioned folders within the Mains’l network. Data for people receiving services is not stored on external disks, with the exception of media for back up purposes. All computers owned by Mains’l are configured to auto lock when not in use/are idle after ten (10) minutes.
All information is permanently removed by an IT department professional, before any computer equipment is removed from agency use/inventory, including laptops, desktops, fax machines, smartphones, copier/scanner/multifunction units, etc.
HIPAA Business Associate Agreements
When Mains’l requires the services of third parties ("business associates") to conduct its operations, all business associates (BA) will complete and sign standard HIPAA BA agreements, as required by HIPAA. Agreements for any information technologies services will be attained by IT department personnel, and will be filed by director of human services.
Please refer any questions concerning the necessity for a BA agreement in a particular situation to the director of human resources, who acts as the privacy officer.
Back Up
Data is secured with a daily back up, performed by IT department personnel, or appointed designee. Full backups are run on a daily basis; backup tapes are maintained offsite by IT department personnel. Monthly backups are stored off site in a secure location. All documents created by employees are saved and stored on the Mains’l server/intranet; documents are not to be stored on individual drives, as they are not backed up.
Document Imaging
Mains’l uses Fortis document imaging software to store and archive electronic documents and information. Electronic filing provides for faster search and retrieval of documents, reduces lost or misfiled documents, and reduces the amount of physical space needed to store hard copy documents. Stored information is maintained in accordance with state and federal government guidelines. The federal government guidelines supersede all state requirements.
Audit controls are built within the Fortis system, with the ability to track, with date and time, those persons who have viewed or modified documents, as stated by HIPAA. Access to view, print, and modify documents are determined by user groups. User groups are authorized by the senior leadership team, are set up by the IT department, and administered by the support services specialist.
Electronic Filing/Scanning Process:
1. Management personnel, including managers, directors, and senior leadership team members, receive training within three months of employment.
2. Employees authorized to electronically file documents will routinely manage the records from their department and scan as required. Each person will scan their department documents when the document(s) are no longer active documents.
3. Employees scan documents directly into the document imaging software at the main office. After scanning is complete, employees preview the pages to ensure all documents are scanned appropriately and are legible.
4. Employees add indexing requirements for each document type as required by each department’s guidelines, along with any additional information in the notes field on the indexing menu.
5. Documents have to be admissible in court, and will remain in effect as the agency’s retention schedule dictates.
Anti Virus
The agency’s computer systems contain information significant to Mains’l. Computer viruses endanger this information. The agency has established the procedures and policies in this document to help reduce this risk. In addition, all networked computers have software that helps the agency reduce the risk of viruses, automatically detects and deletes viruses, and is monitored by the IT department.
Mains’l provides internet access at the office and program site locations. If employees wish to work at home or away from the 24-hour site locations, internet access costs are incurred by the employee.
The use of the internet to gain access to external and internal resources should be carefully managed. Access is based on appropriate business need. Users may only download (copy) word processing documents, electronic spreadsheets, and text files. User may never download program files, without authorization from the IT department. This includes free software such as screensavers, wallpapers, toolbars, free antivirus, and performance enhancing software. All internet configurations are set up and maintained by IT department personnel.
All those authorized for computer use are assigned an e-mail address by IT department personnel. All e-mail messages are the property of Mains’l and should be used for business related purposes only. E-mail addresses become part of a global address list. Other users will assume they can send e-mail to all persons in the global address list; therefore, each e-mail user should check regularly, and respond to e-mails within 24 hours.
Employees have access to their e-mail accounts without accessing the file system via the web site.
Viruses infiltrate the network through e-mail attachments from e-mail addresses with whom you typically are not familiar. Employees receiving e-mails and/or attachments they believe are suspicious should forward the message (without opening the attachment) to IT department personnel.
Employees will use caution when transmitting internal e-mail. E-mail messages will not contain offensive material. It is prohibited to transmit any inflammatory material; material with abusive language; sexually, culturally, or racially offensive or insulting material; or obscene, vulgar, or profane material. If unacceptable use of e-mail is confirmed on Mains’l computers, discipline, restitution, and/or termination may result.
All users are responsible for managing a regular process of deleting outdated e-mail correspondence that is no longer of value to the organization.
E-Mail Encryption
Mains’l Services uses ZixCorp services for all outbound external e-mail transmissions, which automatically encrypts private information within text documents. For those documents containing private information within non-text documents (PDF files), typing the word SECURE (in capital letters) in the Subject line will encrypt e-mail transmission, as well. Private information includes, but is not limited to, Personal Health Information (PHI), including dates of birth, addresses, social security numbers, etc.
Voicemail boxes within the Mains’l telephone system are issued to personnel who require a method for others to leave messages when they are not available. Voicemail boxes should be protected by a PIN which cannot be the same last four digits of the telephone number of the voicemail box. Employees will routinely delete saved voicemail messages that are no longer relevant. Once voicemail messages are deleted, they are not retrievable.
Personal Communication Devices
Mains’l is committed to providing excellent service to both employees and customers. In order to provide 24-hour communication, personal communication devices (PCDs) are issued to managers, directors, senior leadership team members, and other personnel as identified (nurses, maintenance, navigators, etc.) PCDs are either cellular phones or smart phones, which enable users to access the internet, including e-mail. Employees will meet with IT department personnel to receive a PCD during the first two weeks of employment.
PCDs are issued for Mains’l business. Employees are responsible for exercising good judgment regarding the reasonableness of personal use.
All employees who are issued PCDs will protect their device, using passwords, patterns, and/or biometrics, depending on the individual device.
PCD invoices payable by Mains’l are monitored by IT department personnel and authorized for payment by the executive assistant.
Mains’l’s current MN and CA cellular plan includes unlimited voice and text messages; and 360GB of data. Overage costs include downloads (i.e., ring tones), international calls, and application subscriptions. All cell phone overages/charges over $5.00, for non-business purposes, will be paid by the employee. The Systems Administrator will notify the employee of any necessary payment. The employee will complete an Employee Payroll Telephone Deduction form and submit to the payroll department.
Mains’l’s current cell phone contract renews every two (2) years. At this time, employees are eligible for upgrades. All employees will receive a device of their choosing up to $100.00 dollars in value. If employees choose to upgrade past the standard replacement device, employees will be required to pay the difference. Additionally, employees are reimbursed for a phone case (up to $20.00 dollars) and a screen protector (up to $10.00 dollars)
Any expenses incurred by employees using their personal cellular phone or PCD are required to be authorized, in advance, and approved by the employee’s management supervisor. All Expense Reimbursement Procedures will be followed.
Utilizing PCDs while driving can be a safety hazard. Texting, surfing the internet, or answering e-mail is illegal, even at a stop light. Drivers should use PCDs while parked or out of the vehicle. If employees need to use PCDs while driving, Mains’l recommends the use of hands-free enabling devices.
Care of Communication Devices
If communication devices are damaged or lost during the user’s possession, the user may be required to reimburse Mains’l for replacement. If the phone/line is eligible for replacement, employees will receive a standard replacement; if the phone/line is not eligible for an update at time of incident, employee is responsible for the replacement cost. A Portable Equipment Agreement will be signed by employee before receiving a PCD.
When an employee having possession of a PCD terminates employment from Mains’l, the communication device will be returned to the employee’s supervisor. If the employee purchased their own device, the phone number and company data are removed and the device is returned to the employee.
Hands-free enabling devices, such as Bluetooth, may be issued to authorized personnel. Caution shall be taken to avoid being recorded when connecting Bluetooth adapters; Bluetooth 2.0 Class devices have a range of 330 feet.
Any employee found to have violated this policy and procedure may be subject to disciplinary action, up and to including termination of employment.
Disaster Recovery Plan
Mains’l has a Disaster Recovery Plan that is updated annually, at a minimum. The Disaster Recovery Plan is built on the foundation that preparation and precautions are created and implemented to prevent disasters to the greatest extent possible.
Portable Equipment Agreement
Cell Phone Agreement
Authorization for Payroll Deduction for Telephone Expense
Authorization for Payroll Deduction
Disaster Recovery Plan
Notice of Privacy Practices for Consumers
Mains’l may issue corporate credit cards to employees, based on their position and recommendation by their supervisor, for business related purposes.
Credits cards may be issued to employees, based on their position and supervisor recommendation, and meet the following criteria:
1. Have been employed for at least six (6) months at Mains’l or based on supervisor’s recommendation.
2. Have demonstrated competence in managing financial systems according to policy and procedure.
Eligible employees may be required to do one or more of following:
1. Sign the Approval Credit Rating form authorizing a personal credit rating check.
2. Sign a Credit Card Agreement.
3. Complete training with a credit card program administrator.
Cardholders agree to:
1. Limit purchases to items that are necessary and reasonable within the agency and department budgets.
2. Not use credit card(s) for personal use.
3. Submit statement for approval within five (5) days from receipt of statement.
4. Notify the credit card program administrator immediately if the card is lost or stolen.
Statements for credit cards are mailed/emailed monthly to the cardholder for processing.
Card holders are required to code and submit statements for payment.
1. Statement Coding:
2. Statement Submission:
3. Termination of corporate credit cards:
Approval Credit Rating form
Capitalization Policy
Credit Card Agreement form
Wells Fargo Reference Guide
These guidelines shall be observed by the management and staff of the company, who are directly concerned with the accounting and management of company-owned tangible property, in relation to all transactions related to the acquisition, maintenance, sale or other final disposition of such property. The guidelines serve as the company’s compliance with the Internal Revenue Code and the tangible property regulations put into effect.
Tangible Property
Refers to all tangible personal and real property acquired or produced by the company as implements, tools, materials, supplies, equipment, furniture, land, buildings, and fixtures for its place(s) of business for the purpose of carrying out all aspects of business operations.
Tangible Property Not Subject to Capitalization:
De Minimis Amounts – Amounts paid to acquire or produce tangible property not exceeding $2,500 are to be charged to the appropriate expense accounts. All tangible property expenditures with an acquisition or production cost under the stated threshold are to be charged to the expense accounts. This policy does not apply to land and property intended to be included in inventory.
Fixed Asset System
Mains’l maintains the records for all capitalized assets in the Fixed Asset System (FAS).
The following data will be captured in the FAS:
1. Description of the property
2. Serial number of other identification number
3. Acquisition date
4. Cost of the property
5. Location of the property (department)
6. Use and condition of the property
7. Disposition data, including the sale price of the property
Description | Asset Account | Book Life |
Computers & Office Equipment | 15130 | 3 Years |
Furniture & Fixture | 15100 | 5 Years |
Leasehold | 15200 | 5 Years |
Auto | 15400 | 4 Years |
It is each department’s responsibility to ensure that the assets are maintained and kept in good working condition.
When an item is capitalized, it shall be added to the FAS and depreciated over the expected useful life per the table in this policy. Personnel must maintain the equipment and keep it in good working order.
Accounts Payable (AP) is responsible for accurate and timely vendor payments, for all approved invoices, billed to Mains’l. It is important for Mains’l to ensure timely payments to vendors in order to maintain satisfactory credit standings.
1. Payment processing requirements:
2. Preparing payments/invoices:
b. If an invoice doesn’t exists and a payment is required:
3. Recurring payables:
Payment Request Form
Authorized Vendor Stamp
Vendor Direct Deposit Authorization
Mains’l provides representative payee services in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Social Security Administration. Mains’l only offers representative payee services to people who receive other services from the agency.
A representative payee can be appointed by the Social Security Administration to receive the Social Security or SSI benefits for a person who can’t manage or direct the management of his or her benefits. Mains’l does not charge a monthly fee from Social Security benefits and/or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, but charges may apply depending on the business relationship between Mains’l and the person requesting representative payee services.
A representative payee’s main duties are to use the benefits to pay for the current and future needs of the beneficiary, and properly save any benefits not needed to meet current needs. A payee must also keep records of expenses.
Establishing Mains’l as a Representative Payee
The following steps are to be followed to establish Mains’l as Representative Payee:
Fulfilling Representative Payee Responsibilitie
As a residential service provider, Mains’l is responsible for household expenses on behalf of the people we support. It is the responsibility of the manager to ensure payments are provided for services rendered that are charged by invoice or charged by account. These services include, but are not limited to utilities, groceries, furniture, and home maintenance.
Managers, in conjunction with the senior managers, are responsible to manage these expenses in accordance to their established departmental budgets
All utility accounts managed and payable by Mains’l will be set up by the senior manager or manager. All invoices will be mailed either to the main office or to the individual program site. Each invoice should reference the address where service is provided.
1. Utilities included, but not limited to, are:
2. Invoices mailed to the main office will be distributed, by the receptionist, to the appropriate manager’s mailbox.
3. The manager will code the invoices for payment, using an authorized vendor stamp.
4. All invoices for people receiving services will be set up to be mailed to that person’s home. Those include but are not limited to:
5. Managers will ensure that the person receiving services pays for invoices for their personal services.
6. Managers and/or senior managers are the only authorized persons to set up vendor accounts on behalf of Mains’l.
7. Payment requests over $100.00 will be approved by the senior manager and/or manager.
8. Grocery Accounts
9. The manager shall notify Accounts Payable of changes to authorized personnel who can use charge accounts.
10. No gift cards shall be purchased on grocery charge accounts.
11. Any purchases larger than $2,500 will be considered as a capitalization. See Mains’l’s Capitalization Policy.
Capitalization Policy
People residing in a Mains’l home are responsible to pay for room and board expenses out of their Social Security (SS) benefits, Group Residential Housing (GRH) benefits and earned income. Mains’l Services is responsible for collecting this payment from the person or their legal guardian/representative payee monthly and offer support and assistance with the forms required to apply for and maintain the benefits they are eligible to receive.
Mains’l Services will oversee the completion and filing of the following forms necessary to receive support for Room and Board services and collection of Room and Board Payments:
The CAF form will be filled out by the manager with assistance from guardian and/or case manager upon enrollment and is submitted to the county by the manager. If the county representative requests to complete the CAF they will sign and date the R&B worksheet as the responsible party for these filings. This form must be completed in the month the person is admitted. The county will then notify the person, rep payee and/or Mains’l Services the amount of GRH that will be paid for this person.
The Shelter Verification form will be filled out by the manager and/or case manager at intake and submitted to the financial worker. If the case manager requests to complete the Shelter Verification Form (SVF) they will sign and date the R&B worksheet as the responsible party for these filings. This form will determine GRH eligibility
The Room and Board Worksheet and Financial Agreement is completed at intake by the manager and guardian/case manager and is put in the person’s file on the “M” drive.
This form is to acknowledge the financial responsibility as representative payee of the person’s funds.
Collection of Room and Board Charges
Payments received by Social Security and GRH are received monthly and applied to the monthly Room and Board invoice.
Room and Board Training
All managers are required to complete Accounts Receivable training with Finance within six months of hire.
The accounts receivable aging report will be reviewed by the Accounts Receivable Manager and the Controller quarterly.
1. CAF(Combined Application Form)
2. Shelter Verification Form
3. Room and Board Worksheet and Financial Agreement
To understand behavior intervention, it helps to first understand behavior. The word behavior generally means the way we act. All day long we display a series of behaviors that are viewed by ourselves and others as positive, negative, or neutral. It is important to note that behaviors don’t just happen. A person’s behavior communicates a want or a need. We form beliefs and respond to people based on our view of their behavior. In simple terms, behavior intervention is to intervene or take action to prevent or change a behavior.
At Mains’l;
1. Employees act in ways that create positive environments.
2. Employees apply the agency’s values, policies and procedures to make decisions at work.
3. Positive support approaches are the first actions employees take when intervening in another person’s behavior.
4. Aversive or deprivation procedures are not used.
5. Employees do not perform an emergency use of manual restraint unless they have completed training on this policy and procedure and have been trained in person and demonstrated competence in the safe and correct use of manual restraint on an emergency basis according to the requirements of the state or program rules (see references on last page).
6. We require documentation that positive approaches have been tried and have been unsuccessful as a condition of implementing an emergency use of manual restraint.
7. Employees treat people with dignity, respect and are trained to build their skills and knowledge related to how to do this well.
In the course of your time with Mains’l and in your personal life, you will be performing behavior interventions and people will be performing them on you. The procedures below provide definitions and examples of what we can’t do, what we can do and what we should do when it comes to intervening in someone else’s behavior. Let’s start with the bad and end with the good.
The things we cannot do (also known as prohibited procedures)
The following are not allowed as a replacement for proper supervision or staffing, to reduce or stop a behavior, as punishment, or for staff convenience:
In summary, we do not do these things. Not only do they make people unhappy, they generally do not work well to help people appropriately get their wants and needs met. Prohibited procedures may stop a behavior, but they do not teach a person what to do differently the next time. Prohibited procedures may also make a behavior worse. In addition, prohibited procedures can result in mental or physical injuries. We have better options for you, so please keep reading. We will cover the things you can’t do first and end with the good stuff, positive supports. Here are the simplified and technical definitions of prohibited procedures along with some and examples. 1. Chemical restraint:
2. Mechanical restraint:
3. Manual restraint:
4. Seclusion:
5. Time out:
6. Any other aversive or deprivation procedure:
The things we can only do in certain circumstances (also known as restricted procedures) 1. Procedures identified in a positive support transition plan
Employees working with a person who has a positive support transition plan receive training before working unsupervised. In Minnesota, Mains’l develops a positive support transition plan on the forms and in the manner prescribed by the commissioner of DHS for a person who requires intervention in order to maintain safety when it is known that the person’s behavior poses an immediate risk of physical harm to self or others. The positive support transition plan forms and instructions will supersede the requirements in Minnesota Rules, parts 9525.2750; 9525.2760; and 9525.2780. 2. Emergency Use of a Manual Restraint:
A restricted procedure (one approved in a positive support transition plan or an emergency use of a manual restraint) cannot: The things that we can do (also known as permitted actions and procedures) 1. Physical contact or instructional techniques must use the least restrictive alternative possible to meet the needs of the person and may be used:
2. Restraint may be used as an intervention procedure to:
3. Use of adaptive aids or equipment, orthotic devices, or other medical equipment ordered by a licensed health professional to treat a diagnosed medical condition do not in and of themselves constitute the use of mechanical restraint. The things that you should do (positive supports)
By using positive support approaches, we show respect and honor the dignity of people. We are also more likely to see decreases in the behaviors we don’t want to see and increases in the behaviors we do want to see. Responding to a challenging behavior 1. If appropriate or possible, remove all people, whose safety is threatened, from the immediate area of the threatening person. The procedures listed above are not used to respond to challenging behavior with a person when it has been determined by the person’s physician or mental health provider to be medically or psychologically contraindicated for a person. Mains’l will complete an assessment of whether the allowed procedures are contraindicated for each person receiving services as part of the service planning process. Staff Training a. Before having unsupervised direct contact with a person receiving service and annually thereafter, all employees who provide direct support receive instruction on prohibited procedures that address the following: 1. what constitutes the use of restraint, time out, seclusion, and chemical restraint; b. For the limited situations where the emergency use of a manual restraint may be allowed, before those staff may implement manual restraints on an emergency basis they must also be trained on the following within 60 days of hire:
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Mains’l Services maintains a system to regularly, consistently and accurately bill through Therapy Notes program and Minnesota’s automated Medicaid Management Information System, MNITS on behalf of clients enrolled in medical assistance programs.
Mains'l Services receives updates from contracted private insurance agency’s regarding current contracts, contract renewal, claim submission or service provision.
Mains'l Services monitors the Minnesota Department of Human Services web site ( for any updates and changes to the procedures, tasks or responsibilities of the Agent in billing through MNITS.
Mains'l Services subscribes to any and all automated updates from the Minnesota Department of Human Services regarding billing through MNTS.
NEW CLIENT Clinicians add new client’s information into Therapy Notes and will send an email to Accounts Receivable (AR) department to check eligibility. The AR department emails clinician back with eligibility information. Once it is determined that the client is eligible to be seen; the clinician schedules an appointment with the client. The clinician will enter session information into Therapy Notes to be sent in for payment.
Clinician verifies in the client profile for co-pay in Therapy Notes. If applicable the Clinician asks the client to pay the co-pay at the beginning of the session. Clinician collects the co-pay and provides a written receipt to the client. If client is unable to pay at the time of service a statement will be generated within 30 days and sent to their address on file. Mains’l only accepts checks or money order.
Clinician enters in all private insurance information required for billing by Therapy Notes. Therapy Notes notifies AR on the billing screen that there are entries for payment submission. AR electronically sends claims through Therapy Notes.
Once the 835 form is electronically submitted into Therapy Notes from the clearinghouse AR applies all payments to the client’s claims. As payments are received and posted in Therapy Notes the AR department will add the date of payment, the amount of payment and payer into the spreadsheet located on the T drive/month end/Mental Health Payments for the general ledger account. A report is printed out for exceptions that the system is unsure of how to handle the reconciliation. The AR manager will research and resolve those exceptions.
For clients using Medical Assistance (MA) once the state receives the files and processes the claims that were submitted for payment the State of MN DHS will create an 835 file to be downloaded and the remittance advice to coincide with the information in the 835 file. AR will download the 835 file and print off the remittance advice to reconcile the payments.
If claim is denied for any reason AR corrects and/or investigates the denial reason and follows up, as necessary, with clinician. AR resubmits 835 form with correction to third party payer.
At month end, the Finance Coordinator reviews the general ledger to ensure accuracy of proper revenue and expense recognition.
AR and Chief Financial Officer will review the aging monthly to review and research any and all outstanding billings that may have been denied.
System updates are performed regularly to be in compliance with any changes to the procedures, tasks, or responsibilities of Mains’l Services in billing.
835 Form
Mains’l protects people who receive services from maltreatment through education and clear expectations of what to do when you suspect a person has been harmed or is being harmed. Minnesota has multiple laws about maltreatment used to inform our actions.
Mains’l Clinical Services defines abuse as an expression of the misuse of power and control in a relationship. Abuse is any action or inaction that jeopardizes the health or wellbeing of a person. This can include physical, emotional, psychological, financial/economic, sexual, and spiritual or medication abuse, as well as passive or active negle
Clinical employees and/or clinical trainees follow mandated reporting requirements according to their governing licensing board. Suspected maltreatment must be reported within 24 hours of confirmed suspicion by the clinical employee or clinical trainee.
To report:
For clients who receive multiple services from Mains’l for example; Community Residential Services (CRS) and Psychotherapy the clinical employee and/or clinical trainee follows both the reporting requirements according to their governing licensing board and Mains’l’ s policy and procedure on Responding to and Reporting Maltreatment in Minnesota. This may result in one or two reports being made on the same incident due to potentially different reporting guidelines.
Responding to and reporting maltreatment in Minnesota, policy and procedure
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) stipulates that an individual’s personal information may be released without consent for the purpose of eliminating or reducing a significant risk of serious bodily harm to a person or a group of persons.
Mains’l protects the confidentiality of information related to clients within limits. These limits are discussed with all clients prior to beginning service and clients are asked to sign the Informed Consent document acknowledging that they have had these limits explained to them. This documentalso outlines the types of situations in which Mains’l may breach confidentiality.
Mains’l reserves the right to breach confidentiality to notify authorities, persons who know the client and/or persons who are at risk of harm in situations where the individual presents a significant and imminent risk of harm to himself/herself or others. This right is known as “duty to warn”. Mains’l clinical employees are not under a duty to voluntarily inform authorities regarding a client’s past or intended criminal act, except where there is a risk of imminent physical harm. Involving authorities may lead to the determination that the client needs to be detained for an involuntary assessment.
MN state statute: 148.975 sets out circumstances in which a physician, justice of the peace or police officer may detain a person for psychiatric assessment (i.e., an involuntary assessment) and the procedures for doing so.
Wherever possible, Mains’l clinical employees will obtain the client’s voluntary agreement to seek medical assistance.
The criteria for determining whether a disclosure of information is warranted should be based on the following guidelines:
Once it is determined disclosure of information is warranted, follow the procedures below for the identified harm.
Suicidal Clients
Whenever possible, Mains’l clinical employees will obtain the client’s voluntary agreement to seek medical assistance.
When a client is not willing to seek assistance, Mains’l employees have a duty to disclose a client’s active suicidal ideation and/or plan to commit suicide. The employee’s disclosure may include, without being limited to:
Clients who present a clear risk of violence or harm to others
Mains’l clinical employees have a duty to warn the intended potential victims of threatened violence.
Assaultive Partners
Persons who are assaultive may be seen on a voluntary basis. Mains’l remains obligated to initiate contact with the partner (or others threatened) where there is a risk of imminent harm to the partner.
In all situations, Mains’l clinical employees document the situation, including
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
MN state statute: 148.975
Requests for mental or behavioral health service are accepted from people requesting supports for themselves, their caregivers, family members and guardians, other providers, and social service agencies. Mains’l accepts referrals from people without regard to race, gender, age, disability, spirituality, or sexual orientation, and our practices are consistent with service recipient rights afforded to all people.
Mains’l uses a person centered approach to discover if the person requesting services and Mains’l are a good fit, based on needs, and our ability to meet the person’s level of care. We do not refuse to offer services to a person based solely on the type of services the person is currently receiving, the degree of their emotional, physical or intellectual abilities, type of communication style, or past success rate. If we cannot meet a person’s service needs, documentation regarding the reason will be provided to the person, the person’s legal representative, and case manager, upon request.
Mains’l engages in conversations with the person requesting services. We are committed to a collaborative approach when developing therapeutic supports for people.
When a person contacts Mains’l about our services:
a. For waiver funded mental or behavioral supports the therapeutic specialist negotiates the service agreement with the case manager. Upon receiving the service agreement, (or authorization that the agreement is in process), the therapeutic specialist begins developing services.
Enrollment for people using waiver funds
When the person requesting services and Mains’l agree that we are a good match, the process of starting services begins. This procedure may vary, depending on the supports and needs of each person.
1. An enrollment meeting is scheduled by the therapeutic specialist, the person and/or their support team. Meetings are held at a place agreed upon by the person and their circle of support.
2. At the meeting,
Enrollment for people using private health insurance
When the person requesting services and Mains’l agree that we are a good match, the process of starting services begins.
An enrollment appointment is scheduled by the therapist. This appointment may include family members, care givers, significant others and/or legal representative.
1. At the enrollment appointment,
2. The therapist enters the person’s personal information into Therapy Notes and notifies the billing department when services are starting, when applicable.
3. The therapist begins the diagnostic assessment and/or treatment plan. These documents are developed within the first 2-4 meetings as appropriate to meet complexity of interrelated concerns and cultural needs.
Enrollment Meeting Checklist- behavioral health waiver funded
Enrollment Meeting Checklist- private insurance
Starting Services/Change of Service form- waiver funded people
Mains’l Guidebook to Supports- waiver funded people
To understand behavior intervention, it helps to first understand behavior. The word behavior generally means the way we act. All day long we display a series of behaviors that are viewed by ourselves and others as positive, negative, or neutral. It is important to note that behaviors don’t just happen. A person’s behavior communicates a want or a need. We form beliefs and respond to people based on our view of their behavior. In simple terms, behavior intervention is to intervene or take action to prevent or change a behavior.
At Mains’l;
In the course of your time with Mains’l and in your personal life, you will be performing behavior interventions and people will be performing them on you. The procedures below provide definitions and examples of what we can’t do, what we can do and what we should do when it comes to intervening in someone else’s behavior. Let’s start with the bad and end with the good.
The things we cannot do (also known as prohibited procedures)
The following are not allowed as a replacement for proper supervision or staffing, to reduce or stop a behavior, as punishment, or for staff convenience:
In summary, we do not do these things. Not only do they make people unhappy, they generally do not work well to help people appropriately get their wants and needs met. Prohibited procedures may stop a behavior, but they do not teach a person what to do differently the next time. Prohibited procedures may also make a behavior worse. In addition, prohibited procedures can result in mental or physical injuries.
We have better options for you, so please keep reading. We will cover the things you can’t do first and end with the good stuff, positive supports.
Here are the simplified and technical definitions of prohibited procedures along with some and examples.
A chemical restraint is giving someone a drug or medication that has not been prescribed by their doctor to treat the behavior you are trying to avoid.
An example of chemical restraint is giving a person Xanax when they start yelling so they don’t become physically aggressive but Xanax is prescribed for the person to take when they have panic attacks. If Xanax is given for physical aggression and not a panic attack, this would be a chemical restraint.
Technical definition: The administration of a drug or medication to control the person’s behavior or restrict the person’s freedom of movement and is not a standard treatment or dosage for the person’s medical or psychological condition.
Mechanical restraint:
A mechanical restraint is using an object to limit or stop a person from freely moving a part of their body or have access to a part of their body
An example of a mechanical restraint is taping gloves onto a person’s hands so they cannot scratch themselves, but they would not choose to wear the gloves on their own.
Mechanical restraint does not include the following: (1) devices worn by the person that trigger electronic alarms to warn staff that a person is leaving a room or area, which do not, in and of themselves, restrict freedom of movement; or (2) the use of adaptive aids or equipment or orthotic devices ordered by a health care professional used to treat or manage a medical condition.
Technical definition: The use of devices, materials or equipment attached or adjacent to the person’s body, or the use of practices that are intended to restrict freedom of movement or normal access to one’s body, to prevent injury with a person who engages in self-injurious behaviors, such as head-banging, gouging, or other actions resulting in tissue damage that have or could cause medical problems resulting from the self-injury. Mechanical restraint also includes the use of practices that are intended to restrict freedom of movement or normal access to one’s body or body parts, or limits a person’s voluntary movement or holds a person immobile as an intervention precipitated by a person’s behavior.
A manual restraint is using your body to limit another person’s ability to move their own body.
An example of a manual restraint is pinning someone to the ground to stop them from going somewhere.
Technical definition: Physical intervention intended to hold a person immobile or limit a person’s voluntary movement by using body contact as the only source of physical restraint.
Basically, seclusion is making a person go somewhere or leave somewhere against their wishes and then not allowing them to leave.
An example of seclusion is forcing a person to be separated because they were pinching the staff by putting them in a locked room while attending a birthday party.
Technical definition: Removing a person involuntarily to a room from which exit is prohibited by a staff person or a mechanism such as a lock, a device, or an object positioned to hold the door closed or otherwise prevent the person from leaving the room; or otherwise involuntarily separating a person from an area, activity, situation, or social contact with others and blocking or preventing the person’s return.
Time out:
A time out is making someone go to an area and it is experienced as a negative consequence. It differs from seclusion in that the person is not stopped from leaving the area they were sent to, but it is still not allowable for a staff to tell a person receiving services that a consequence of their behavior/actions is that they have to go to a designated area.
Time out does not mean voluntary removal or self-removal for the purpose of calming, prevention of escalation, or de-escalation of behavior; nor does it mean taking a brief break or rest from an activity for the purpose of providing the person an opportunity to regain self-control.
An example of a time out is sending a person to their bedroom after an argument, when they do not want to go. Another example is requiring someone to sit on a chair for a specified amount of time, but not physically forcing them to stay in the chair.
Asking someone to ‘take a break’ to ‘cool down’, but not requiring them to do so, is not considered a time out.
Technical definition: The involuntary removal of a person for a period of time to a designated area from which the person is not prevented from leaving.
An example of an aversive procedure is to wash someone’s mouth out with soap if they swear in the hope that they will not swear again.
Technical definition: The application of an aversive stimulus based upon the occurrence of a behavior for the purposes of reducing or eliminating the behavior.
Examples of aversive stimulus are heat, cold, noise, a food or an event that is unwanted or unpleasant that is presented to stop someone or suppress a behavior.
Technical definition: An object, event, or situation that is presented immediately following a behavior in an attempt to suppress the behavior.
Deprivation procedure: A deprivation procedure involves taking away or not allowing someone to have something or do something they like, want, or need in order to get the person to stop or reduce the behavior.
An example of a deprivation procedure is to take away someone’s dinner because they hit someone or not allow the person to go to the dance because they hit themselves.
Technical definition: The removal of a positive reinforcer following a response resulting in, or intended to result in, a decrease in the frequency, duration, or intensity of that response. Often times the positive reinforcer available is goods, services, or activities to which the person is normally entitled. The removal is often in the form of a delay or postponement of the positive reinforcer.
The things we can only do in certain circumstance ( also known as restricted procedures)
A restricted procedure is something that should not normally be done, but may be allowed in very specific circumstances if it is done properly and for acceptable reasons. Some restricted procedures include:
Avoid the emergency use of manual restraint and
Prevent the person from physically harming self or others
Phase out any existing plans for the emergency or programmatic use of restrictive interventions that are prohibited.
Employees working with a person who has a positive support transition plan receive training before working unsupervised. In Minnesota, Mains’l develops a positive support transition plan on the forms and in the manner prescribed by the commissioner of DHS for a person who requires intervention in order to maintain safety when it is known that the person’s behavior poses an immediate risk of physical harm to self or others. The positive support transition plan forms and instructions will supersede the requirements in Minnesota Rules, parts 9525.2750; 9525.2760; and 9525.2780.
2. Emergency Use of a Manual Restraint:
Emergency physical intervention intended to hold a person immobile or limit a person’s voluntary movement by using body contact as the only source of physical restraint.
This means using a part of your body, such as your arms, hands, legs, or your entire body to stop the movement of another person.
An example of an emergency use of a manual restraint is to use a wrist side hug procedure to move a person away from someone they are trying to assault.
At Mainsl, we do not allow the emergency
use of a manual restraint (EUMR) to be done to most people.
Employees who work with someone who has a support plan that allows EUMR are required to complete Behavior Basics and Emergency Use of Manual Restraint training before they can perform an emergency manual restraint.
A restricted procedure (one approved in a positive support transition plan or an emergency use of a manual restraint) cannot:
Be implemented in a manner that violates a person's rights.
Restrict a person's normal access to a nutritious diet, drinking water, adequate ventilation, necessary medical care, ordinary hygiene facilities, normal sleeping conditions, necessary clothing, or any protection required by state licensing standards or federal regulations governing the program;
Deny the person visitation or ordinary contact with legal counsel, a legal representative, or next of kin;
Be used for the convenience of staff, as punishment, as a substitute for adequate staffing, or as a consequence if the person refuses to participate in the treatment or services provided by the program;
Use prone restraint, which means the use of manual restraint that places a person in a face-down position. Prone restraint does not include brief physical holding of a person who, during an emergency use of manual restraint, rolls into a prone position, if the person is restored to a standing, sitting, or side-lying position as quickly as possible;
Apply back or chest pressure while a person is in a prone position;
Be implemented in a manner that should not be used (contraindicated) for any of the person's known medical or psychological limitations;
Be implemented by a staff that has not completed training on the proper techniques to do an emergency manual restraint.
The things that we can do (also known as permitted actions and procedures)
While these are not the first choice, or what we want to regularly have happen, the following can be used on an intermittent basis. Additionally, if addressed in a person service and support plan, these things can be done on a continuous basis. The reason for continuous use is to be included.
Physical contact
To calm or comfort a person by holding that person when they show no resistance to being held.
To protect a person known to be at risk of injury due to frequent falls as a result of a medical condition;
To facilitate the person's completion of a task or response when the person does not resist or the person's resistance is minimal in intensity and duration;
To block or redirect a person's limbs or body without holding the person or limiting the person's movement to interrupt the person's behavior that may result in injury to self or others with less than 60 seconds of physical contact by staff; or
To redirect a person's behavior when the behavior does not pose a serious threat to the person or others and the behavior is effectively redirected with less than 60 seconds of physical contact by staff.
2. Restraint may be used as an intervention procedure to:
To position a person with a physical disability in a manner specified in the person’s service and support plan.
Assist in the safe evacuation or redirection of a person in the event of an emergency and the person is at imminent risk of harm.
Allow a licensed health care professional to safely conduct a medical examination or to provide medical treatment ordered by a licensed health care professional that is necessary to promote healing or recovery from an acute, meaning short-term, medical condition.
3. Use of adaptive aids or equipment, orthotic devices, or other medical equipment ordered by a licensed health professional to treat a diagnosed medical condition do not in and of themselves constitute the use of mechanical restraint.
The things that you should do (positive supports)
Positive approaches should be used first and be the most commonly used approached to intervening in another person’s behavior. Positive support approaches include:
In December 1991, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) published a new rule regarding exposure to blood borne pathogens. The purpose of this rule is to identify actions employers need to take for their employees who have potential occupational exposure to blood during performance of routine work duties.
The greatest risk of exposure to blood during the performance of routine work duties is found within the health care setting. Mains'l Services, Inc.'s workplace, a residential setting for people with developmental disabilities and related conditions does not pose the same type of exposures. The primary tasks of all employees of Mains'l Services is to offer training, assistance, and supervision to the people we serve. Only as a collateral or incidental duty are employees expected to render first aid or be exposed to blood or body fluids which may present possible exposure to a blood borne pathogen
Mains'l Services, Inc. is committed to providing a safe workplace and implements all OSHA recommended procedures that minimize occupational exposure. Mains'l Services also educates its employees about universal precautions that should be observed to prevent contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials. In addition to preventive measures and education, Mains'l also provides access to treatment following an exposure incident at no charge to employees.
The policies and procedures supporting this policy on Blood Borne Pathogens are designed to meet compliance with OSHA standards.
It is the responsibility of Mains’l Services to determine the specific policies and procedures used in each individual program and their compliance to rules and regulations. It is also the responsibility of Mains’l Services to make adjustments in the policies and procedures in the event rules and regulations are changed or reinterpreted.
The first step in determining work place exposure to blood borne pathogens is through the development of an Exposure Control Plan (see attached.) The Exposure Control Plan is designed to eliminate or minimize employee exposure to blood borne pathogens. The Exposure Control Plan must contain:
I. Exposure Determination
II. Schedule and Method of Implementation for:
A. Methods of Compliance
B. Hepatitis B Vaccine and Post Exposure Follow Up
C. Communication of Hazards to Employees
D. Record Keeping
III. Procedure for Evaluation of Circumstances Surrounding Exposure Incidents
The Exposure Determination (see Exposure Control Plan - Section I) is a site specific document completed by the Manager with the assistance of the Senior manager. Its purpose is to delineate all tasks and procedures which may present an occupational exposure. Because the primary tasks of all employees of Mains’l Services, Inc. is to offer training, assistance, and supervision to the people we serve, tasks posing an occupational exposure are considered collateral duties and are not regarded as primary job assignments. The completed Exposure Determination for each site is maintained in the policy manual at the site. The entire Exposure Control Plan, including the Exposure Determination, is reviewed and updated at least annually and whenever necessary to reflect new or modified tasks and procedures which affect occupational exposure and to reflect new or revised employee positions with occupational exposure.
The Exposure Control Plan also contains a Schedule and Methods of Implementation for A) the OSHA recommended methods of compliance including the concept of universal precautions, engineering and work practice controls, personal protective equipment and general housekeeping standards, B) Hepatitis B Vaccine and Post Exposure Follow Up, C) Communication of Hazards to Employees, and D) Record Keeping.
Using the Universal Precautions approach, Engineering and Work Practice Controls, Personal Protective Equipment and general housekeeping standards are in place in all sites as deemed necessary. (see Exposure Control Plan - Section IIA.) Information about the aforementioned topics is contained in the “Control of Infection and Communicable Disease” Training module and provided during the first 60 days of employment to new employees and immediately to current employees.
The Infection Control Plan is found within the Mains’l Policy Manual as an attachment to the Exposure
Control Plan and incorporates related procedures addressing the universal precautions of hand washing, use of gloves, general cleaning procedures, and laundry procedure.
The Schedule and Methods of Implementation also pertain to the administration of the Hepatitis B vaccine and Post Exposure Evaluation and Follow Up. Pursuant to the OSHA modification of Hepatitis B vaccination requirements, employees who have occupational exposure as a “collateral duty” need not be offered the vaccine until an exposure incident has occurred. (An exposure incident is defined as a specific eye, mouth, other mucous membrane, non-intact skin, or parenteral (skin piercing) contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials that results from the performance of an employee’s duties). Any unvaccinated person who has rendered assistance in any situation involving the presence of blood or other potentially infectious material, regardless of whether an actual exposure incident as defined by the OSHA standard has occurred, will be offered the vaccine. The procedure following an exposure incident is delineated in the Exposure Control Plan - Section IIB. New employees are instructed in the procedures during initial orientation and current employees are informed of the procedures during the training conducted by the Managers.
The Schedule and Methods of Implementation also pertain to the communication of hazards to employees. Warning labels and signs are not deemed necessary in the residential programs in which the employees of Mains’l work. Occupational exposures only occur as collateral duties of employees and training is provided in infection control, universal precautions, personal protective equipment including the use of gloves, general work practice controls such as hand washing, and general housekeeping standards.
As mentioned throughout this procedure, comprehensive training is provided to all employees of Mains’l Services, Inc. The training module includes all the elements recommended in the OSHA standard (see Exposure Control Plan - Section IIC.) New employees receive training within the first sixty days of employment and the training will be reviewed annually for all employees, within one year of previous training.
Finally, the Schedule and Method of Implementation applies to record keeping (see Exposure Control Plan - Section IID.) If an occupational exposure occurs, Mains’l Services will establish and maintain an accurate medical record for each employee with an occupational exposure. The medical records will be confidential and will include all information as stipulated in the OSHA regulations. Training records are maintained and contain all information as stipulated in the OSHA regulations.
The last component of the Exposure Control Plan is the procedure for evaluation of circumstances surrounding exposure incidents. Following an exposure incident, the senior manager will review all documentation of the route(s) of exposure and the circumstances under which the exposure occurred and make recommendations to prevent future exposure incidents (See Exposure Control Plan - Section III). The report will be reviewed by the Health Services Director who will make necessary changes or revisions to policy and procedure.
OSHA Rule on Blood Borne Pathogens: 1910.1030 of Title 29 of the Code of Federal Regulations
Mains'l respects and protects the data we receive and retain to promote service recipient rights. Access, release and duplication of private information are in accordance with federal and state statutes
Private data includes all information on a person that Mains’l has gathered for the purpose of offering supports.
Notice of Privacy Rights
Sharing Information: Mains’l employees are allowed to share information with only the following persons or entities without a release:
A person receiving services or their legal representative has a right to access and review the individual record and may request copies of pages in their record.
Besides the person receiving services and their legal representative, the people identified above do not automatically have access to private data about a person receiving services or about other staff or agency employees. Need-to-know basis means that the person must have a specific work reason requiring access to the information. Private data about a person is available only to those employees whose work assignments reasonably require access to the data; or who are authorized by law to have access to the data.
Any written or verbal exchanges about a person's private information by staff with other staff or any other persons will be done in such a way as to preserve confidentiality, protect data privacy, and respect the dignity of the person whose private data is being shared. As a general rule, if a person is unsure about sharing information regarding a person, they should contact their supervisor or reference this policy and procedure.
Sharing Information with Other Parties
Information regarding a person receiving service from Mains'l may be released to outside persons/agencies only after the person or their legal representative authorizes the release by signing the Consent to Exchange Information.
Obtaining Informed Consent and Authorization for Release of Information
Upon starting services and annually after that, the Mains’l manager or their designee will obtain informed consent and authorization to release information. There may be other times when a representative of Mains’l provides informed consent and requests authorization for release of information. The following procedures are to be followed at any time information is requested:
2. The manager maintains all informed consent documents in the person’s individual record.
The following will be observed when completing the Consent to Exchange Information:
Requesting Information from Other Licensed Caregivers or Primary Health Care Providers
Mains’l may need to request information about the person from other licensed providers. When this is needed, the manager will:
Release of Written Documents to Persons Receiving Service or Legal Representative
The following process is used when a person receiving supports or their legal representative wishes to obtain copies of written records:
Release of photographs or video to other parties: Photographs or video of people supported by Mains'l are displayed or released to outside persons/agencies only if the person receiving service or their legal representative has authorized the release by signing an Authorization for Release of Photographs.
The following is observed when completing the release of photographs form:
Minnesota Government Data Practices Act section 13.46
California Statute Title 17
HIPAA Standards of Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information 45 C.F.R. section 164
Consent to Exchange Information
Release of Information
Authorization for Release of Photographs
Notice of Privacy Practices for Person Receiving Service
Notice of Privacy Practices Acknowledgment of Receipt
Mains’l promotes the rights of the people we serve and protects their health and safety during the emergency use of manual restraints. “Emergency use of manual restraint” means using a manual restraint when a person poses an imminent risk of physical harm to self or others and it is the least restrictive intervention that would achieve safety. Property damage, verbal aggression, or a person’s refusal to receive or participate in treatment or programming on their own, do not constitute an emergency.
Mains’l employees will not perform an emergency use of manual restraint unless they have:
In addition to the behavior intervention policy and procedure, the following procedures are followed if and when it is necessary to perform the emergency use of a manual restraint.
Responding to Escalating Disruptive Behavior
When a person begins to engage in escalating disruptive behavior and it becomes apparent that they may likely engage in continuous aggression, self-injury, or high level disruptive behaviors that also threaten the safety and well-being of others if not redirected, implement the following steps:
8. If the person begins to engage in behavior that is continuous aggression, continuous self-injury, or high magnitude disruption that threatens the safety of themselves or others, emergency manual restraint may be implemented, as trained. When implementing an emergency use of manual restraint start with the least restrictive procedure necessary to keep the individual and others safe.
9. After implementing the manual restraint, attempt to release the person at the moment staff believe the person’s conduct no longer poses an imminent risk of physical harm to self or others and less restrictive strategies can be implemented to maintain safety.
Mains’l will not allow the use of a manual restraint procedure with a person when it has been determined by the person’s physician or mental health provider to be medically or psychologically contraindicated. Mains’l will complete an assessment of whether the allowed procedures are contraindicated for each person receiving services as part of the service planning required under section 245D.070, subdivision 2, for recipients of basic support services; or the assessment and initial service planning required under section 245D.071, subdivision 3, for recipients of intensive support services.
Manual Restraints Allowed in Emergencies
Below is a list of each of the manual restraints trained staff are allowed to use on an emergency basis when a person’s actions pose an imminent (it is about to happen) risk of physical harm to self or others and less restrictive strategies have not achieved safety. The list includes instructions for the safe and correct implementation of those procedures.
They are listed in order of least to most restrictive:
Conditions for Emergency Use of Manual Restraint
Emergency use of manual restraint must meet the following conditions:
Restrictions When Implementing Emergency Use of Manual Restraint
Emergency use of manual restraint must not:
1. be implemented with a child in a manner that constitutes sexual abuse, neglect, physical abuse, or mental injury;
2. be implemented with an adult in a manner that constitutes sexual abuse, neglect, physical abuse or mental injury;
3. be implemented in a manner that violates a person’s rights and protection;
4. be implemented in a manner that is medically or psychologically contraindicated for a person;
5. restrict a person’s normal access to a nutritious diet, drinking water, adequate ventilation, necessary medical care, ordinary hygiene facilities, normal sleeping conditions, or necessary clothing;
6. restrict a person’s normal access to any protection required by state licensing standards and federal regulations governing this program;
7. deny a person visitation or ordinary contact with legal counsel, a legal representative, or next of kin;
8. be used as a substitute for adequate staffing, for the convenience of staff, as punishment, or as a consequence if the person refuses to participate in the treatment or services provided by this program;
9. use prone restraint. “Prone restraint” means use of manual restraint that places a person in a face-down position. It does not include brief physical holding of a person who, during an emergency use of manual restraint, rolls into a prone position, and the person is restored to a standing, sitting, or side-lying position as quickly as possible; or
10. apply back or chest pressure while a person is in a prone position, supine (meaning a face-up) position, or side-lying position,
11. be implemented in a manner that is contraindicated for any of the person’s known medical or psychological limitations.
Monitoring Emergency Use of Manual Restraint
Mains’l must monitor a person’s health and safety during an emergency use of a manual restraint. When possible, a staff person who is not implementing the emergency use of a manual restraint must monitor the procedure. The purpose of the monitoring is to ensure the following:
1. only manual restraints allowed in this policy are implemented;
2. manual restraints that have been determined to be contraindicated for a person are not implemented with that person;
3. allowed manual restraints are implemented only by staff trained in their use;
4. the restraint is being implemented properly as required; and
5. the mental, physical, and emotional condition of the person who is being manually restrained is being assessed and intervention is provided when necessary to maintain the person’s health and safety and prevent injury to the person, staff involved, or others involved.
Reporting Emergency Use of Manual Restraint
The staff who implemented any form of manual restraint procedure:
The manager/designated coordinator:
b. Within (5) working days of the behavior intervention, reviews and finalizes the Behavior Intervention Internal Review form.
Expanded Support Team Review of Emergency Use of Manual Restraint
Within 5 business days after the completion of the internal review, the manage or senior manager must consult with the expanded support team to:
1. Discuss the incident to:
a. define the antecedent or event that gave rise to the behavior resulting in the manual restraint; and
b. identify the perceived function the behavior served.
2. Determine whether the person’s service and support plan needs to be revised to:
a. positively and effectively help the person maintain stability; and
b. reduce or eliminate future occurrences of manual restraint.
3. Make the revisions to the person’s service and support plan when it is determined necessary.
The written summary of the expanded support team’ discussion and decisions will be documented on the Expanded Support Team Review Form and saved in the person’s plan file.
Internal Review of Emergency Use of Manual Restraint
a. Within 5 business days after the date of the emergency use of a manual restraint, the senior manager must complete and document an internal review of the report prepared by the staff member who implemented the emergency procedure. The internal review must include an evaluation of whether:
1. the person’s service and support strategies need to be revised;
2. related policies and procedures were followed;
3. the policies and procedures were adequate;
4. there is need for additional staff training;
5. the reported event is similar to past events with the persons, staff, or the services involved; and
6. there is a need for corrective action by the program to protect the health and safety of persons.
b. Based on the results of the internal review, the senior manager must develop, document, and implement a corrective action plan designed to correct current lapses and prevent future lapses in performance by individuals or Mains’l.
c. The corrective action plan, if any, must be implemented within 30 days of the internal review being completed
d. The original is filed in the person’s plan file and a copy is submitted to the director.
External Review and Reporting of Emergency Use of Manual Restraint
Within 5 business days after the completion of the expanded support team review, the senior manager must submit the following to DHS using the online behavior intervention reporting form which automatically routes the report to the Office of the Ombudsman for Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities:
1. report of the emergency use of a manual restraint;
2. the internal review and corrective action plan; and
3. the expanded support team review written summary.
Positive Support Transition Plan
If an individual uses a positive support transition plan, the plan will be written by a Board Certified Behavior Analyst. The plan will be written and phased out within 11 months form the date of plan implementation. The BCBA will use the DHS created and approved plan.
Behavior Intervention Policy and Procedure
Minnesota Statute 245D.06, subd. 5 to subd, 8; 245D.061 and Minnesota Positive Support Rule
PRN Use Protocol
Behavior Intervention Report Form (BIRF) and Incident Report Form
Behavior Intervention Report Form – Internal Review Form and External Review Form
Corrective Action Plan and Positive Support Transition Plan
Mains’l offers supports to people based on what is important to them, what is important for them, and the balance between important to/for the person. Getting to know someone is an ongoing process and we use a variety of ways to learn about the person and their support needs. Supports offered are person centered, aligned with the identified needs, interests, preferences, and desired outcomes of the person receiving services.
All supports and services are provided within the boundaries of what is legal, safe, ethical, and are authorized to provide through contracts and individual service agreements.
Once services have started, the person receiving services continues the discovery process with people they have chosen to support them. The process and procedure may vary, depending on the supports and needs of each person.
Mains’l employees are trained in offering person centered services. If at any time a Mains’l employee feels they do not have sufficient information regarding person centered practices, skills or tools, they are encouraged and expected to seek out a Person Centered coach. A list of coaches can be found on the Mains’l employee portal under Person Centered Thinking.
A variety of tools and skills are used to assist in recording the information learned, in order to develop a Support Plan. Tools/skills may include, but are not limited to: Matching Tools (to gain insight on what staff characteristics are preferred) and Discovery Tools (Important To, Importance For, Rituals and Routines, Relationship Map, Good Day/Bad Day, Communication Chart, Learning Log). These tools inform the person centered description (see Person Centered Description packet and forms.)
1. The person receiving services and Mains’l staff work together to develop a Personal Description of the person. Employees will document what they learned using the materials in the Person Centered Description packet within the first 30 days of starting services. Information discovered from this process creates the foundation of how supports will be offered. A one-page personal profile/description is created, based on the information learned (a snapshot of the person), and includes what’s important to the person, what others like and admire about them, and how to best support them.
2. The person receiving services and their support team, including Mains’l staff, work together to balance what is important to and for a person, and how to best support them. Information from existing support plans (i.e., Coordinated Service and Support Plan, Individual Service Plan, and Person Centered Plan, if available) is included in the Support Plan, which the manager will develop within the first 30-40 days of service. The Support Plan reflects what services and supports are offered, as well as how, when, and by whom the services will be provided.
3. Mains’l employees collaborate with the person receiving services when documenting information. This is to ensure the person has input into what is being recorded about them. The person has the right to not participate in this process, but it is recommended and is encouraged. This applies to all initial and ongoing recorded information gathered throughout the time the person receives supports from Mains’l.
4. If a Person Centered Plan is not already in place, the manager works with the support team to identify who is responsible to create the plan, as appropriate.
Throughout the year, the manager, along with direct support staff and other key people, collaborate on how to best meet the persons’ identified needs, interests, preferences and goals. The person’s Support Plan is updated when needed, at minimum annually, based on the discoveries from conversations and changes in what is important to and important for the person.
Ongoing Collaboration and Conversations
Mains’l values collaboration and partnerships when offering supports. We have ongoing conversations with the person receiving services and their support team, to continually learn about the person and their changing preferences, needs, and personal goals and outcomes. The process of “Nothing about the person, without the person” is maintained to the greatest extent possible.
Personal outcomes and goals are reviewed with the person receiving services on an ongoing basis, and at least every six (6) months. The Support Plan is updated as needed to reflect any changes, and support team members are notified as progress and changes occur, when applicable. Learning logs may be used to assist in using innovative, creative ways to overcome barriers or enhance the supports offered.
Meetings are scheduled throughout the year, as requested and/or needed. Meetings are scheduled by the manager and/or the person and their support team, and are held at the person’s home, or another place determined by the person and their support team.
1. Mains’l encourages a face to face meeting with the person receiving services and their support team within the first 30-45 days of starting services to review how things are going and to ensure all documentation Mains’l has created is acceptable to the person and their support team. While the person can choose to not have a face to face meeting, we strongly encourage this practice.
2.See Meeting Checklist (by service and meeting type) for a list of documents to be reviewed and/or completed prior to the meeting, at the meeting, and after the meeting.
3. The focus of all meetings is to continue to address what is important to and for the person. The person receiving services and the team talk about what’s working and what’s not working, what has been tried, and share ideas for better support delivery. The person receiving services is coached and encouraged to lead the meeting. They are also asked to assist in creating the agenda, including areas they want addressed (or do not want addressed) at the meeting. Person-centered skills and tools are used to assist the person in creating the agenda, as well as facilitating the meeting, as desired.
4. Meetings may begin by an opening round. A relevant positive question may be asked for all members to respond, i.e., “What is one highlight from the last year (week, month, etc.) you can share with the group?” or “What is one thing you like or admire about the person?”
5. If a person centered plan has been developed, the team reviews and updates as desired. If a plan has not been created, the manager works with the support team to identify who is responsible to create the plan, as appropriate.
6. The person receiving services, if so desired, follows the agenda and then reviews the most recent Support Plan, telling the group if changes are needed. The manager helps facilitate as needed.
7. The manager requests the person or appropriate team member to sign all documents, as required, listed on the Meeting Checklist.
8. A satisfaction survey is completed at each person’s Annual Meeting. A paper survey with a return envelope is offered, to consistently receive feedback on how we might improve our services.
9. The team identifies next meeting date/s and how often they want to receive written updates and reports, as appropriate.
Person Centered Description packet
Matching and Discovery Tools
Meeting Checklist (by service and meeting type)
Support Plan
Satisfaction Survey
We are committed to maintaining safe and comfortable environments where people live and work. All homes managed by Mainsl are led by the question, “Would I want to live here?”
We will make sure that services are provided in a safe and hazard free environment if we’re the owner, leaser, or tenant of the site.
We expect all service sites to be clean and well maintained and to pass inspections by the Maintenance Committee.
We maintain the exterior and interior of the sites we own and rent (depending upon the lease) which include walls, floors, ceilings fixtures, and equipment. We are responsible to keep these items in good repair, sanitary and safe.
We comply with applicable state, local fire, health, building and zoning codes at all times.
We also require that all sites are free of fire hazards like electric portable space heaters, cut fresh Christmas trees or lighted candles.
For people living in their own homes or apartments the manager will tell the person or their guardian and case manager about any environmental concerns so that they’re safe.
All new managers and support coordinators will receive training on this policy and procedure soon after being assigned to a new site.
Inspections and Code Compliance:
Physical Plant Requirements:
Common Areas:
Bedroom Furnishings:
For Service:
Service Contracts:
Emergencies – Gas Smells, Fires:
If you smell gas or spot/suspect a fire:
Emergencies – Extreme Temps:
Emergencies – Water Leaks:
Emergencies – Extreme Water Temps:
If the water heater is malfunctioning (too hot – in excess of 120F)
If the repair to the water heater will be delayed for more than 24 hours call the maintenance tech or vice president of administration to report the delay. Also call the manager and/or senior manager to develop a contingency plan (hotel) until the repair is made.
Power Outages:
Power Outages Numbers to Call:
Maintenance Requests – Phone App – this is being tested and will be finalized soon.
Non-Emergency – Service:
Whenever any service technician comes to the home to make a repair, always ask the tech for a copy of the work ticket and get that ticket to the maintenance tech.
Non-Emergency – Service Technicians:
Non-Emergency – Water Softener:
Licensing Preparation – Licensed Sites:
Fall/Winter Check Lists:
Support Coordinator’s Role in Maintenance:
Manager’s Role in Maintenance:
Maintenance Committee:
Landlords of Rental Properties:
Senior Manager Quarterly Site Visit Checklist
Fall/Winter Check Lists
Semi Annual Maintenance Inspection
We are committed to maintaining safe and comfortable environments where people live and work. All homes managed by Mainsl are led by the question, “Would I want to live here?”
We will make sure that services are provided in a safe and hazard free environment if we’re the owner, leaser, or tenant of the site.
We expect all service sites to be clean and well maintained and to pass inspections by the Maintenance Committee.
We maintain the exterior and interior of the sites we own and rent (depending upon the lease) which include walls, floors, ceilings fixtures, and equipment. We are responsible to keep these items in good repair, sanitary and safe.
We comply with applicable state, local fire, health, building and zoning codes at all times.
We also require that all sites are free of fire hazards like electric portable space heaters, cut fresh Christmas trees or lighted candles.
For people living in their own homes or apartments the manager will tell the person or their guardian and case manager about any environmental concerns so that they’re safe.
All new managers and support coordinators will receive training on this policy and procedure soon after being assigned to a new site.
Inspections and Code Compliance:
Physical Plant Requirements:
Common Areas:
Bedroom Furnishings:
For Service:
Service Contracts:
Emergencies – Gas Smells, Fires:
If you smell gas or spot/suspect a fire:
Emergencies – Extreme Temps:
Emergencies – Water Leaks:
Emergencies – Extreme Water Temps:
If the water heater is malfunctioning (too hot – in excess of 120F)
If the repair to the water heater will be delayed for more than 24 hours call the maintenance tech or vice president of administration to report the delay. Also call the manager and/or senior manager to develop a contingency plan (hotel) until the repair is made.
Power Outages:
Power Outages Numbers to Call:
Maintenance Requests – Phone App – this is being tested and will be finalized soon.
Non-Emergency – Service:
Whenever any service technician comes to the home to make a repair, always ask the tech for a copy of the work ticket and get that ticket to the maintenance tech.
Non-Emergency – Service Technicians:
Non-Emergency – Water Softener:
Licensing Preparation – Licensed Sites:
Fall/Winter Check Lists:
Support Coordinator’s Role in Maintenance:
Manager’s Role in Maintenance:
Maintenance Committee:
Landlords of Rental Properties:
Senior Manager Quarterly Site Visit Checklist
Fall/Winter Check Lists
Semi Annual Maintenance Inspection
Mains'l recognizes the rights of the individuals who choose our services; we value their opinions and welcome and encourage their input. Every person who receives service is encouraged to voice complaints and to recommend changes to Mains'l policies, procedures or services to any agency personnel or others of their choice without restraint, interference, coercion, discrimination, or punishment.
Upon request, Mains’l staff will provide assistance to the person receiving services and or their authorized representative with the complaint process. This assistance will include the name, address, and telephone number of outside agencies to assist the person and responding to the complaint in such a manner that the person’s concerns are resolved.
For the purpose of this policy and procedure, the word grievance means an official statement of a complaint over something believed to be wrong or unfair. When a person applying for or receiving services from Mains'l wishes to submit a complaint or grievance the following procedure is available:
1. The person or their legal representative who wishes to file the complaint must provide a written account of the complaint to the Mains’l manager. Once the written complaint is received, the manager notifies the senior manager.
2. All complaints involving health and safety concerns must receive an initial response by the end of the next business day; all other complaints receive an initial response within 14 calendar days.
3. Every attempt is made by the manager and senior manager to resolve the complaint with the person and/or legal representative.
4. All complaints are expected to be resolved within (30) thirty calendar days of the manager receiving the written complaint.
5. If the grievance cannot be resolved by the manager and senior manager the person may bring the grievance to the highest authority in the program:
Minnesota California
Anne Roehl, Director of Services MN Anne Silcher, Director of Services CA
7000 78th Ave N 40 Landing Circle Suite 1
Brooklyn Park, MN 55445 Chico, CA 95973
Office: 763-494-4553 Office: 530-899-1907 ext.3
Toll Free: 800-441-6525 Toll Free: 888-899-4588
Fax: 763-416-9120 Fax: 530-899-1996
Legal Authority: Minn. Stat. § 245D.10, subd. 2 and 4
California Lanterman Act Section 4502 and Title 17 Section 50510
6. Once a complaint is received, the manager and senior manager complete a complaint review. The complaint review will include an evaluation of whether:
ARC – Minnesota
770 Transfer Road Suite 7A
St. Paul, MN 55114 Toll-Free: 1-800-582-5256
Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid
430 1st Ave. North, Suite #300
Minneapolis, MN 55401
TDD: 612-334-5755
E-mail: none
Office of the Ombudsman for Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities
121 7th Place E, Suite 420
Metro Square Building
St. Paul, MN 55101
Metro: 651-757-1800
Toll-Free: 1-800-657-3506
Minnesota Department of Human Services
PO Box 64967
St Paul, MN 55164-0967
Phone: 651-431-2600
Area 2 Developmental Disabilities Board
1367 East Lassen Avenue, Suite B-3
Chico, CA 95973
(530) 895-4027
Office of Clients’ Rights Advocacy
Kimberlee Candela
1280 East 9th St. Unit E
Chico, CA 95928
(530) 345-4113
People, who receive services and support from Mains’l, independently manage their personal finances and property to the fullest extent possible. Each person retains the use and availability of their personal funds and property, unless restrictions are justified and documented in the person’s service and support plan.
When part of the services being offered is support in managing finances, Mains’l maintains written authorization to manage funds from the person or the person’s legal representative and the case manager. Authorization is obtained within five working days of service initiation and renewed annually thereafter.
Mains’l employees may not accept power-of-attorney from a person receiving services from Mains’l for any purpose. Employees, volunteers or subcontractors of Mains'l may not borrow money or purchase personal items from persons served, sell items or personal services to a person served, or require them to purchase items for which Mains'l receives reimbursement.
All funds and/or related documentation are kept separate from the agency, program, staff or other individual funds and are stored in a secure location.
Personal Funds and Property when Starting and Ending of Service
When assigned responsibility to manage finances, Mains’l requests consent to authorize the Mains’l Financial Audit Team to audit checking accounts, savings accounts, and cash on hand to ensure financial integrity.
Cash Record
Consent to Manage/Audit Finances
Individual Financial Review
In MN 245D.06 Subd. 4 Funds and Property
Support Plan
Financial Review Summary/Work Plan
Financial Funds and Property When Starting/Ending Services
Requests for service are accepted from people requesting supports for themselves, their caregivers, family members and guardians, other providers, and social service agencies. Mains’l accepts referrals from people without regard to race, gender, age, disability, spirituality, or sexual orientation, and our practices are consistent with a person’s service recipient rights.
Mains’l uses a person centered approach to discover if the person requesting services and Mains’l are a good fit, based on needs, alignment with Mains’l values, and our ability to meet the person’s level of care. We do not refuse to offer services to a person based solely on the type of services the person is currently receiving, the degree of their emotional, physical or intellectual abilities, type of communication style, personal routines, or past success rate. If we cannot meet a person’s service needs, documentation regarding the reason will be provided to the person, the person’s legal representative, and case manager, upon request.
Mains’l engages in conversations with the person requesting services and their support team to help identify what’s important to and important for the person. We are committed to a collaborative approach when developing services for people, and a team of Mains’l employees work together to determine if service needs can be met. Team members may consist of a customer service specialist, navigator, senior manager and/or manager.
When a person contacts Mains’l about our services:
The information gathered is used to assist with the development of the person’s support plan.
When the person requesting services and Mains’l agree that we are a good match, the process of starting services begins. This procedure may vary, depending on the supports and needs of each person.
Getting to Know You
Person Centered Description packets
Enrollment Meeting Checklist
How We Offer Supports and Services Policy and Procedure
Mains’l Guidebook to Supports
Starting Services/Change of Service form
Most of the services Mains’l provides are funded by Medicaid (also known as Medi-Cal in California and Medical Assistance in Minnesota). So, you play a vital role in protecting the integrity of the Medicaid Program. To reduce waste, abuse, and fraud you need to know what to watch for and when to report if you suspect that waste, abuse, or fraud is occurring.
Although the terms Medicaid and Medicare fraud and abuse have slightly different meanings, depending on individual state law, they generally mean the same thing: any violations of the state and federal requirements related to the delivery of services to Medicaid or Medicare recipients.
Waste is a broad term that refers to care that is not effective or that is not delivered efficiently.
Abuse is when a provider does not follow good medical practices, resulting in unnecessary costs, improper payment, or services that are not medically necessary.
Fraud is when Medicaid or other insurance is billed for services or supplies a person who uses services never received. It is when a person knowingly cheats or is dishonest. The dishonesty results in a benefit such as payment or coverage that the person would not have been entitled to otherwise.
Examples of Fraud, Abuse and Waste include but are not limited to:
Using the wrong Buying too Providing more Submitting a timesheet
billing code many goods or services than a with time you did not work
supplies occasionally person needs
Using or taking goods or services
Buying excessive from the intended recipient
goods or supplies that
aren’t needed or used
on a regular basis
Mains’l will not discharge, discipline, threaten, or discriminate against, or penalize an employee, who in good faith reports or participates in an investigation of fraud, abuse, or waste internally or externally. However, failure to report suspicions of fraud, abuse, and waste will result in disciplinary action, up to and including separation.
Multiple State and federal laws make it illegal for a person to bill Medicaid, Medicare or other insurance providers for goods or services that he or she knows are false.
Any person who submits a claim to Mains’l that he or she knows, or should know is false will be held responsible and his or her action may be punishable by law.
Suspected fraud, abuse, and violations of this policy must be immediately reported. Any report of fraud or abuse, received by Mains’l will be investigated. Suspected waste should also be reported to reduce or prevent waste from continuing.
Failure of an employee to report suspected fraud, abuse or a violation of this policy will result in employee discipline, up to and including separation.
Any suspicions of fraud, abuse, and waste should be directly reported to our Public Funds Compliance Officer, the Vice President of Administration.
The Public Funds Compliance Officer conducts an internal investigation. In the event that our Public Funds Compliance Officer, the Vice President of Administration is suspected or alleged to be involved in fraud, the Corporate Director of Human Resources completes the investigation. The investigation will include at least the following:
If it is determined after a thorough investigation that any employee has committed fraud, their employment will end immediately.
If it is determined that a vendor, person who uses services, or other business partner has committed fraud, Mains’l reserves the right to end the relationship.
While Mains’l prefers that reports of suspected fraud and abuse are made internally, you have the right to report suspicions of Medicaid abuse or fraud to a state agency.
In California: Department of Health Care Services/Health Care Programs at 800-822-6222 or
Office of the Attorney General 800-722-0432 or
In Minnesota: Department of Human Services Provider Fraud: 800-657-3750 Recipient Fraud: 800-627-9977
Requests for service are accepted from people requesting supports for themselves, their caregivers, family members and guardians, other providers, and social service agencies. Mains’l accepts referrals from people without regard to race, gender, age, disability, spirituality, or sexual orientation, and our practices are consistent with a person’s service recipient rights.
Mains’l uses a person centered approach to discover if the person requesting services and Mains’l are a good fit, based on needs, alignment with Mains’l values, and our ability to meet the person’s level of care. We do not refuse to offer services to a person based solely on the type of services the person is currently receiving, the degree of their emotional, physical or intellectual abilities, type of communication style, personal routines, or past success rate. If we cannot meet a person’s service needs, documentation regarding the reason will be provided to the person, the person’s legal representative, and case manager, upon request.
Mains’l engages in conversations with the person requesting services and their support team to help identify what’s important to and important for the person. We are committed to a collaborative approach when developing services for people, and a team of Mains’l employees work together to determine if service needs can be met. Team members may consist of a customer service specialist, navigator, senior manager and/or manager.
When a person contacts Mains’l about our services:
1. We gather basic information about the person, including service needs, funding type, personal information, preferred characteristics of support staff, and the type of housing or roommate preferences, as applicable.
2. We will ask if a person centered description and/or Person Centered Plan have been created. If so, we request the information. If not, we offer resources to assist the person in this process. The process may involve an outside person centered planner.
3. We meet with the person and their circle of support (those invited by the person they want involved) about what is important to and for them. Most often we have a “meet and greet” at a place designated by the person and/or at a place with potential roommates. “A Getting To Know You” form can be used to begin recording information about the person.
4. If during these conversations/introductions it is determined that Mains’l is a good fit for the person and/or their circle of support, information sharing continues. Mains’l asks for the following, as applicable/available:
a. Important to the person:
o Person Centered Plan (Picture of a Life, MAP, Essential Lifestyle Plan, etc.)
o Personal Description and/or Personal Profile
o Support/program plan (i.e., Coordinated Service and Support Plan or Individual Program Plan)
b. Important for the person
o Personal Safety Plan (Individual Abuse Prevention Plan, Support/Program Plan)
o Individualized Education Program Plan – completed by school professional
o Medical and health care related information and/or assessments (psychological and/or psychiatric evaluation, behavior assessment, physical therapy, dental, occupational therapy, audiology, etc.)
o Positive Support Transition Plan
5. If there are concerns regarding potential risk to the agency, the assigned manager meets with the Vice President of Administration to determine if the referral process can continue. Certain medical needs or behavioral or criminal histories may pose too great a risk for the person or Mains’l. History of arson, assault, and sexual offenses, for example, require special consideration and may not match Mains’l’s ability to provide supports. When there appears to be a mismatch between Mains’l’s ability to provide supports and the supports that are likely needed, the referral must be reviewed and approved by the executive leadership team.
6. If it is determined that the person and Mains’l are not a good fit and we are not going to provide services, the manager will provide documentation of the reason to the person, the person’s legal representative, and case manager, upon request.
7. When the person requesting services and Mains’l agree that we are a good match, the manager negotiates the service agreement with the case manager. Upon receiving the service agreement, (or authorization that the agreement is in process), the manager begins developing services.
8. The manager meets with additional Mains’l staff when the supports requested require resources that extend beyond our current support options. Members may include the following: services director, human resources representative, nurse, therapeutic specialist, finance representative, and/or a housing representative. The development team works together to ensure the person’s support needs can be met, and within the expected timeframe(s). The team meets on a regular basis to communicate updates on progress to the person and their support team, as needed.
9. Mains’l support team members and the person requesting services continue the discovery process to learn as much as possible about each other. Mains’l uses a variety of person centered practices to assist in documenting the information learned. These tools/skills may include, but are not limited to: Matching Tools (to gain insight on what staff characteristics are preferred) and Discovery Tools (Important To/For, Rituals and Routines, Relationship Map, Good Day/Bad Day, Communication Chart, Learning Log). Many of these tools are contained in the Person Centered Description materials packet.
The information gathered is used to assist with the development of the person’s support plan.
When the person requesting services and Mains’l agree that we are a good match, the process of starting services begins. This procedure may vary, depending on the supports and needs of each person.
1. When new staff are needed, Mains’l partners with the person and their support team to recruit employees who are the right fit for the person and Mains’l.
2. If during the referral process it has been determined that the person requesting services is looking for a new place to live, the support team members determine the roles and responsibilities of each member in locating housing. Depending on the supports identified, different levels of supports will be needed.
a. In some cases, Mains’l may have an established home that provides up to 24 hours of support. If a roommate is desired by existing tenants of the established home, and this level of support is requested by the person, the manager will make arrangements for the people to meet and get to know each other.
b. If the person has a criminal background which may affect roommates, the manager notifies the roommates and/or their guardians and case managers (i.e., is on a sexual predator registry.) Also, the manager notifies the person requesting supports if one of the potential roommates is on a sexual predator registry.
c. If everyone agrees the living arrangement is a good match for all, a move in date is scheduled by the manager, the person, and their support team.
d. When new housing must be arranged before supports start, a move-in date is set when the person’s home has been secured (lease signed, roommates identified if needed, etc.) The roles and responsibilities are assigned by the person and their support team, depending on the level of support requested.
e. Once staffing and housing is established, as needed, an enrollment meeting can be scheduled.
3. An enrollment meeting is scheduled by the manager, and/or the person and their support team. Meetings are held at a place agreed upon by the person and their circle of support.
4. At the meeting, conversations continue to address what is important to and for the person. These conversations help the manager record information that will inform the person’s Support Plan.
a. If a Person Centered Plan has not been created by/for the person, the team addresses who will be responsible to develop the plan, as appropriate.
b. All documents listed on the Enrollment Checklist will be reviewed and/or signed by the person and/or their guardian.
c. The manager offers a Mains’l Guidebook to Supports. The handbook includes policies and procedures on how we offer services.
d. A date when services will actually begin will be determined by the person and the support team.
5. The manager completes a Starting Services form to notify other Mains’l departments when services are starting.
6. The manager begins the process of developing the person centered Support Plan (see How We Offer Supports and Services Policy and Procedure). This document is developed as soon as possible (best practice 15 days but no later than 30 days after the initial starting services meeting) and is sent to the person and their identified support team
Getting to Know You
Person Centered Description packets
Enrollment Meeting Checklist
How We Offer Supports and Services Policy and Procedure
Mains’l Guidebook to Supports
Starting Services/Change of Service form
Mains’l provides representative payee services in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Social Security Administration. Mains’l only offers representative payee services to individuals who receive other services from the agency.
A representative payee can be appointed by the Social Security Administration to receive the Social Security or SSI benefits for a person who can’t manage or direct the management of his or her benefits. Mains’l does not charge a monthly fee from Social Security benefits and/or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, but charges may apply depending on the business relationship between Mains’l and the person requesting representative payee services.
A representative payee’s main duties are to use the benefits to pay for the current and future needs of the beneficiary, and properly save any benefits not needed to meet current needs. A payee must also keep records of expenses.
Establishing Mains’l as a Representative Payee
The following steps are to be followed to establish Mains’l as Representative Payee:
Fulfilling Representative Payee Responsibilities
Mains’l protects people who receive services from suspected abuse through education and clear expectations of what to do when you suspect a person has been harmed or is being harmed. California has laws to protect elderly and dependent adults that are used to inform our actions.
If you suspect, witness, or become aware of suspected abuse of dependent adult or elderly, report immediately! You are one of those people – a “mandated reporter”
Where to report suspected abuse:
To report to Mains’l, call the administrative on-call phone at 530-723-2913 or contact your Program Manager
To report outside of Mains’l: For Adults: Adult Protective Services 1-800-664-9774 For Long Term Care Facilities: Ombudsman 1-800-846-4042
Suspected abuse must be reported.
You do not need to have proof that it has occurred.
How people learn about responding to and reporting suspected abuse
The who, what, where, why, and how for responding to and reporting suspected abuse
Who is considered a dependent adult? In general, any person who needs assistance to adequately care for him or herself, and is therefore at a greater risk of abuse, is considered a dependent adult. Based on California laws, any person receiving services from Mains’l is considered a dependent adult.
Who is considered a mandated reporter? A person who has assumed full or intermittent responsibility for care of a dependent adult, whether or not paid for that responsibility. Mandated reporters can include family, friends, hired employees, contracted service providers, and volunteers.
What is abuse? For dependent adults, abuse is defined as physical abuse, serious bodily injury, neglect, or financial abuse, abandonment and isolation. Definitions of each type of abuse are provided below in the definitions section.
Who is required to report suspected abuse? While anyone can report, many people are required by law to report, including you. A complete list of who is required to report can be found in the Statutes listed above. Some professionals who are mandated reporters are people who work in the following areas:
Social services
What is required to be reported? Suspected abuse must be reported within 24 hours of finding out. Definitions of abuse are listed in this document.
Who do I report to? For the suspected abuse of a dependent adult, report to the California Adult Protective Services (APS). You may complete the documentation on line with the (SOC 341). For suspected abuse in a licensed service it also needs to be reported to the licensing entity Community Care Licensing (CCL) We also ask that you contact the Mains’l administrative on-call personnel.
What happens at Mains’l after a report is made? When Mains’l has a reason to believe that an internal or external report of alleged or suspected abuse has been made, we also report and respond.
Internal reviews are completed by Anne Silcher, Director or a designated Senior Manager. Mains’l documents completion of the internal review and will provide a copy to the commissioner immediately upon request.
What happens if I do not report suspected abuse? There are many things that can happen if you do not report including:
If you are asked to not report something, you can explain to the person that you are required by law to report. You also do not have to inform the person that you are making a report, go ahead and make the report if you suspect abuse has occurred.
Will I be protected from retaliation if I make a report? Yes, Mains’l will not retaliate against anyone for making a report in good faith (an honest report) and takes action to protect people who report. There are also laws in place to protect people who make good faith reports.
A person who intentionally makes a false report may be found liable in a civil suit for any actual damages suffered by the reported facility, person or persons and any punitive damages up to $10,000.00 and attorney’s fees.
Suspected Abuse definitions for adults
Abuse: Abuse can be physical, emotional, verbal, or sexual. This includes but is not limited to:
See CA Statutes for complete definitions and additional information. |
Deprivation of food and water
a. Verbal assaults, threats, and intimidation
b. Subjection to fear, isolation or emotional stress
c. Withholding emotional support
Neglect: Occurs when an individual’s health and safety needs are not being met. This includes, but is not limited to:
shelter, health care, or supervision, which is reasonable and necessary to obtain or maintain the person’s physical or mental health or safety, and is not the result of an accident or therapeutic conduct.
2. Absence or likelihood of absence of care or services, including but not limited to food, clothing, shelter, health care, or supervision necessary to maintain the physical and mental health of the individual which a reasonable person would deem essential to obtain or maintain the person’s health, safety, or comfort.
Financial exploitation/abuse: Occurs when a person misuses funds, assets, or property of a dependent adult. This includes but is not limited to:
1. Failure to use the dependent adult’s financial resources to provide food, clothing, shelter, health care, therapeutic conduct or supervision for the individual, and the failure results in or is likely to result in detriment to the individual;
use of undue influence, harassment, duress, deception, or fraud;
Remember… Respond immediately if you suspect, see, or hear about maltreatment!
Thank you for helping to protect people from harm.
To view California statutes please go to
Copy of the Mandated Reporting Requirements, as specified in California Welfare and Institutions Code Section 15630 (See Appendix 3)
Copy of the Employee Confidentiality Rights, as specified in California Welfare and Institutions Code Section 15633 (See Appendix 4)
Orientation for Person Receiving Supports Form
Mains’l is committed to a safe and healthy working environment for all employees, persons receiving services and stakeholders.
Mains’l will comply with occupational safety and health standards or rules as stipulated by 29 CFR 1910 OSHA Federal General Industry Regulations and Department of Labor and Industry OSHA state laws and rules.
(Right to Know) Mains’l neither manufactures, stores, transfers or disposes of any hazardous materials.
Mains’l has policies and procedures on blood borne pathogens which provide for infection control through procedures for cleaning and disinfecting, glove use, use of protective barriers, medical sharps, hand washing and laundry.
The agency’s infection control plan is designed to prevent illness and disease through universal precautions and availing HBV vaccine to any new or current employee at no cost to the employee.
Mains’l also has an exposure control plan for its employees which include testing by a medical provider.
For occupational safety Mains’l follows the basic tenants of the AWAIR program. AWAIR is an acronym for A Workplace Accident and Injury Reduction Program. This program is designed to identify potential causes of injuries and accidents and to eliminate those from the workplace wherever possible.
Occupational safety is everyone’s responsibility. According to OSHA, an overwhelming majority of workplace accidents are due to unsafe acts and workplace conditions. Each employee is responsible for:
The AWAIR Program is intended to:
Strategies to reduce workplace accidents and injuries:
Once each year; CRS sites will conduct an exercise to list together 3-4 workplace conditions or behaviors that can cause accidents and/or injuries. In turn the supervisor will elicit solutions from the participants to address these conditions or behaviors. The results will be sent to the vice president of administration for review and any follow up action necessary.
Inspections of Work Sites:
Home Safety Inspection Checklists will be used by CRS site staff to identify potential conditions that might also cause accidents or injuries. These checklists are to be completed once every two months and sent to the vice president of administration for review and any follow up actions necessary.
Enforcement Strategies:
Employees who fail to follow safety rules or requirements will be subject to employee discipline as described in HR policies.
The primary training for safety in the workplace is blood borne pathogens. Otherwise CRS sites will acquaint employees with local safekeeping practices.
Assessment and Control of Hazards:
Mains’l prohibits use and storage of hazardous materials.
Safety Coordinator:
The safety coordinator for Mains’l is the vice president of administration.
Food and Food Safety:
The manager of each home is responsible for the coordination of:
Goods Provided by the Agency:
The manager of each home is also responsible to ensure that:
The senior manager for each home checks to verify that each person has clean and adequate supply of linens in good condition during their scheduled quarterly site visits and documents such on the Site Visit Checklist.
Personal Items:
The manager for each home is responsible to assure that:
Pets and Service Animals:
The manager of each home is responsible to assure that:
Control of Pests and Vermin:
All staff will remain vigilant keeping an eye open for any signs of insects or vermin. If sighted or suspected, staff will immediately report that information to their supervisor. The supervisor will evaluate the report, gather any additional information needed, conduct a site visit and report their findings to the senior manager or maintenance.
The senior manager with consultation with the vice president of administration will immediately summon an exterminator to report to the site within 24 hours. Exterminators have protocols on treating homes and sites on addressing furnishings, furniture and household structures and environments. This includes the extermination of bed bugs for which there is a specific protocol.
29 CFR 1910 OSHA General Industry Regulations
Department of Labor and Industry OSHA Laws and Rules (MSA Chap. 182)
Infection Control Plan
Exposure Control Plan
Cleaning and Disinfectant Procedures
Glove Procedures
Handwashing Procedures
Laundry Procedures
Protective Barrier Procedures
Sharps Procedures
Risk Exercise
Home Safety Checklist
Home Safety Checklist Calendar
Site Visit Checklist
Bed Bugs Protocol
Training PowerPoint
Mains’l retains all records related to people receiving services and programs in a secure location for the period of time required by law.
When services are provided in a licensed home, the access to the current records is maintained at the home either on paper or electronically. For services provided in the person’s own home, records are maintained at the program services office either on paper or electronically. Mains’l protects service recipient and program records against loss, tampering, and unauthorized disclosure.
The following people have access to the information in a person’s record, in accordance with applicable state and federal laws, regulations, or rules:
1. the person, the person's legal representative, and anyone properly authorized by the person;
2. the person's case manager;
3. Mains’l’s employees providing services to the person, unless the information is not relevant to carrying out the coordinated service and support plan or coordinated service and support plan addendum;
4. the county child or adult foster care licensor, when services are also licensed as child or adult foster care; and
5. the DHS licensor or investigator as required under the Human Services Licensing Act, Minnesota Statutes, Chapterand Chapter 245A.
The following documents are in each service recipient record per 245D.095:
2. Service information, including:
3. Health information, including medical history, special dietary needs, and allergies.
4. When Mains’l is assigned responsibility for meeting the person's health service needs, documentation of:
5. A copy of the person’s current coordinated service and support plan or the portion assigned to
6. A copy of the individual abuse prevention plan/safety plan.
7. Copies of service planning assessments required under section 245D.071, subdivisions 2 and 3
8. A record of other service providers, including: contact person, telephone number, services being
provided, and names of staff responsible for coordination of services.
9. Documentation of orientation to service recipient rights and maltreatment reporting policies and
10. Copies of authorizations to handle a person’s funds.
11. Documentation of complaints received and grievance resolutions.
12. When requested by the person, legal representative, case manager or team: copies of written
reports regarding the person including: progress review reports, progress or daily log notes recorded by the program, and reports received from other agencies involved in providing services or care of the person.
13. Summary of ending services, if applicable.
14. Service suspension/termination and related documentation, if applicable.
Retention guidelines are as follows:
Category | Longest Retention Period |
Laws/Regulations Requiring Retention |
Service Recipient Records Program Records
All records related to a person who is currently receiving services, are maintained for the duration of their services. Once a person’s services have ended, records are retained for seven (7) years. Program incident reports, BIRFS, contracts, and licensing documents are retained for seven (7) years. Program policies and procedures are maintained until no longer required or until the policy and procedure is replaced by a new policy or procedure |
MN Statute 145.30, 145.32 MN Rule 9505.2190 MN Rule 4658.0470 MN Rule 245D.095 |
Service Recipient Records
Documents that are created or received by Mains’l that pertain to a person receiving services are saved in the person’s secure electronic record or paper file.
For paper files, after a County Foster licensing review, information is removed from the individual’s medical and plan file and scanned into the Mains’l document management system. At this time, information that has been summarized into another format (e.g. data into a progress review) may be discarded. Managers organize the information to be scanned as follows:
1. Separate the documents into the categories of:
a. Program
b. Medical
c. Financial
2. Incorporate all documents from work books into the primary file and remove pages that are duplicates or are general in nature and not specific to the individual.
3. Prepare all documents for scanning:
a. Within the categories above, arrange them in the order they appear in the plan file or medical file, according to the table of contents
b. Organize all pages chronologically and orient all pages within the pile the same direction
c. Remove all staples
d. Straighten all folded, curled edges at the top of the page
4. Scan documents into the appropriate category within the Fortis system.
5. Once scanning is complete, verify that all pages have been scanned and are readable before destroying the original.
Program Records
1. The program services, support services and human resources departments are responsible for scanning these documents:
a. Incident Reports
b. Contracts
c. Licensing documents
d. Policies and Procedures
2. Prepare all documents for scanning as follows:
a. Organize all pages chronologically and orient all pages within the pile the same direction
b. Remove all staples
c. Straighten all folded, curled edges at the top of the page
3. Scan documents into the appropriate category within the document management system
4. Once scanning is complete, verify that all pages have been scanned and are readable before destroying the original.
(Rev. 1/8/19; SR
Mains'l ensures the exercise and protection of each person’s rights in the services and supports provided.
These rights are established for the benefit of persons receiving services. Mains’l will not require a person to surrender these rights as a condition of receiving services. A guardian or legal representative or, when there is no guardian or legal representative, a designated person, may seek to enforce these rights.
Informing people about rights
Implementing a rights restriction
Restriction of a person’s rights is allowed only if determined necessary to assure the health, safety, and well-being of the person. Any restriction of these rights is documented in the person’s coordinated service and support plan. Mains’l support plan and must be approved by the person or their legal representative before the restriction is implemented. Approval may be withdrawn at any time, at which time the right must be immediately and fully restored. Restrictions are reviewed, minimally, semiannually and more frequently if requested by the person or their legal representative if any, and case manager.
Service Recipient Rights
Rights Restriction Summary
<p>It is the policy of Mains’l to ensure our procedures for temporary suspension and termination of services promote continuity of care and service coordination for people receiving services. </p>
<p>This policy is in alignment with state statutes (see References at end of document.)<br />
<p><strong>Suspending Services</strong></p>
<p><strong>Reasons for temporary suspension of services: </strong></p>
<li>A person may suspend services with Mains’l at any time. Some reasons a person might choose to suspend services are:</li>
<ul class="rteindent1">
<li>Scheduling conflicts or lack of staffing.</li>
<li>Times when services are not needed or wanted for a short period of time, such as trying a different living situation (less than 3 months).</li>
<li>Temporary situations that change the person’s service needs such as a medical condition (less than 3 months). </li>
<li>Person receiving services does not qualify for the service or is not eligible under program rules for a short period of time (less than 3 months).</li>
<p class="rteindent1">2. Mains’l may also choose to suspend services. Temporary service suspension by Mains’l is limited to the following situations:</p>
<li>The person's conduct poses an imminent risk of physical harm to self or others and either:
<li>positive support strategies have been implemented to resolve the issues leading to the temporary service suspension, but have not been effective and additional positive support strategies would not achieve and maintain safety; OR</li>
<li>less restrictive measures would not resolve the issues leading to the suspension.</li>
<li>The person has medical issues that exceed our ability to meet the person's needs.</li>
<li>Mains’l has not been paid for services.
<li>This includes non-payment of waiver obligations, spenddowns, private pay, GRH, Medicaid and any other funding sources. </li>
<li>Medicaid or other funding being inactive or person is no longer eligible for services. </li>
<p><strong>Actions taken before services are suspended:</strong> Mains’l requests that we be notified in writing if a person chooses to suspend their services. Before Mains’l gives notice of temporary service suspension, the manager documents actions taken to minimize or eliminate the need for suspension. </p>
<li>Action taken by Mains’l must include, at a minimum:</li>
<ul class="rteindent1">
<li>Consultation with the person's support team or expanded support team to identify and resolve issues leading to the notice being issued; and</li>
<li>A request to the case manager for intervention services identified, including positive support services, in-home or out-of-home crisis respite services, specialist services, or other professional consultation or intervention services to support the person.</li>
<li>Prior to suspension due to risk of physical harm, the manager requests the assistance of agency positive supports staff to identify and document strategies/interventions that may delay or avoid service suspension.</li>
<li>Prior to suspension due to medical issues, the manager requests the assistance of agency nurses and/or the person’s medical professional team to identify and document strategies/interventions that may delay or avoid service suspension.</li>
<li>Prior to suspension due to non-payment, the person is sent written notification from Mains’l detailing the money owed and payment expectations. </li>
<p>If, based on the best interests of the person, the circumstances at the time of the notice were such that the manager was unable to consult with the person’s team or request interventions services; the manager must document the specific circumstances and the reason for being unable to do so.</p>
<p><strong>Actions taken when suspending services: </strong></p>
<li>The manager notifies the person or the person’s legal representative and the case manager in writing of the intended temporary service suspension by completing a Notice of Temporary Suspension of Services. </li>
<li>If the temporary service suspension is from supported living services or community residential services:a. </li>
<ul class="rteindent1">
<li>In Minnesota, the senior manager must notify the DHS Commissioner in writing. DHS notification will be provided by fax at 651-431-7406. </li>
<li>In California, the senior manager must notify the Case Management Supervisor in writingThe Notice of Temporary Service Suspension is given on the first day of the service suspension</li>
<p class="rteindent1">3. The Notice of Temporary Service Suspension is from supported living services or community residential services:</p>
<p> 4. The written notice of service suspension must include the following elements: </p>
<li>The reason for the action;</li>
<li>A summary of actions taken to minimize or eliminate the need for temporary service suspension; and
<li>Why these measures failed to prevent the suspension.<br />
5. During the temporary suspension period the manager must:</li>
<li>In Minnesota, the senior manager must notify the DHS Commissioner in writing. DHS notification will be provided by fax at 651-431-7406. </li>
<li>In California, the senior manager must notify the Case Management Supervisor in writing. </li>
<p class="rteindent1"><br />
a. The reason for the action;<br />
b. A summary of actions taken to minimize or eliminate the need for temporary service suspension; and <br />
c. Why these measures failed to prevent the suspension.</p>
<p>5. <br />
a. Provide information requested by the person or case manager;<br />
b. Work with the support team or expanded support team to develop reasonable alternatives to protect the person and others and to support continuity of care; and<br />
c. Maintain information about the service suspension, including the written notice of temporary service suspension in the person’s record.</p>
<p>d. Returning to services after suspension: A person has the right to return to receiving services during or following a service suspension with the following conditions:</p>
<p>1. Based on a review by the person’s support team or expanded support team, the person no longer poses an imminent risk of physical harm to self or others, the person has a right to return to receiving services. </p>
<p>2. If the support team or expanded support team makes a determination that is different than the recommendation of a licensed professional treating the person for the reason services were suspended, the manager must document the specific reasons why a different decision was made.</p>
<p>Ending Services</p>
<p>a. Reasons for ending services: </p>
<p>1. A person may end services with Mains’l at any time. Some reasons a person might choose to end services are:<br />
o The services are no longer in the best interest of the person receiving services.<br />
o The person wishes to change to a different provider and/or is not interested in receiving supports by Mains’l. <br />
o Person receiving services no longer qualifies for the service or is no longer eligible under program rules.<br />
o The person is not satisfied with the services being provided or does not feel that Mains’l is a good fit for what they need. <br />
o The person moving to a location where services cannot be or do not need to be provided.<br />
o Person has successfully achieved their goals and no longer requires the support of Mains’l. </p>
<p>2. Mains’l may also choose to end services. Termination of service by Mains’l is limited to the following situations:<br />
o The termination is necessary for the person's welfare and the person's needs cannot be met by Mains’l.<br />
o The safety of the person or other people is endangered and positive support strategies were attempted and have not achieved and effectively maintained safety for the person or others.<br />
o The health of the person or others would otherwise be endangered.<br />
o Mains’l has not been paid for services.<br />
o Mains’l no longer offers the service.<br />
o The person has been terminated by the lead agency from waiver eligibility.<br />
o If the person indicates through their behavior that they no longer wish to receive services by Mains’l (i.e., several missed appointments, not home when support staff comes to visit) and has not returned our phone calls or e-mails.)</p>
<p>b. Actions taken before services are terminated: Mains’l requests to be notified in writing if a person chooses to end their services. Before Mains’l gives notice of service termination, the manager will document the actions taken to minimize or eliminate the need for termination.</p>
<p> Actions taken will include, at a minimum:<br />
o Consultation with the person’s support team to identify and resolve issues leading to the notice being issued; and<br />
o A request to the case manager for intervention services, including positive support services, in-home or out-of-home crisis respite services, specialist services, or other professional consultation or intervention services to support the person.<br />
a. A request for intervention services will not be made for service termination notices issued because the program has not been paid for services.<br />
o An individual agreement will be developed with the person, if it is believed that their commitment to receiving services from Mains’l is absent. </p>
<p>If, based on the best interests of the person, the circumstances at the time of the notice were such that the manager was unable to consult with the person’s team or request interventions services; the manager must document the specific circumstances and the reason for being unable to do so.</p>
<p><br />
c. Actions taken when terminating services: </p>
<p>1. A written notice of an intended service termination, including those situations which began with a temporary service suspension, must be completed on the Notice of Service Termination form and given to the person, their legal representative, and the case manager before the proposed effective date of service termination. <br />
a. For California services, and for intensive services in Minnesota, the notice must be provided at least 60 days before the proposed effective date of service termination.<br />
b. For all other services, the notice must be provided at least 30 days before the proposed effective date of service termination.<br />
c. If the service termination is from supported living services or community residential services:<br />
o In Minnesota, the senior manager must notify the DHS Commissioner in writing. DHS notification will be provided by fax at 651-431-7406.<br />
o In California, the senior manager must notify the Case Management Supervisor in writing within 60 days. </p>
<p>2. This notice may be given in conjunction with a notice of temporary service suspension.</p>
<p>3. The written notice of a proposed service termination must include all of the following elements:<br />
a. The reason for the action;<br />
b. A summary of actions taken to minimize or eliminate the need for service termination, and why these measures failed to prevent the termination. A summary of actions is not required when service termination is a result of Mains’l no longer providing the service (ceasing operation);<br />
c. The person's right to appeal the termination of services under Minnesota Statutes, section 256.045, subdivision 3, paragraph (a); and <br />
d. In Minnesota, the person's right to seek a temporary order staying the termination of services according to the procedures in section 256.045, subdivision 4a or 6, paragraph (c).</p>
<p>4. During the service termination notice period, the manager must:<br />
a. Work with the support team or expanded support team to develop reasonable alternatives to protect the person and others and to support continuity of care;<br />
b. Provide information requested by the person or case manager;<br />
c. Complete a Starting Service/Change Form and Employee Status Change or Termination forms as applicable and distribute within the agency as the forms direct.<br />
d. Assure that information about the service termination, including the written termination notice, is maintained in the person’s plan file. <br />
e. Organize the person’s personal information according to the Record Retention Procedure, and scan the records for electronic storage<br />
Minnesota Statute 245D.10, subdivision 3 and subdivision 3a.
California Statute Title 17, division 2, chapter 3
Notice of Temporary Suspension of Services
Mains'l will provide reasonable accommodations to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking who request an accommodation for their safety while at work, provided the accommodation does not create an undue hardship on the Company.
Reasonable accommodations may include the implementation of safety measures such as:
Upon receiving a request, the Company will engage in a timely, good faith, and interactive process with you to
determine effective reasonable accommodations.
If you no longer need an accommodation, you must notify the Company that the accommodation is no longer
needed. If circumstances change and you need a new accommodation, you must request one.
When requesting a reasonable accommodation, you will be asked to submit a signed, written statement that certifies that the accommodation is for an authorized purpose. You may also be asked to provide documentation that demonstrates your status as a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking, such as:
Unpaid Leave
The Company will also provide victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking with unpaid leave to obtain or attempt to obtain any relief, including, but not limited to, a temporary restraining order, restraining order, or other injunctive relief, to help ensure the health, safety, or welfare of you or your child. You may use available vacation, personal leave, accrued paid sick leave, or compensatory time off for your leave unless you are covered by a collective-bargaining agreement that states otherwise.
You must provide reasonable advance notice of your intention to take leave for the above reasons unless advanced notice is not feasible. If an unscheduled absence occurs, you must provide the following documentation within a reasonable amount of time after your absence:
The Company will maintain the confidentiality of anyone requesting time off or requesting an accommodation under this policy, except as required by federal or state law or as necessary to protect your safety in the workplace.
The Company will not retaliate against a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking for requesting or obtaining leave or a reasonable accommodation in accordance with this policy.
Your employment with Mains'l is on an "at-will" basis. This means your employment may be terminated at any time, with or without notice and with or without cause. Likewise, we respect your right to leave the Company at any time, with or without notice and with or without cause.
Nothing in this handbook or any other Company document should be understood as creating a contract, guaranteed or continued employment, a right to termination only "for cause," or any other guarantee of continued benefits or employment. Only Mains'l has the authority to make promises or negotiate with regard to guaranteed or continued employment, and any such promises are only effective if placed in writing and signed by the Mains'l.
If a written contract between you and the Company is inconsistent with this handbook, the written contract is controlling.
Nothing in this handbook will be interpreted, applied, or enforced to interfere with, restrain, or coerce employees in the exercise of their rights under Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act.
It is our commitment to the persons receiving services, families, guardians, and other stakeholders that maintaining schedules to meet the needs of our customers is one of our highest priorities. In support of this commitment, Mains’l has an attendance policy and procedure for all employees.
Employees and their supervisors work in partnership on the development of appropriate employee schedules to support the work needs of the organization. Both the employee and the supervisor are accountable for maintaining excellent attendance standards.
This attendance procedure establishes guidelines to provide clarity for excellent attendance and to address any concerns of employee’s attendance and punctuality.
Definitions of terms used in this procedure:
Employees at Mains’l receive scheduled work time that is created in partnership with their supervisor. Scheduled work time is defined as any time an employee is scheduled to work, including scheduled attendance at orientation, required meetings, and training sessions. Employees at Mains’l are expected to arrive on time and to be prepared for their scheduled work time Ongoing tardiness can result in separation of employment. Due to the variety of the roles and responsibilities within the work we do, schedules may be required to change.
Occasionally there will be times that an employee is unable to work their scheduled work time. This includes any needed absence, lateness, or early departure from their scheduled work time for an acceptable reason. In order for this to be an approved absence, an employee notifies their supervisor according to the designated time lines in the in Mains’l paid time off and unpaid time off policies and procedures. The supervisor must approve the employee’s request prior to the absence.
Every Occurrence is recorded unless the Occurrence is the result of one of the following:
A single occurrence of a No Call, No Show, as defined in this policy is considered a voluntary termination of employment.
Supervisors or other designee will make available the schedule in advance of the pay periods noting the scheduled work times of all the employees. If there is a significant deviation from the standard schedule, the supervisor will notify the effected employee(s) in advance of the deviation. We provide 24 hour services at certain locations, and as a result an employee may need to stay beyond the end of their shift if a replacement employee does not arrive.
Paid Time Off Policy and Procedure
Unpaid Time Off Policy and Procedure
Family and Medical Leave / California Family Rights Act Policy and Procedure
This policy outlines how we behave at Mains’l to provide the best possible work environment. Employees are expected to be positive and appropriate role models. It is expected that employee conduct ensures the safety and well-being of the people supported and promotes a positive and respectful working environment for all.
Mains’l expects all employees to be honest, responsible, and to abide by the Employee Pledge. Employees are expected to act ethically and also report unacceptable activities and behaviors by other employees by calling the administrative cell phone or reporting to their supervisor as soon as possible.
Not being aware of a law, policy, or procedure is not an acceptable excuse for breaking it. Employees are responsible for the information they receive in orientation, at team meetings, and other trainings. It is expected that employees not only focus on the actual words and provisions of the information they receive, but also the possible intentions behind the words. Manipulating laws, policies, and procedures by using technicalities and omissions to justify actions is not acceptable behavior at Mains’l and will not be tolerated.
To accomplish these goals, it is the policy of Mains’l that certain rules and regulations regarding employee behavior are necessary to set the standards of acceptable behavior and provide guidance to employees.
While impossible to detail every work situation and recommended appropriate behavior, the following are some examples of positive and role modeling behaviors that are expected of employees at Mains’l:
Although it is not possible to list all forms of behavior that are considered unacceptable in the workplace, the following are examples of behavior that is not in alignment of who we are at Mains’l (this kind of behavior may result in written performance feedback, up to and including separation of employment):
Mainsl Vision, Mission and Values
Employee Pledge
Mains’l strives to provide services and conduct business in an ethical and exemplary manner.
All employees avoid activities or relationships that conflict with Mains’l’s interests or adversely affect the reputation or Mains’l or the people we serve. The term "conflict of interest" describes any circumstance or relationship with a service recipient, supplier, outside agency, contractor or person currently engaged in or seeking to conduct business with Mains’l that would cast doubt on an employee's ability to act with objectivity with regard to Mains’l’s interests.
Failure to make required disclosures or resolve conflicts of interest satisfactorily can result in written
performance feedback up to and including separation of employment.
Employees disclose material or potential conflicts and any relationships, personal or professional, that may
create the appearance of a conflict of interest to their supervisor as soon as they become aware of them so that safeguards can be established to protect all parties.
The supervisor then reviews the situation with their senior leader and Human Resources to determine
appropriate action.
The types of activities and relationships employees avoid include, but are not limited to:
Mains’l recognizes that damage of employee property may occur while working with people we support or within the day to day completion of job responsibilities. To reduce the risk of damage to personal property, a collaborative effort between the agency and its employees is necessary. Mains’l reimburses employees whose personal property has been damaged in some situations as outlined in the procedure below.
Reimbursable Employee Property
*Damage to personal property resulting from negligence of the employee or violation of training protocols is not reimbursable.
Employee Property Damage Report
It is the policy of Mains’l to safeguard and protect the privacy of protected health information it creates, acquires, or maintains in accordance with the Privacy Regulations of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and other applicable state laws. Mains’l employees and individuals receiving services receive the “Notice of Privacy Practices” which explains the use and disclosure of Protected Health Information as well as the individual’s rights to that information. The Privacy Official for Mains’l is the National Director of Human Resources. Individuals may file a privacy complaint with the Mains’l Privacy Official, or the Secretary of Health and Human Services. Mains’l does not retaliate or take any adverse action against any person who files a complaint.
Mains'l policy regarding access, release and duplication of information pertaining to persons receiving service is in accordance with federal and state statutes regarding data privacy, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) and the definition of political subdivisions which include corporations that provide social services "under contract to any political subdivision, statewide system, or state agency".
Mains’l employees are allowed to share information with the following persons or entities without a release:
The person receiving services and/or their legal representative may have access to all written records regarding the person.
Confidentiality of Data
Only data/ information needed to make a determination of eligibility for service is requested of applicants. Only data necessary for provision of service is generated and retained for persons receiving service from Mains'l. All such confidential data is responsibly stored in a person’s file at all times. Only those persons identified above are allowed access. The files are not allowed to leave the corporate office without written permission of the senior manager or director.
No Mains'l personnel shares or releases any confidential information regarding a person receiving service to any unauthorized person/agency without adherence to the procedure regarding access. No written correspondence or documentation regarding a person receiving service should reference the full name of other persons receiving service.
Access to Outside Persons/Agencies
No personal data or information, including pictures, is shared with or released to outside persons/agencies unless authorization is obtained from the person receiving service or their legal representative as outlined in Mains'l procedure regarding release of information (see Procedure: Data Privacy). This includes legal advocates, volunteers, and interns.
Information pertaining to a person receiving service from Mains'l may be released to responsible federal, state and county agencies without authorization.
Mains'l provides employees with disability income protection when they miss work due to nonwork related disabilities. The terms and conditions for the disability insurance program are outlined in the Summary of Plan Benefits. Contact Human Resources for a copy of the plan provisions and for any questions about the benefit.
Mains'l is committed to providing a safe, healthy, and productive work environment. Consistent with this commitment, it is the intent of Mains’l to maintain a drug and alcohol-free workplace. Being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs (as classified under federal, state, or local laws), including marijuana, while on the job may pose a serious health and safety risk to others, which will not be tolerated.
Mains’l expressly prohibits employees from engaging in the following activities when they are on duty or conducting Company business or on Company premises (whether or not they are working):
While the use of marijuana has been legalized under some state laws for medicinal [and/or recreational] uses, it remains an illegal drug under federal law and its use, as it impacts the workplace, is prohibited by Company policy. Mains’l does not discriminate against employees solely on the basis of their off-duty use of medical marijuana in compliance with California medical marijuana law. You may not consume or be under the influence of marijuana while on duty or at work, even if you have a valid prescription for medical marijuana.
Nothing in this policy is meant to prohibit your appropriate use of over-the-counter medication or other medication that can legally be prescribed under both federal and state law, if it does not impair your job performance or safety or the safety of others. If you take over-the-counter medication or other medication that can legally be prescribed under both federal and state law to treat a disability, inform your Manager if you believe the medication may impair your job performance, safety, or the safety of others or if you believe you need a reasonable accommodation before reporting to work while under the influence of that medication.
Behavior Expectations
Voluntary Treatment
Mains’l encourages employees who may have a substance abuse problem to seek voluntary treatment. Employees who need assistance may obtain evaluation and/or counseling through the various private and public agencies that are available. The decision to seek diagnosis and accept treatment is the employee's responsibility. When requested, human resources will provide information regarding any available drug counseling, rehabilitation and employee assistance programs that an employee may enter through his or her health insurance.
Costs associated with any treatment or rehabilitation program may be covered by the employee's health insurance. However, costs not covered by the employee's health insurance, and that are not otherwise required to be paid by any applicable plan, are the employee's responsibility.
Requests for leave are handled in accordance with the Mains’l general leave policies and any applicable medical leave or disability discrimination laws. Except as otherwise required by law, Mains’l cannot guarantee that the employee is reinstated to the same or a comparable position upon return to work.
Employees who voluntarily come forward to request assistance with a substance abuse problem or request a leave of absence to participate in treatment are not subject to disciplinary action for making the request. However, voluntary requests for assistance do not prevent disciplinary action for violations of this or any other policy or performance expectations. Employees may not escape discipline by requesting assistance and/or a leave after being selected for testing or violating this policy or other rules of workplace conduct. Employees who voluntarily seek treatment must still continue to meet all Mains’l job performance expectations and conduct standards. Mains’l may take disciplinary action up to and including termination of an employee who fails to meet our standards.
Drug, Alcohol, or Chemical Testing
It is strongly encouraged that whenever possible, at least two (2) supervisory employees agree that there is reasonable suspicion for a drug test. This protects both the supervisor and the employee.
Treatment program testing may include a return-to-work duties test to ensure the employee is able to perform their job responsibilities.
Actions Taken for Positive Test Results
Employees who receive a positive test result on a drug or alcohol test, refuse to undergo a required chemical, drug and alcohol test, or engage in other conduct that violates this policy are subject to discipline, up to and including termination.
Mains’l will not automatically terminate the employment of an employee for having a positive test result if;
Any employee who refuses to participate in a required drug and alcohol counseling or rehabilitation program, fails to successfully complete the required program, is also not meeting other performance and conduct expectations, or subsequently receives a second positive test result, will face discipline up to and including termination.
When an employee returns to work after a voluntary or required leave of absence, Mains’l attempts to reinstate the employee to his or her former position, if possible, provided the employee is still qualified to properly perform the requirements of the job. However, Mains'l cannot guarantee that the employee can return to the same or a comparable position upon return to work.
Rights and Protections
Mains’l requires employees to undergo chemical, alcohol, and drug testing in the above circumstances. However, it is important that employees understand that they have the following rights and protections under this Drug and Alcohol Policy:
Evidence of a positive test result on a confirmatory test may be used without the individual's consent in a judicial, administrative, or arbitration proceeding; as required by federal law, regulation, or order; for the purpose of evaluation or treatment of the individual to a substance abuse treatment facility; or as otherwise authorized by law.
Employees who desire to advance their professional development may apply for education assistance. This education assistance program provides reimbursement to employees for their educational expenses.
Mains’l supports employees who wish to continue their education in order to secure increased responsibility and career growth. Mains’l firmly believes education from all sources - college, community, seminars and conferences benefits the employee and the agency.
Mains’l budgets for education assistance expenses each year, and approval of employee requests for assistance is subject to these available funds.
Eligible employees are regularly scheduled (full time or part time), have successfully completed their training requirements and have been employed by Mains’l for a minimum of six (6) months prior to the course.
Eligible employees are in good standing with the agency, and have had no written performance feedback conversations within the last six months.
Educational opportunities eligible for assistance are those which develop the employee’s competence in their current position, or prepare them for a position to which they may be interested within Mains’l.
Eligible courses for education assistance are those that require attendance during off-work hours.
Eligible courses for education assistance are provided by:
Mains’l will reimburse staff up to a maximum of $300 per course up to maximum of $1200 per 12 month period.
Employees will secure a passing grade of “C” or above to receive any reimbursement. Expenses are validated by receipts and a copy of the final grade or certification presented to human resources prior to reimbursement.
Covered expenses include tuition, fees and books required to satisfactorily complete the coursework. Other miscellaneous expenses such as, but not limited to parking, supplies, athletic fees and day care are not reimbursable. Mains’l will not reimburse any expenses covered by any other financial aid that does not have to be repaid (i.e. GI Bill, scholarships, and grants).
Applications are approved quarterly (end of March, June, Sept & Dec.)
Approval does not entitle the employee to automatic, ongoing assistance. Each time an eligible employee would like to receive education assistance they need to apply for it.
How to Apply
Applicants complete the Education Assistance Application. Submit the completed application to the human resources department. Applications and grades submitted later than one year after the date of the course will not be reimbursed.
Education Assistance Application
The purpose of this policy and procedure is to outline the different categories of employment at Mains’l. How employees are classified within the organization helps to create clarity around overtime and benefit eligibility. The information within this policy and procedure are in compliance with Federal Labor Standards Act, State Wage and Hour Standards, and Mains’l Policies and Procedures.
Mains’l has established the following categories of employee classification:
Upon hire, every employee receives an offer letter in writing, specifying the employee’s: status, time, and insurance eligibility.
Fair Labor Standards Act Job Classification
Refers to the standard by which an employee is paid and their eligibility for overtime. The two (2) categories of employee status at Mains’l are:
*See Payroll Policy and Procedure for more information.
Refers to the number of hours an employee is scheduled to work. There are three (3) categories. Hours picked up by employees that are not regularly scheduled or guaranteed to them in the future do not count towards time classification
Eligibility for Insurance
Refers to an employee’s eligibility to participate in the group medical, dental, vision, and life policies offered by Mains’l.
The above classifications do not guarantee employment for any specific length of time. Employment is subject to the employee’s and the company’s respective rights to end the employment relationship at any time. Accordingly, unless expressly agreed to otherwise in writing, signed by the CEO, or the Corporate Human Resources Director.
Offer of Employment Letter
Payroll Policy and Procedure
Insurance Benefits Policy and Procedure
Mains’l’s most valuable assets are the people that receive services and the people we employ. Mains’l looks to its employees to share their experiences, suggestions and general feedback which allow us to improve as an organization. To support this culture, Mains’l encourages employees and supervisors to meet and talk regularly. Employees and their supervisor meet and talk about what is working, not working, and ways to improve the work environment throughout employment at Mains’l. Examples may include feedback related to an employee’s onboarding experience, training offered to them, performance feedback tools, and annual employee satisfaction and engagement surveys.
Additionally, an exit survey may be conducted with an employee who is exiting the company. Mains’l’s goal is to obtain information that will be helpful to identify what worked well and did not work well during an employee's tenure, this information helps us identify ways to improve the work environment, reduce turnover, and increase engagement in our workforce. Receiving insight and feedback from exiting employees helps Mains’l to understand why employees are leaving and what could be done differently during their employment.
The exit survey may be conducted by a representative of human resources through a face to face meeting or through electronic survey administration.
The primary method for soliciting employee feedback is through survey. The methods Mains’l uses to solicit feedback are in person meetings, paper surveys, or digital mediums. Additionally, employees are also able to provide comments directly through the Mains’l website.
These feedback requests are administered at times or intervals determined by Mains’l. The person requesting the information from an employee is also typically the designee for collection of the feedback. Additionally, exit surveys may be administered by a human resources representative or supervisory level employee.
Participation in the exit survey is voluntary. The responses remain confidential where possible. The responses will be used to identify circumstances around an employee’s exit from Mains’l.
Questions may include:
We ask that in any and all feedback you provide throughout your employment, that you do so honestly and truthfully. We thank you in advance for your feedback as it assists Mains’l in learning what is working and not, and allows us to improve as an organization.
Employee files are maintained for all Mains'l employees. The purpose in maintaining these files and records is to the benefit of our employees and Mains’l recordkeeping needs. Employees occasionally need information documented in an employee file for personal or professional reasons and Mains’l is able to provide record of the information to the employee upon request. Additionally, Mains’l is required to keep records according to established federal and state statutes.
Employee files are property of Mains'l. Employees have the right to review the content of their employee file or request a copy, upon written request to Human Resources, once every 6 months, and once a year after separation of employment. Mains’l has a 7 day turn-around time for personnel file requests.
Documents contained in the employee files are released with written authorization of the employee. Documents released to employees, or their designee, are subject to the conditions established in State law.
Employee files may be kept in paper form in a locked cabinet or in electronic form in a password protected document management system. The employee files are kept secure at all times, except when viewing.
Employee files will be maintained on all active Mains’l employees by human resources. The following information generally is contained in all personnel files:
The following documentation is maintained in a separate file or document imaging file, due to the private nature of the information:
Employee files may be kept in paper form in a locked cabinet or in electronic form in a password protected document management system. Keys for these cabinets are kept by human resources staff. The following classifications are permitted to view employee file records as it pertains to their work:
Access to the files can be obtained by contacting human resources. For control and security purposes, the files can only be viewed in a designated location in the office and in the presence of human resources staff. The only exception to this policy will be at the request of licensing or other officials who have legal authority to access these records.
No files or documents are removed from human resources files.
If a current or former employee personally requests a copy of their own employment information, Mains’l requires a signed release; when the employee requests information via telephone or email, the requested information may:
Mains'l is committed to the fair and equitable treatment of all employees; to provide a work environment that fosters meaningful work for employees. Mains'l wants to hear from you. We welcome any suggestions, feedback, or concerns you may have. To this end, a continual stream of communication between employees and their co-workers is encouraged.
Effort is expected to be made by an employee and supervisor to resolve any and all work conflicts.
When the issue personally involves the supervisor with whom the employee would ordinarily discuss the problem, the employee may bypass that individual and proceed to the next level of supervision. At any time the advice and guidance of the Human Resources Generalist or the Director of Human Resources may be consulted.
All employees use sound judgment in resolving work related conflicts. If a problem arises which cannot be resolved through conversations between the employee and the supervisor, the grievance procedure should be implemented.
Mains’l doesn’t take any adverse action against anyone who in good faith brings grievances forward.
The following steps should be followed when an employee has a job-related problem, question or complaint:
If an employee feels they have been treated unfairly or if they disagree with the decision of their supervisor, an employee may have their questions or concerns addressed by the process outlined in this procedure. The employee initiates the grievance within ten (10) calendar days of the event.
The employee submits written documentation describing the problem and the efforts attempted to resolve the complaint to their supervisor’s supervisor. If the grievance involves a suspension or separation of employment, the grievance is submitted to the Human Resources Generalist.
The supervisor’s supervisor or Human Resources Generalist will respond, in writing, as soon as possible after the grievance is received. A meeting between the concerned individual(s) may be utilized to assist in the recommendation or decision. Documentation of any meetings or conversations is the responsibility of the person with whom the grievance was submitted.
This action will not prejudice the employee's interest in any manner.
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all employees are aware of Mains’l’s recordkeeping responsibilities. Records and documents at Mains’l are adequately protected and maintained and this policy outlines when records are no longer needed by Mains’l or are of no value and are discarded at the proper time.
The Human Resources Department retains and destroys personnel records in accordance with State and Federal laws governing records retention. The following outlines the HR Department’s operating procedures for personnel records retention and destruction of documents which such retention periods have passed. If the company’s retention procedure is not of sufficient duration for any State in which we do business, this procedure will be superseded by State requirements.
Records may be stored and maintained electronically. All personnel records and confidential employee data maintained by Human Resources will be destroyed after retention dates have passed.
Any documents boxed and stored on or off site will be labeled with the following: contents, date, and date to be destroyed.
The following set forth the periods of retention:
Personal Data Category | Longest Retention Period | Laws/Regulations Requiring Retention |
Recruitment, Hiring and Job Placement Records * Employment applications * Resumes * Other job inquiries sent to employer *Employment referral records *Applicant identification records *Help Wanted advertisements |
2 years or the duration of any claim or litigation involving hiring practices | Title VII FEHA ADA ADEA GINA |
Payroll Records *Deductions from or additions to wages |
7 Years | FLSA Unemployment Insurance Codes Labor Codes IRS FMLA ADEA |
Employment Eligibility Forms Verification (I-9 Forms) | The later of 3 years from hire date or 1 year after termination. Note: I-9 for currents employees are never destroyed | Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) |
Child Labor Certificates and Notices | 3 years | FSLA |
Employee Personnel Files *Disciplinary Notices *Promotions or demotions *Performance evaluations *Discharge, layoff, transfer and recall files *Training and testing files *Background checks *Applications |
3 years after employee has been terminated | Title VII ADEA FEHA ADA |
Affirmative Action Programs and Documents | 5 years | Title VII HRA |
Employee Health Records *Health Assessment *Benefits applications/changes *Physician statements *Worker’s compensation records (except exposure records) *Drug and alcohol test records *OSHA Records |
5 years | ADA ERISA OSHA |
Work related safety/health exposure records | 30 years | OSHA |
Family Medical Leave (FMLA) | 3 years | FMLA |
California Family Rights Act (CFRA) | 2 years after the files are created or received or 2 years after an employment action is taken | FEHA CFRA |
Employee Benefits Data *Summary plan descriptions * Plan changes COBRA *Beneficiary designations/changes * Earnings |
6 years | ERISA COBRA |
401(k) * All documents related to 401(k) |
Indefinitely | ERISA |
Unlawful Employment Practices, Claims, Investigations and Legal Proceedings Records *Personnel and payroll records about complaining parties *Personnel and payroll records about all others holding or applying for similar positions |
Until disposition of case | Title VII FEHA ADEA ADA FLSA HRA |
The greatest resource Mains’l has is its employees. At Mains’l we seek to engage people with work that is meaningful to them. We accomplish this by hosting discovery conversations, which help us learn about people, their abilities, and the type of work that energizes them.
At Mains’l we value employing individuals of all backgrounds. Any qualified person, regardless of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, gender, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, marital status, gender identity, genetic characteristics, military status, or status with regard to public assistance, or any other characteristics will be considered for employment by Mains'l.
When a job opening occurs, employees of Mains'l are encouraged to apply internally. Additionally the human resource department will recruit external applicants through local newspapers, networking, job fairs, college career centers, the Workforce Centers, and the internet. Referrals from employees, people receiving services, and families are also encouraged.
Mains’l encourages family members of employees be hired, however Mains’l requests that they are not employed in the same work environment and are not supervised, either directly or indirectly, by a family member. Immediate family members include spouse or domestic partners, children, parents, siblings, and variations of these relationships (i.e. step and in-law).
Employees assigned with the ability to interview, hire, and release personnel are designated by position description.
Employment decisions (interview, selection, and release) for Participant Directed Community Support services are the responsibility of the person receiving services/family.
Any action regarding how Mains’l chooses employees is in alignment with established policy set forth in Mains’l policies and procedures, including all state and federal child labor standards.
Note: Employees working in a child foster care home must be 21 years of age or older.
Two conditions may apply if an employee is interested:
In both of the above situations, the current supervisor shares information regarding the employee’s work performance, training record, dependability, flexibility, and other skills and attributes. The human resources department provides access to the personnel file for review by the new supervisor upon request. Selection is based on the preceding factors and the needs of the person or people in the new program, work location or team.
If the employee has received written performance feedback within the last six months, they will they will not be able to transfer until the employee has shown sustained improvement that is documented by the existing supervisor and employee.
Job openings at Mains’l are advertised on the company website by position type, in newspapers, at job fairs, college career centers, Workforce Centers, and/or the internet. Applicants proceed through the following process:
Employment at Mains’l is dependent on successful completion of all State and licensing requirements. The offer of employment letter will specify all requirements.
EEO/AA Policy Statement
Employment Application
Internal Application
The Mains’l workforce is prepared to fulfill individual and team performance expectations associated with their assigned job responsibilities. Training and development prepares and enhances each employee’s ability to be competent and confident in their role and responsibilities.
The content of orientation and annual trainings are based on:
Employees are paid for trainings when they are required by Mains’l. If an employee chooses to take additional training beyond what is assigned, the employee will not be paid by Mains’l for that time.
Orientation training is completed by all new employees and current employees transferring to a new position or department within Mains'l. Additionally, all employees are encouraged, and in some cases required, to participate in ongoing annual professional and educational training. Mains'l provides information to employees on important conferences, workshops, and training opportunities. When attendance at training is required by Mains’l, the agency covers the cost of training and pre-approved expenses. Supervisors may consider certain trainings required or optional based on the unique experience and role of each employee. Employees are notified if training is required or optional.
Training and development may be conducted by members of the human resources teams, administrative team, supervisors, senior supervisors, directors, people receiving services, parents and other stakeholders, and direct care employees. Employees may receive online training, classroom instruction and competency testing, site specific instruction and competency testing, and on the job training and coaching. Some training may be completed over the phone if approved by the supervisor.
What are my training expectations?
Each Mains’l employee is expected to demonstrate the knowledge and skills needed to be successful in their role. Employee training and development involves building skills and knowledge that enhances the employee’s skills, knowledge and abilities, both personally and professionally. Training instructions and expectations are given to the new employee at their first day- Welcome Aboard.
Orientation Training and Development
There are six (6) parts to Mains’l orientation process:
Ongoing Training and Development
There are two (2) parts to Mains’l ongoing training and development
The supervisor may assign to another trained and competent person parts of training and employee development with pre-approval from their supervisor. Trainers document the training topics, dates and times they train an employee. The employee and trainer(s) sign off after training is completed.
Alternative Sources of Training
Employees who choose to attend training offered outside of the agency should check with their supervisor to clarify if the training will count towards their Mains’l trainings and if time or training costs will or will not be paid by Mains’l. Trainings from sources other than Mains’l may count toward the orientation or annual training requirements if:
Due to the considerations of our nurse’s licenses, we do not accept Medication Administration from other agencies.
Supervisors may schedule and complete trainings with employees over the phone to fulfill annual training requirements. Phone training must be approved by the supervisor. Phone trainings are documented on the Training Log and submitted to Human Resources for data entry. Supervisor approved trainings completed over the phone may be entered on a timesheet.
Team Meetings
Team meetings are defined as in-person or over the phone correspondence with one or more employees and their supervisor or a trainer approved by the supervisor.
Employees are expected to meet with and correspond with their supervisor as requested. Supervisors communicate team meeting expectations during Orientation to Specific Job Responsibilities and will inform employees of additional meeting and training requirements as they occur to ensure employees are properly trained and competent to perform their jobs.
Mains’l expects that employees working in houses that are licensed as Community Residential Settings and office staff attend a monthly in-person team meeting. All other employees are expected to meet with and correspond with their supervisor as requested. Supervisors communicate team meeting expectations during Orientation to Specific Job Responsibilities and will inform employees of additional meeting requirements as they occur to ensure employees are properly trained and competent to perform their jobs.
Employees communicate with their supervisor if they are unable to attend a team meeting. Unapproved absence from a team meeting or frequently missing meetings is a performance issue that supervisors are expected to address with employees.
How much training is needed?
Service Type |
Years of Experience |
Orientation Training Hours Required |
Annual Training Hours Required |
Licensed Day Program Services |
Any |
8 Hours |
8 Hours |
Licensed Level 4- In Home |
Less than 12 months |
32 Hours |
20 hours |
Greater than 12 months |
20 Hours |
20 hours |
There may be variations on the required hours and topics of training based on the employee’s experience and/or person being supported.
How is training recorded?
Mains’l maintains a training record for each employee. Proof of attendance for in-person, over the phone, or trainings offered outside of Mains’l is submitted by the trainer to the human resources or support services department immediately following the training (within 2 business days), and then it is entered in our Human Resource Information System. Online training is automatically recorded in the Human Resource Information System.
Documentation of training completion, competency tests, and a record of the amount of time credited towards training are recorded in the Human Resource Information System. The employee, human resources, support services, and the supervisor are able to view where the employee is at with completion of training.
On a monthly basis, training reports are provided to all supervisors who in turn notify employees of training requirements and/or hours not yet completed. It is the responsibility of the employee to assure that these trainings and hour requirements are fulfilled. Participation in trainings must be documented and turned in on a timely basis to ensure accurate training records.
The Key to Your Success is You!
We are committed to being guided by our mission, vision and values, as well as the rules and regulations that set standards for our work. Successful completion of training requirements and ongoing participation in employee development is a collective responsibility of the Mains’l Team, with you as the centerpiece. We succeed in large part because of the training and development we undertake and subsequent skills and abilities we demonstrate and expand on.
Honoring the Mains’l standard of excellence
New hires will be required to complete Section 1 of federal Form I-9 on the first day of paid employment and must present acceptable documents authorized by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services proving identity and employment authorization no later than the third business day following the start of employment with Mains'l. If you are currently employed and have not complied with this requirement or if your status has changed, inform your Manager.
If you are authorized to work in this country for a limited period of time, you will be required to submit proof of renewed employment eligibility prior to expiration of that period to remain employed by the Company.
Mains’l provides Equal Employment Opportunities to all employees and applicants. We do so in accordance with all applicable Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action laws, directives and regulations of Federal, State and Local governing bodies.
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all employment decisions are made on a non-discriminatory basis without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, gender, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, marital status, gender identity, genetic characteristics, genetic information, military status or status with regard to public assistance, or other protected characteristics as defined by law. Mains’l commits the necessary time and resources, both financial and human, to achieve the goals of Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action.
Mains’l takes affirmative action to ensure that all employment practices are free of such discrimination. Such employment practices include, but are not limited to, the following: hiring, promotion, demotion, transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising, selection, layoff, coaching and development conversations, separation, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for training, including apprenticeship. Mains’l fully supports incorporation of non-discrimination and Affirmative Action rules and regulations into contracts.
Mains’l evaluates the performance of its management and supervisory personnel on the basis of their involvement in achieving these Affirmative Action objectives as well as other established criteria. Any employee or subcontractor of this organization, who is alleged of violating this policy and procedure, will be subject to investigation and potential disciplinary action. Any subcontractor not complying with all applicable Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action laws, directives and regulations of the Federal, State and Local governing bodies will be subject to appropriate legal sanctions.
Mains’l has appointed the HR Director to manage the Equal Employment Opportunity program in collaboration with the Human Resources Departments in each state. Their responsibilities will include monitoring all Equal Employment Opportunity activities and reporting the effectiveness of this Affirmative Action Program as required by Federal, State and Local agencies.
At least annually, internal audit reports will be prepared. Data collected for these reports include applicant flow, new hires, promotions, transfers, and separations (voluntary and involuntary) by job group. Figures for each personnel process show a breakdown by sex, minority classification, and disability status. Reports are shared within the appropriate levels of management, and any problem areas are addressed as promptly as possible. The Chief Executive Officer of Mains’l receives and reviews reports on the progress of the program.
If any employee or applicant for employment believes he/she has been discriminated against, they should contact Director of Human Resources, 7000 78th Avenue North, Brooklyn Park, Minnesota 55445 or call 763-416-9136.
Sexual and Other Unlawful Harassment Policy and Procedure
Affirmative Action Plan
Employees occasionally need information in regards to their employment for personal or professional reasons (verifications of employment, references, etc.) and Mains’l is able to provide record of the information to the employee upon request.
Mains’l protects employee information and only releases employee information in the following circumstances:
All requests for employment information by outside agencies or current or former employees are forwarded to and answered by the human resources department.
Mains’l has a 72 hour turn-around time for all verifications of employment.
Mains’l will grant eligible employees time off without pay in accordance with the federally mandated Family and Medical Leave Act.
These family friendly laws give employees the opportunity to balance work and family life by providing time to care for self or family in the following situations:
There are two major differences between the Federal Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and the California Family Rights Act (CFRA)
Following the approved leave, Mains’l returns the employee to the same or equivalent position with equivalent benefits, pay and conditions of employment.
All employees receive a copy of the notices, “Employee Rights under the Family and Medical Leave Act” and “California Family Rights Act” during Welcome Aboard.
The Family and Medical Leave Act interfaces with other laws and regulations, specifically the California Family Rights Act, Americans with Disabilities Act, Workers’ Compensation laws and COBRA benefits.
The Family and Medical Leave Act and California Family Rights Act interface with other policies and procedures of Mains’l Services, Inc., specifically Paid Time Off, Unpaid time off part-time hourly employees, Workplace Injuries, and Insurance Benefits.
Benefits and Protections
Mains’l provides eligible employees up to 12 weeks of unpaid family and medical leave annually in accordance with the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and California Family Rights Act (CFRA). FMLA/CFRA may be taken for any of the following purposes:
Following the approved leave, Mains’l returns the employee to the same or equivalent position with equivalent benefits, pay and conditions of employment.
During FMLA/CFRA leave, Mains’l will maintain the employee’s insurance benefits on the same terms as if the employee had continued to work. The employee portion of the insurance premiums must continue to be paid by the employee, or reimbursed by the employee upon their return to work. We request that employees who are currently enrolled in any benefits through Mains’l partner with Human Resources to formulate a plan for the employee’s portion of insurance premiums to be covered while out or when they return from leave.
The obligation of Mains’l to maintain insurance benefits during FMLA/CFRA leave stop if/when:
Employees are eligible for FMLA/CFRA leave if they have:
*If an employee does not meet the eligibility requirements and has a medical condition that requires them to be off of work for more than three days, please call Human Resources.
An eligible employee is entitled to take up to 12 weeks of leave in a 12-month period. An employee’s 12 month leave period is a “rolling” 12 month period measured backward from the date an employee uses any FMLA/CFRA leave. Each time an employee takes FMLA/CFRA leave, the remaining leave entitlement is any balance of the 12 weeks which has not been used during the immediately preceding 12 months.
Employee Responsibilities
Mains’l expects employees provide 30 days advance notice of the need to take FMLA/CFRA leave when the need is foreseeable. Employees submit the Request for Leave of Absence Form to their supervisor as soon as possible. When 30 days notice is not possible, it is expected that the employee provide notice as soon as practicable and comply with Mains’l normal call-in procedures.
Employees need to provide sufficient information for Mains’l to determine if the leave may qualify for FMLA/CFRA protection and the anticipated timing and duration of the leave. Employees need to inform the employer if the requested leave is for a reason for which FMLA leave was previously taken or certified. Employees also may be required to provide a certification and periodic certification supporting the need for leave or may be required to provide a fitness-for-duty certification prior to returning to work.
Mains’l may delay or deny leave if employee fails to provide certification in a timely manner. If employee fails to provide certification, any leave taken will not be protected under FMLA.
If an employee fails to return to work on the agreed upon return date, Mains’l will assume that the employee has resigned.
Mains’l Responsibilities
Mains’l will inform employees requesting leave whether they are eligible under FMLA/CFRA and the amount of leave counted against the employee’s leave entitlement. If they are, the notice will specify any additional information required as well as the employees’ rights and responsibilities. If they are not eligible, Mains’l will provide a reason for the ineligibility.
Supervisors are responsible for contacting human resources as soon as possible if an employee:
Human Resources is responsible for approving/denying FMLA, sending required notices and following up with employees and supervisors and interpreting this policy.
Definition of Serious Health Condition
A serious health condition is an illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition that involves either an overnight stay in a medical care facility, or continuing treatment by a health care provider for a condition that either prevents the employee from performing the functions of the employee’s job, or prevents the qualified family member from participating in school or other daily activities.
Subject to certain conditions, the continuing treatment requirement may be met by a period of incapacity of more than 3 consecutive calendar days combined with a least two visits to a health care provider or one visit and a regimen of continuing treatment, or incapacity due to pregnancy, or incapacity due to a chronic condition.
Military Family Leave Entitlements
Eligible employees with a spouse, son, daughter, or parent on active duty or call to active duty status in the National Guard or Reserves in support of a contingency operation may use their 12-week leave entitlement to address certain qualifying exigencies. Qualifying exigencies may include attending certain military events, arranging for alternative childcare, addressing certain financial and legal arrangement, attending certain counseling sessions, and attending post-deployment reintegration briefings.
FMLA also includes a special leave entitlement that permits eligible employees to take up to 26 weeks of leave to care for a covered service member during a single 12-month period. A covered service member is: (1) a current member of the Armed Forces, including a member for the National Guard or Reserves, who is undergoing medical treatment, recuperation or therapy, is otherwise in outpatient status, or is otherwise on the temporary disability retired list, for a serious injury or illness*, or (2) a veteran who was discharged or released under conditions other than dishonorable at any time during the five-year period prior to the first date the eligible employee takes FMLA leave to care for the covered veteran, and who is undergoing medical treatment, recuperation, or therapy for a serious injury or illness*.
*The FMLA/CFRA definitions of “serious injury or illness” for current service members and veterans are distinct from the FMLA/CFRA definition of “serious health condition”.
Use of Leave
FMLA/CFRA Leave can be taken in one block, intermittently or on a reduced leave schedule based on the employee’s healthcare provider’s statement or other certification. Employees are required to make reasonable efforts to schedule leave for planned medical treatment so as not to unduly disrupt operations.
Use of Paid Time Off and/or Sick Leave and other approved leaves
An employee who is taking FMLA/CFRA may use sick leave, accrued PTO, unpaid leave or a combination of all. See Paid Time Off Policy for additional information. Any period of leave during which an employee received workers’ compensation benefits will be counted toward the employee’s entitlement to family and medical leave, provided the leave is due to the employee’s serious health condition as defined in this policy. Any period of parental leave or other leave under state law will count toward the employee’s FMLA/CFRA entitlement.
Mains'l is committed to complying with all applicable laws and ensuring that employees avoid heat illness while working outside. Heat illness may begin with mild symptoms and progress quickly to signs of serious and life-threatening illness. All employees who work outdoors and are reasonably anticipated to be exposed to the risk of heat illness will be provided detailed training before starting work involving a risk of heat illness.
This policy ensures that employees working outdoors understand they are allowed and encouraged to take preventative cool-down rest periods in provided shaded areas whenever they feel the need to protect themselves from overheating.
You may also be asked to take a cool-down rest period if you are observed having any signs of heat illness. Access to shade is permitted at all times. Cool-down periods are not limited in frequency and are considered time worked.
When taking a preventative cool-down rest period:
The Company provides fresh, pure, and suitably cool drinking water at no charge. When the work environment is hot, you are encouraged to frequently drink small cups of water, with up to four cups (one quart or more) per hour recommended, to stay hydrated.
The Company has in place effective emergency response procedures if you show signs or report symptoms of heat illness while taking a preventative cool-down rest period.
You must immediately report to your Manager if you experience any symptoms or signs of heat illness or see signs of heat illness in co-workers so that the Company can respond with medical attention, as appropriate.
The Company will not discriminate or retaliate against employees who take preventative cool-down rest periods in accordance with this policy.
Mains’l believes in the total well-being of its employees. For this reason, we offer a robust benefits package that reflects our core values and beliefs. Our benefits are competitive within our industry to attract and retain a high performing and motivated workforce.
Information and summary plan descriptions explaining the benefit plans are furnished to all plan participants on a timely and continuing basis. Mains’l reserves the right to modify, change, or terminate insurance benefit programs as they apply to all current and former employees. The agency further reserves the right to change the amount or percentage that it contributes towards the employee insurance plans. Any change in coverage is in compliance with all insurance contracts and communicated to employees according to applicable laws and regulations.
Employees hired to work an average of thirty (30) hours per week or more are eligible for insurance benefits including medical, dental, vision, short-term disability, accident insurance, basic life, and voluntary life. Salaried employees meeting this status also are eligible for long-term disability insurance.
Enrollment is explained in the graphic below:
The eligible employee receives information on the insurance plans after attaining eligibility. Enrollment elections must be made through Colonial Life during the enrollment period listed in the information packet. Failure to enroll through Colonial Life during the enrollment period results in the employee voluntarily declining coverage.
Once the initial enrollment period has passed, the employee is not eligible to reapply for coverage until the designated annual open enrollment. Open enrollment for all benefits is in November/December with effective coverage January 1st, or for variable hour workers, after meeting the hour requirement after a measurement period. If you are newly hired during the year or have a status change that makes you eligible enrollment will be the first of the month following 60 days of employment with your qualifying status. During open enrollment, any eligible employee can apply for coverage, or add dependents to their coverage.
Dependents may be added or dropped from your insurance policy at the time of marriage, birth or adoption. Other qualifying events may allow an employee or dependents to enter the plan.
Enrollment in the Mains’l paid life insurance and long term disability plan is mandatory for all eligible employees. All employees will be enrolled. There is not an open enrollment for the Mains’l paid life and disability insurance.
Cost of Coverage
The exact amount of the employee contribution for the insurance is provided to employees with the enrollment information. The employee contribution for coverage is deducted from payroll. Employees acknowledge payroll deductions verbally and with an electronic signature through Colonial Life during enrollment.
The cost for the medical insurance depends on the coverage elected. For employee only, the cost is based on the age band of the employee. If electing spousal coverage, the cost for the spouse is based on the age of the spouse. Also, if electing coverage for children, the cost is based on number of children enrolled in the coverage.
The cost for the dental insurance depends on the coverage elected – employee only or family.
The cost for the vision insurance depends on the coverage elected – employee only, employee plus spouse, employee plus child (ren) or family.
The cost for voluntary short term disability insurance depends on the coverage elected and is age based. Coverage can be elected for legal dependents.
The cost for voluntary accident insurance depends on the coverage elected – employee, employee plus spouse, one parent family, or two parent families.
The cost for voluntary life insurance depends on the coverage elected and is age based. Coverage can be elected for legal dependents.
The cost for the mandatory life insurance and long term disability insurance (employee coverage is available) is paid by Mains’l
Please note that in order to enroll any spouse or children where coverages are available, the employee themselves must be enrolled in the coverage.
Ineligibility and Termination of Coverage
The federal Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) and state law gives employees and their qualified beneficiaries the opportunity to continue health, dental, vision and life insurance coverage under the Mains’l sponsored plan when a “qualifying event” would normally result in the loss of eligibility. Typical qualifying events include resignation, separation of employment, or death of an employee; a reduction in an employee’s hours or a leave of absence; an employee’s divorce or legal separation; and a dependent child no longer meeting eligibility requirements.
If the employee is still employed, but is no longer eligible due to reduction of hours, the following will occur:
If coverage is cancelled, the employee will be offered continuation of insurance through COBRA. Under COBRA, the employee or beneficiary pays the full cost of coverage at Mains’l group rates plus an administration fee. Mains’l provides each eligible employee with a written notice describing rights granted under COBRA and state law when the employee becomes eligible for COBRA continuation coverage. Contact the human resources department for additional information.
Human resources is available to answer employee questions concerning benefits and to counsel new employees and current employees as they achieve eligibility as to specific benefit coverage and required forms to complete. See insurance Summary Plan Descriptions for more information
The health and safety of those we support, our employees and their families is our top priority. Due to the ongoing nature of the COVID-19 pandemic and the fact that the Delta variant is extremely contagious, we have a responsibility—to each other and to those we support—to follow recommended health care practices.
Because of the nature of our work, we also must comply with the California Public Health Order issued September 28, 2021 which requires vaccination in direct-care settings.
To summarize the Public Health Order “requiring COVID-19 vaccinations for workers in adult and senior care facilities and those employed in in-home direct care settings” including:
On December 22, 2021 there was a new public health order (PHO) issued by the California Department of Public Health mandating COVID-19 booster shots. Regional Centers Statewide have received notification from the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) now mandating the COVID-19 Vaccinations and a booster shot for all Regional Center service providers, no later than March 1, 2022.
As outlined in the PHO, Mains’l will make reasonable accommodations for employees who are unable to be vaccinated because of a disability, or sincerely held religious belief. Employees will need to follow the exemption process outlined in the procedure below.
If an employee qualifies for a medical or religious exemption, they must:
All employees will need to show proof of vaccination upon hire or qualify for an exemption.
Vaccination Exemption procedure:
To be eligible for a Qualified Medical Reasons exemption, the worker must provide to their employer or employer-recipient:
To be eligible for a Religious Exemption, the employee must have a sincerely held religious belief, practice, or observance which prevents them from receiving the vaccine and must provide to their employer or employer-recipient:
All exemption requests will be reviewed by the COVID Response Team and stored in the employee file.
All employees with an exemption are required to test weekly, and report each weekly test result to Mains’l. The employee is responsible to upload test results into the confidential employee file by the due date. If a weekly test is missed due to absence or time off the employee will have 72 hours from the original test day to be tested. If the employee fails to test within the timeline, they will be placed on unpaid leave pending negative test results.
Mains’l employees may be requested to provide medical clearances at times during their employment, to provide for the health and wellbeing of all employees in the workplace. Any current employee with symptoms or signs of a communicable disease is prohibited from working until freedom from disease is documented by a health care provider.
If a current employee is absent from work for three (3) or more days due to illness, a statement from a health care provider may be requested before the employee is allowed to return to work. Any qualifying leave of absence due to a medical condition or return from a workers compensation injury requires a medical clearance for an employee to return to work.
New employees of Mains'l may be required to complete an employee health screening report and TB test declaring that their physical and health is suitable to meet the responsibilities of their position
For employees to return to work from a known communicable disease, workers compensation injury, or a medical leave of absence, the employee provides a medical clearance directly to their supervisor who will submit to Human Resources. Once provided, the employee is able to return back to work.
For absences from work for three days or more due to illness, employees whom are requested will provide a medical clearance directly to their supervisor who will submit to human resources. Human Resources will maintain a record in the medical portion of the personnel file.
Mains’l Human Resources will provide employees with the employee health screening report. This is completed with a TB test by the employee prior to beginning employment. Mains’l reserves the right to designate the health care provider and incurs the expense.
FMLA Policy and Procedure
Workplace Injuries and Workers’ Compensation Policy and Procedure
Employee Selection Policy and Procedure
California's Paid Family Leave (PFL) insurance program provides eligible employees with up to six weeks of partial wage replacement in any 12-month period to take time off from work to bond with a new child (either by birth, adoption, or foster care placement) or to care for a seriously ill family member (child, parent, parent-in-law, grandparent, grandchild, sibling, spouse, or registered domestic partner). The 12-month period begins on the day a claim is submitted.
PFL insurance is funded entirely by workers through state disability insurance (SDI) payroll deductions. If you are currently receiving benefits from SDI or workers' compensation insurance, you may not be eligible to receive PFL benefits. The California PFL insurance program does not create a right to a leave of absence, job protection, or job reinstatement.
The PFL insurance program makes benefits available to eligible employees through the California Employment Development Department (EDD). Apply for PFL insurance directly with the EDD. Contact the EDD for information on eligibility or to obtain a claim form. Medical and other documentation may be required.
Personal Time Off (PTO)
Salaried and full time hourly employees of Mains’l are eligible to utilize accumulated Personal Time Off (PTO) as an employment benefit. PTO provides flexibility and greater opportunity for employees to manage their time off according to their own lifestyle and needs. Part-time employees do not earn or accrue PTO.
Personal Time Off is important for the physical and mental health of employees and every effort is made to accommodate PTO requests. However, consideration must also be given to the needs of the people supported by the agency and to maintaining the prescribed staffing schedules at the work site. For this reason, supervisor approval is required for all PTO requests.
Employees are expected to find replacements for their personal time off.
Employees begin to earn PTO on their first day of full time employment status. Employees earn PTO based on the actual number of hours worked. Earned PTO hours can be taken once accrued with supervisor approval.
The schedule for the maximum PTO hours per year and the accumulation per hour are:
Accumulation by Year | Eligible to Take | Max PTO Hours/Year | PTO Accumulated/Hour Worked |
0 -1st year of full time | 1st year of full time and beyond | 48 | .0230769 |
2nd year of full time | 2nd year of full time and beyond | 80 | .0384615 |
3rd year of full time | 3rd year of full time and beyond | 80 | .0384615 |
4th year of full time | 4th year of full time and beyond | 96 | .0461538 |
5th year of full time | 5th year of full time and beyond | 96 | .0461538 |
6th year of full time | 6th year of full time and beyond | 120 | .0576923 |
7th year of full time | 7th year of full time and beyond | 120 | .0576923 |
8th year of full time | 8th year of full time and beyond | 144 | .0692307 |
9th year of full time | 9th year of full time and beyond | 144 | .0692307 |
10th year and beyond | 10th year of full time and beyond | 160 | .07693 |
The maximum of PTO an employee can have accrued in their PTO account at any time is 150% of the Max PTO Hours/Year as referred in the schedule above.
Bereavement Leave
Paid leave up to three (3) days is granted to full time hourly employees in the event of the death, pregnancy loss, funeral or estate settlement of an immediate family member. Immediate family member includes spouse, parents, children (including unborn children), siblings, grandparents, grandchildren, step-children, parents-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, daughter-in-law, and son-in-law and common law domestic partners as defined by law.
Jury Leave
Mains’l supports the civic responsibility of employees when called for jury duty. Mains’l supplements jury pay to full time hourly employees, up to a maximum of two (2) weeks, with the amount necessary so the employee’s take home pay is unchanged.
Parental Leave
Mains’l recognizes the importance of parental involvement, support, and nurturing following the birth or adoption of a child. In support of this commitment to parenting, eligible employees, upon request, are granted four (4) weeks of paid leave. For eligible employees, additional unpaid leave, up to eight (8) more weeks, can be requested under the Family and Medical Leave Policy.
Upon return to work, the employee is guaranteed the same rate of pay as prior to the leave. Every effort is made to return the employee to the same position or a position of comparable responsibility.
Bone Marrow and Organ Donor Leave
Mains’l will provide employees with a paid leave of absence for the purpose of donating organs or bone marrow. When donating an organ, you may take up to 30 paid business days in any one-year period. When donating bone marrow, you may take up to five paid business days in any one-year period. The one-year period for both leaves is measured from the date leave begins.
Mains’l will also provide an additional unpaid leave of absence of up to 30 business days in a one-year period when donating an organ. The one-year period is measured from the date leave begins.
The designated human resources personnel is responsible for interpreting this policy, if needed.
Personal Time Off (PTO)
All full time employees are eligible for Personal Time Off (PTO) according to policy. Full time employees receive PTO according to the schedule in the Paid Time Off – Salaried and Hourly Employees policy.
Bereavement Leave
Jury Leave
Parental Leave
Bone Marrow and Organ Donor Leave
This policy outlines procedures relating to payroll, including: payments and pay periods, time reporting, time keeping fraud, holiday scheduling, overtime, and non-occupational changes in employee payroll information.
The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is a law that requires employers to classify jobs as either exempt or nonexempt. Nonexempt employees are covered by FLSA rules and regulations, and exempt employees are not covered by FLSA rules and regulations.
Exempt or non-exempt status is determined by Human Resources and communicated to each employee on the Offer of Employment Letter.
The following information applies to both exempt and nonexempt employees:
Mains’l is not responsible for any delays in mail service or electronic deposits in your bank account. Errors in electronic deposits resulting in funds not being deposited will be re-issued after verification has been received from the bank that the funds have been returned to Mains’l. Pay dates are listed on the payroll calendar that is given to each employee during onboarding and can be accessed or requested at any time.
If anyone instructs you to falsify or lie on a timesheet or to instruct someone else to falsify or lie on a timesheet you must report the situation immediately to Human Resources at 530-899-1907 ext. 351.
Certain edits may be made to an employee’s timesheet by Mains’l that does not constitute a violation of this policy or state and federal laws. Allowable edits are limited to:
Any person who is suspected of committing timesheet fraud will be reported to the Office of the Inspector General. Mains’l will not continue to employ or do business with an individual who has committed timesheet fraud.
Notification of changes to your direct deposit information must be submitted to the payroll department on a Payroll Direct Deposit Authorization Form no later than one week before payday. If an employee fails to submit a change one week before payroll, payroll deposits will be made to the account on file, if no account is on file a paper check will be issued.
If you observe different religious holiday’s than those provided by Mains’l, please contact your supervisor to discuss swapping your preferred religious holiday with one identified in this policy. The agreement to swap holidays should be documented and provided to HR for the employee’s file.
Holidays: Due to the variety of work environments and services that Mains’l provides, we have holiday pay practices that are different based on the type of work being performed.
New Year’s Day- January 1 | Independence Day- July 4th |
Martin Luther King Jr. Day- third Monday of January | Labor Day- first Monday in September |
President’s Day- third Monday of February | Thanksgiving Day- fourth Thursday of November |
Easter – Date Changes | Christmas Eve- December 24 from 12pm-12am |
Memorial Day- last Monday in May | Christmas Day- December 25 |
Juneteenth National Independence Day- June 19th | New Year’s Eve- December 31 from 6pm-12am |
Whenever there are two premium pay rates for hours worked (i.e. overtime and holiday) only one premium pay rate is paid.
New Year’s Day- January 1* | Labor Day- first Monday in September |
Martin Luther King Jr. Day- third Monday of January | Thanksgiving Day- fourth Thursday of November |
President’s Day- third Monday of February | The Day after Thanksgiving- fourth Friday of Novemeber |
Memorial Day- last Monday in May | Christmas Eve- December 24* |
Juneteenth National Independence Day- June 19th* | Christmas Day- December 25* |
Independence Day- July 4th* |
*The holiday will be observed on the nearest weekday if the holiday lands on a Saturday or Sunday.
New Year’s Day- January 1* | Thanksgiving Day- fourth Thursday of November |
Martin Luther King Jr. Day- third Monday of January | The Day after Thanksgiving- fourth Friday of Novemeber |
Juneteenth National Independence Day- June 19th* | Christmas Eve- December 24* |
Labor Day- first Monday in September | Christmas Day- December 25* |
*The holiday will be observed on the nearest weekday if the holiday lands on a Saturday or Sunday.
Without an electronic notes entry, the hours cannot be billed. Employees who are required to complete a notes entry should do so each day they work and must submit no later than due date and time listed on the payroll calendar. The supervisor is required to review notes entries before approving the hours to be paid for that employee.
The following information applies to nonexempt employees only:
Both options for recording your work time create an official record called a timesheet. A permanent record of your timesheets is stored in the timesheet and reimbursement system.
It is the goal of Mains’l to train employees to successfully submit time records as part of their documentation responsibilities and to ensure employees are paid accurately. We expect all employees will enter their time as it is worked and ensure the data that is entered is accurate and fully complete before the due date and time.
In the event that time records are not completed within the established time frames or within the expectations required for billing and pay purposes, Mains’l expects that the supervisor and employee form and follow a plan to correct the performance issue. If you are struggling with time entry, ask questions or ask for help immediately.
Many of the services that Mains’l provides are billed in 15 minute units. So, our timesheet system will automatically enter the time in 15 minute units.
Non-exempt employees are paid overtime at the rate of one and one-half times their regular rate of pay. Overtime pay is based on actual hours worked. PTO, Sick, or any leave of absence is not considered hours worked. Overtime is not paid more than once for the same hours worked. Overtime is calculated to the nearest fifteen (15) minutes.
The following information applies to exempt (salaried) employees only:
Mains’l believes that it is the responsibility of the agency and its leaders to help employees successfully manage their positions and to support their professional development. This is accomplished through on-the-job mentoring, training, and coaching, performance management meetings with the supervisor and the use of performance management tools and processes. All are intended to assist employees with their career development while helping the agency retain a competent work force.
Performance Management is an ongoing process rather than a once a year event. Supervisors will mentor and coach employees whenever they are present at the work site in addition to the annual or bi-annual Employee Feedback and Development Summary meetings. The purposes of these meetings are to discuss training, development goals, to set expectations, and to generate any needed outcomes.
Employees share responsibility for their successful performance of their position. Employees are expected to speak with their supervisors to request training.
Performance Management is the general term describing a process by which Mains'l helps employees to successfully manage their positions. The specific process and tool used is determined by the position of the employee and the outcome desired.
Performance Evaluations
Performance evaluations are intended to assist employees with their career development while helping the Agency retain a competent work force. It is the policy of the Agency to provide employees with a formal review of their performance at various career milestones, as follows:
Type of Evaluations:
Evaluations will be reviewed with the staff member in private with the opportunity for the staff member to comment. The staff member signs the form to acknowledge that an evaluation has been done and receives a copy of the evaluation. In the event the employee refuses to sign the evaluation, a witness (other than the supervisor) will sign the evaluation confirming that the employee has received a copy of the written evaluation and refused to sign it.
After the employee signs the performance evaluations, all completed forms will be forwarded to human resources.
While Mains’l permits employees to bring personal cell phones and other mobile devices (i.e. smart phones, PDAs, tablets, laptops) into the workplace, time should be used for the benefit of the people who use our services and not for personal business.
Personal phone calls during working hours distract employees from their job responsibilities and may be disruptive to those around the employee. Thus, you should primarily use such personal devices during nonworking time, such as breaks and meal periods. During this time, use devices in a manner that is courteous to those around you. Outside of nonworking time, use of such devices should be minimal and limited to emergency use only.
Furthermore, employees don’t use the phones of the people that we are providing services to for any personal phone calls that are not an emergency.
If you have a device that has a camera and/or audio/video recording capability, you are restricted from using those functions on company or the people we are providing services to property unless authorized in advance by management or when they are used in a manner consistent with your right to engage in concerted activity under section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA). You are expected to comply with Mains’l policies regarding the protection of confidential and proprietary information when using personal devices.
You may have the opportunity to use your personal devices for work purposes. Before using a personal device for work-related purposes, you must obtain written authorization from the Manager. The use of personal devices is limited to certain employees who hold positions that include need for a cell phone.
If you are authorized to use a personal device, you will receive a monthly stipend based on the estimated use of the device for business-related costs. If you obtain or currently have a plan that exceeds the monthly stipend, Mains’l will not be liable for the cost difference. The stipend will be considered a non-taxable fringe benefit to the employee.
Nothing in this policy is intended to prevent the employee from engaging in protected concerted activity under the NLRA.
Pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions will be treated like any other disability, and an employee on leave will be eligible for temporary disability benefits in the same amount and degree as any other employee on leave. Under California’s Pregnancy Disability Leave (PDL), employers are required to accommodate employees with a pregnancy disability. Your health care provider will recommend how long you need to take leave from work, but you are entitled to up to four months of PDL per pregnancy. This leave is in addition to any other leave for which you may be eligible under the provisions of the Fair Employment and Housing Act, California Medical Leave Act, other state laws and local ordinances, and Mains’l’s leave policies.
There is no minimum requirement for number of hours or years worked to be eligible. Your health care provider should recommend PDL in order to apply for it.
Any employee planning to take pregnancy disability leave should advise the HR Generalist as early as possible. The individual should make an appointment with the HR Generalist to discuss the following conditions:
Leave does not need to be taken in one continuous period of time and may be taken intermittently, as needed. Leave may be taken in increments of four hours.
Under most circumstances, upon submission of a medical certification that an employee is able to return to work from a pregnancy disability leave, an employee will be reinstated to her same position held at the time the leave began or to an equivalent position, if available. An employee returning from a pregnancy disability leave has no greater right to reinstatement than if the employee had been continuously employed.
Bereavement Leave
Mains’l provides eligible employees up to five days of unpaid bereavement leave upon the death of a family member. The five days of leave don’t have to be consecutive, but they must be used within three months of the qualifying family member’s death. An eligible employee has been employed for at least 30 days prior to the start of the leave. For purposes of bereavement leave, qualifying family members includes a spouse, child, parent, parent-in-law, sibling, grandparent, grandchild, or domestic partner. Employees are entitled to use bereavement leave any time they experience the death of a family member.
The Company will maintain confidentiality of any employee requesting bereavement leave.
You may use available vacation, personal leave, or accrued and available paid sick leave for your leave.
The Company will not discriminate, interfere, or retaliate against employees who request or take leave in accordance with this policy.
Crime Victim Leave
Mains'l provides employees who are the victim of a violent felony or serious felony (or the family member of a victim of a violent felony or serious felony) with unpaid leave in order to attend judicial proceedings related to the crime. A family member under this policy includes a spouse, domestic partner, child, stepchild, brother, stepbrother, sister, stepsister, mother, stepmother, father, or stepfather.
When the need for leave is foreseeable, you must provide documentation of the scheduled proceeding. Such notice is typically given to the victim of the crime by a court or government agency setting the hearing, a district attorney or prosecuting attorney's office, or a victim/witness office. If advance notice is not possible, you must provide appropriate documentation within a reasonable time after the absence.
Any absence from work to attend judicial proceedings will be unpaid, unless you choose to take paid time off, such as accrued vacation or personal holiday.
The Company will not retaliate against employees who request or take leave in accordance with this policy.
Leave for Victims of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, or Stalking
Mains'l provides employees who are victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking with unpaid leave to:
You must provide reasonable advance notice of your intention to take leave for the above reasons unless advanced notice is not feasible. If an unscheduled absence occurs, you must provide the following documentation within a reasonable amount of time after your absence:
You may use available vacation, personal leave, or accrued paid sick leave for your leave unless you are covered by a collective-bargaining agreement that states otherwise.
Leave under this policy will run concurrently with other types of leave where permitted under applicable law.
The Company will maintain the confidentiality of anyone requesting time off or requesting an accommodation under this policy, except as required by federal or state law or as necessary to protect your safety in the workplace.
The Company will not retaliate against a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking for requesting or obtaining leave in accordance with this policy.
Mains'l provides up to 10 days of job-protected, unpaid leave to employees who are the spouse or registered domestic partner of a military member who is home on leave during a period of military deployment.
To be eligible for military spouse leave you must:
Notify your Manager of your need for leave within two business days from the day you receive official notice that your spouse or registered domestic partner will be on leave from deployment. You must also provide written documentation certifying that your spouse or registered domestic partner will be on leave from deployment during the time you are requesting leave.
You may elect to use any available paid time off for which you are eligible under Company policy for the purpose of taking military spouse leave, and such paid time off will run concurrently with the leave afforded under this policy.
The Company will not discriminate or retaliate against employees who request or take leave in accordance with this policy.
School and Child Care Activities Leave
Mains'l will provide employees who have one or more children that are of the age to attend a licensed child care provider, kindergarten, or grades 1 through 12, with up to 40 hours of leave per year to participate in the following:
Leave is limited to eight hours in any calendar month.
To be eligible for leave, you must be a parent, guardian, step-parent, foster parent, grandparent, or a person who stands in the place of a parent (in loco parentis) to a child.
If you wish to take leave to enroll a child in school or with a child care provider or to participate in a school or child-care related activity, you must provide reasonable advance notice to your Manager. If you need to take leave to address a child care provider or school emergency, you must provide notice to your Manager as soon as practicable. You may be required to provide documentation from the school or child care provider verifying that you participated in the school or childcare activity.
If both parents of a child work for the Company, only one parent — the first to provide notice — may take the time off, unless the Company approves both parents taking time off simultaneously.
You are not required to use accrued vacation time for this leave.
The Company will not retaliate against employees who request or take leave in accordance with this policy.
Voting Leave
If your work schedule prevents you from voting on Election Day, Mains'l will allow you a reasonable time off to vote. The time when you can go to vote will be at the discretion of your Manager, consistent with applicable legal requirements.
Witness Leave
If you are required by law to appear in court as a witness, you may take unpaid time off to do so, provided you give Mains'l reasonable advance notice.
Mains’l is committed to providing Equal Employment Opportunities to all employees and applicants. Mains’l recognizes that employees and/or applicants may need a reasonable accommodation to perform essential job functions due to pregnancy, nursing, disability, or other reason. A reasonable accommodation is an adjustment based on need that allows individuals to complete all essential job duties that does not cause undue hardship to Mains’l.
Mains’l reviews requests for accommodation to essential job functions in a fair and non-discriminatory manner. The employee and/or applicant is responsible for requesting a reasonable accommodation and requests are considered on a case-by-case basis. Mains’l may ask for documentation from a medical provider to be presented to show need for the accommodation. Once the request is provided, Mains’l has the right to request additional medical information or other clarifying information needed to make an informed decision. Mains’l has the right to have medical information reviewed by a medical expert of the agency’s choosing at the agency’s expense.
The goal of this procedure is to provide guidance which establishes steps around a timely process where Mains’l will collaborate with employees and/or applicants to explore reasonable accommodations.
To request a reasonable accommodation, submit in writing a request to your supervisor. All requests must have the following information (applicants to seek a request from HR):
For employees, the supervisor is to review the request and send the request to Human Resources for approval or denial. As HR receives requests from applicants, HR will partner with interviewing supervisors to share the request. Human Resources will guide the supervisor on next steps and expectations.
Human Resources review the request and determine:
Once all information is received and within a reasonable time frame, a determination of approval, denial or alternative accommodation is sent to the employee or applicant within 10 working days.
Mains’l will check in periodically with the employee to ensure that the accommodation is effective. If the accommodation is not effective, Mains’l will reengage in an interactive process.
Mains’l reimburses employees for approved mileage and expenses while they are working. Reimbursement for mileage and expenses is included on an employee’s paystub, which is direct deposited. The reimbursement is not taxed nor is it applied to any payroll deductions such as medical, dental, disability, garnishments or 401(k) contributions.
In alignment with our company Mission, Vision, and Values, the people we serve use public transportation, subsidized transportation and passenger vehicles when using community services. Public transportation and subsidized transportation are often the first transportation method used. If those options are not feasible, and if the services provided allow for mileage reimbursement, employees may be asked to use their vehicle.
It is the policy of Mains’l to reimburse the employee for mileage according to a per mile formula. All employees receive approval from their supervisor before using their vehicle for reimbursable travel. In accordance with federal regulations, employees may not be reimbursed for the first or last trips made during a workday. These trips are considered commutes and are not reimbursable through either Mains’l Services, Inc. or the IRS.
Employees do not use their own money to supplement the resources of the people whom they serve or the program in which they work. Program money is available at selected programs and is used for the benefit of the people served. The immediate supervisor is responsible for the disbursement and accounting of the money.
In some situations, employees of Mains’l Services may have out of pocket expenses and be eligible for reimbursement of their expenses. The employee receives approval from the immediate supervisor before spending any personal money and the approved expenses are incurred while the employee is performing job responsibilities.
Mains'l is dedicated to treating its employees equally and with respect and recognizes the diversity of their religious beliefs. All employees, unpaid interns, and volunteers may request an accommodation when their religious beliefs cause a deviation from the Company dress or grooming code, or the individual's schedule, basic job duties, or other aspects of employment. The Company will consider the request, but reserves the right to offer its own accommodation to the extent permitted by law. Some, but not all, of the factors that the Company will consider are cost, the effect that an accommodation will have on current established policies, and the burden on operations — including other employees — when determining a reasonable accommodation. At no time will the Company question the validity of a person's belief.
If you require a religious accommodation, speak with your Manager or Human Resources.
Although Mains’l hopes that employment with the company will be a mutually rewarding experience, it is understood that circumstances arise that cause separation of employment. Should this time come, employees are asked to follow the guidelines below regarding notice and exit procedures.
The employee is responsible for returning all Mains’l property (keys, phone, etc.) to the supervisor prior to or on their last day of employment.
When an employee resigns/is separated from employment at Mains’l, PTO is paid in the final paycheck and the PTO account is reset to zero.
Employee Resigns from Mains’l
We ask employees to submit a written notice of resignation to the immediate supervisor which includes the date that notice is given, the last day of work, the reasons for the resignation and the employee’s signature (The Mains’l form, “Letter of Resignation” may be used.) If there is a forwarding address, that information should also be provided at this time.
Employees are encouraged to provide a thirty (30) day written notice in advance of resigning from their position with Mains’l. The thirty (30) day notice is essential to facilitating a smooth transition out of the company as well as to hire a new employee to the position.
If an employee quits without giving notice, Mains’l will provide the final paycheck within 72 hours. If the employee quits and gives at least 72 hours’ notice, the final paycheck is given to the employee at the end of their shift on their last day.
Employees Separated for Performance/Misconduct
California is an at-will state, meaning that an employee may be terminated with or without cause at any time and for any lawful reason, with or without advance notice. Separation usually follows an unresolved job performance correction or disciplinary period but it may be immediate following an investigation into employee misconduct or other serious offenses. If negligent or criminal behavior or abuse or neglect are the grounds for separation, possible criminal charges may be filed against the employee.
The final paycheck is given to the employee at the time of their separation.
Employees That Are Separated From Mains’l for Reorganization or Economic Necessity
When a separation occurs due to reorganization or economic necessity, employees who are interested in resuming employment with Mains'l should submit a written statement of interest. Employees are rehired according to the skill needs of the agency.
The final paycheck is given to the employee at the time of their separation.
Inactive Employees
Employees who have not worked for three (3) months are separated from employment at Mains’l. If an employee is re hired more than six (6) months after their last day of work, they are considered a new employee and all orientation requirements must be fulfilled.
This handbook is our attempt to keep you informed of the terms and conditions of your employment, including Mains'l policies and procedures. The handbook is not a contract. The Company reserves the right to revise, add, or delete from this handbook as we determine to be in our best interest, except the policy concerning at-will employment. When changes are made to the policies and guidelines contained herein, we will endeavor to communicate them in a timely fashion, typically in a written supplement to the handbook or in a posting on company bulletin boards.
Use of public transportation, subsidized transportation, or transportation with the person’s natural support system is preferred to connect people with their community. When transportation is a part of the services we offer an agency owned vehicle, or an employee’s personal vehicle, can be used.
Mains’l promotes and provides for safe transportation of all persons. We expect our employees to follow all traffic laws. We also expect them, if they are driving, to have a valid drivers’ license and registration and auto insurance if using their own vehicle. Registration for agency owned vehicles will be provided by Mains’l. Mains’l Business Auto insurance is primary for liability when an employee is driving a company owned vehicle. Mains’l Business Auto insurance will cover the physical damage to a company owned vehicle.
Mains’l has established expectations for the following as is outlined in the following procedures:
Failing to follow this policy and procedure can have negative consequences to the agency and others. Therefore, if an employee does not follow this policy and procedure, it is considered a performance issue and their employment may be terminated.
Employees report to Mains’l the following as soon as they occur:
Employees who drive for work purposes:
Assistive techniques:
When people need assistance the following techniques are used:
Driver eligibility guidelines:
To ensure safe transportation, employees who drive for work purposes:
A state department of motor vehicle report is processed for each potential driver. Mains’l may check employee driving records at any time to verify driver suitability. Mains'l follows the recommendations of our commercial general liability insurance company on driving histories as to the eligibility of the employee to drive the vehicle.
Driver’s licenses are not required for working at Mains'l, however not having one limits employment options for those employees. This can even result in separation of employment if no acceptable position exists where driving is not required.
Mains’l uses a ten (10) point aggregate system. Points are assigned for each driving infraction in one’s history. Employees with driving records of ten (10) points or more within the look-back period are considered to be an ineligible driver for employment purposes. The look-back period is three years for all violations.
10 Point System
Driving Without a License |
10 Points |
Driving While License is Suspended/Revoked/Withdrawn |
10 Points |
Driving Under the Influence or while impaired |
10 Points |
Reckless/Careless Driving |
10 Points |
Any Speeding Violation |
4 Points |
Child Restraint/Wheelchair Restraint Violation |
5 Points |
Driving Without Insurance |
5 Points |
Any Moving Violation (excluding speed) |
2 Points |
Texting While Driving |
4 Points |
Cell Phone Use While Driving |
4 Points |
Seatbelt Violation |
2 Points |
Use of an employee owned vehicle for work
At work sites where no agency owned vehicles or modes of transportation, such as buses, are not available or appropriate, use of employee vehicles to transport a person receiving services is permitted.
Use of an agency owned vehicle:
While using an agency vehicle:
Manager responsibilities:
Vehicle accidents (Accident Protocol):
If an employee has an accident while working:
Training on agency vehicles:
Agency owned vehicle maintenance:
In California:
In Minnesota:
Managers and/or support coordinators are directed to periodically inspect the agency vehicle for dents and verify that the lights, wipers, signal and horn work all work.
Disability Parking Permits:
Agency Vehicle Inspections:
The Maintenance Committee inspects all agency vehicles and log books during regularly scheduled routine inspections. Any corrective action will be documented and forwarded to the manager.
This policy and procedure is reviewed during orientation and on an annual basis by employees who provide transportation.
Mains’l is committed to a safe and healthy working environment for all employees, persons receiving services and stakeholders.
Mains’l will comply with occupational safety and health standards or rules as stipulated by 29 CFR 1910 OSHA Federal General Industry Regulations and Department of Labor and Industry OSHA state laws and rules.
(Right to Know) Mains’l neither manufactures, stores, transfers or disposes of any hazardous materials.
Mains’l has policies and procedures on blood borne pathogens which provide for infection control through procedures for cleaning and disinfecting, glove use, use of protective barriers, medical sharps, hand washing and laundry.
The agency’s infection control plan is designed to prevent illness and disease through universal precautions and availing HBV vaccine to any new or current employee at no cost to the employee.
Mains’l also has an exposure control plan for its employees which include testing by a medical provider.
For occupational safety Mains’l follows the basic tenants of the AWAIR program. AWAIR is an acronym for A Workplace Accident and Injury Reduction Program. This program is designed to identify potential causes of injuries and accidents and to eliminate those from the workplace wherever possible.
Occupational safety is everyone’s responsibility. According to OSHA, an overwhelming majority of workplace accidents are due to unsafe acts and workplace conditions. Each employee is responsible for:
The AWAIR Program is intended to:
Strategies to reduce workplace accidents and injuries
Once each year; CRS sites will conduct an exercise to list together 3-4 workplace conditions or behaviors that can cause accidents and/or injuries. In turn the supervisor will elicit solutions from the participants to address these conditions or behaviors. The results will be sent to the vice president of administration for review and any follow up action necessary.
Inspections of Work Sites
Home Safety Inspection Checklists will be used by CRS site staff to identify potential conditions that might also cause accidents or injuries. These checklists are to be completed once every two months and sent to the vice president of administration for review and any follow up actions necessary.
Enforcement Strategies
Employees who fail to follow safety rules or requirements will be subject to employee discipline as described in HR policies.
The primary training for safety in the workplace is blood borne pathogens. Otherwise CRS sites will acquaint employees with local safekeeping practices.
Assessment and Control of Hazards
Mains’l prohibits use and storage of hazardous materials.
Safety Coordinator
The safety coordinator for Mains’l is the vice president of administration.
29 CFR 1910 OSHA General Industry Regulations
Department of Labor and Industry OSHA Laws and Rules (MSA Chap. 182)
Infection Control Plan
Exposure Control Plan
Cleaning and Disinfectant Procedures
Glove Procedures
Handwashing Procedures
Laundry Procedures
Protective Barrier Procedures
Sharps Procedures
Risk Exercise
Home Safety Checklist
Home Safety Checklist Calendar
Training PowerPoint
Mains’l is committed to providing and maintaining a work environment free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment and sexually offensive behaviors. It is the belief of Mains’l that all employees should be treated with dignity and respect and are entitled to work in an environment free from unsolicited and unwelcome sexual overtures, behaviors and other unwanted actions.
Mains’l does not tolerate sexually or other harassing or offensive behavior in the workplace, whether committed by supervisors, non-supervisory employees, or non-employees.
Sexual harassment is defined as unwanted sexual advances, or visual, verbal, or physical conduct of a sexual nature. This definition includes many forms of offensive behavior and includes gender-based harassment of a person of the same sex as the harasser. The following is a partial list of sexual harassment examples:
An intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment is created by a wide range of sexually directed behaviors when they are unwanted, unwelcome, or personally offensive. In addition, if these behaviors interfere with the work performance of any or all employees, they are considered to be sexually harassing.
Examples, although not all inclusive, of sexually directed behaviors are:
Sexual harassment does not refer to occasional compliments or other generally acceptable social behavior.
Mains’l encourages employees to report all claims of sexual and other harassment immediately to their supervisor. If the supervisor is unavailable or an employee believes it would be inappropriate to contact that person, they should immediately contact human resources or any other member of management.
Mains’l Services does not retaliate or take any adverse action against any person who, in good faith, makes a claim of sexual harassment.
All allegations of sexual and other unlawful harassment are quickly and discreetly investigated. To the extent possible, employee’s confidentiality and that of any witnesses and the alleged harasser are protected against unnecessary disclosure. When the investigation is completed, the employee is informed of the outcome of the investigation. The investigation is comprised of the following steps:
Mains’l understands that unexpected illness could occur to you or your family members. While we hope that everyone stays healthy, Mains’l believes that as employees, you should have paid time off if you or your family members are ill, injured, or if medical/dental appointments are necessary during scheduled work time.
All full time employees are eligible for sick leave equal to 48 hours annually. Employees receive sick leave January 1st of each year. Newly hired employees will receive sick leave upon their hire date as well.
Part-time employees are eligible for sick leave equal to 24 hours annually. Employees receive sick leave January 1st of each year. Newly hired employees will receive sick leave upon their hire date as well.
Before using sick leave, employees are expected to successfully complete three (3) months of employment. If you are not regularly scheduled you must also work at least 30 days within the calendar year before use.
How can I request to use Sick Leave?
Sick leave may be used for illness, injury and medical/dental appointments. It may also be used if you are a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking. Employees may use the time for themselves, or their spouse, children, parents, step-parents, in-laws, registered domestic partner, grandparents, grandchildren, siblings, and a designated person. A designated person is a person identified by the employee at the time the employee requests the leave and is limited to one person in a 12-month period.
Mains’l desires a safe and healthy workplace and work locations for our employees and the people we support. Due to the acknowledged hazards arising from exposure to environmental tobacco smoke, i.e., second hand smoke, (the U.S Environmental Protection Agency classifies secondhand smoke as a known cause of lung cancer), it is the policy of Mains’l to provide a smoke free environment for all employees, people receiving services, and visitors.
Failure to follow this policy and procedure may lead to written performance feedback. Mains’l supports those employees who want to stop smoking. Employees who desire information or assistance with smoking cessation can contact the American Cancer Society at 1-800-227- 2345.
In consideration of others, maintaining a smoke-free environment is a role we all play a part in as employees of Mains’l. Employees work with people receiving services in several venues:
This procedure addresses each of these situations with directives for maintaining a smoke-free environment.
A Person Receiving Services’ Home (leased by Mains’l or owned/rented by a person receiving services)
Employee’s Home (for employees who provide respite services)
In the community (in public and private places):
In vehicles while transporting people receiving services (owned by Mains’l or by the employee):
At Mains’l office(s):
Once again, maintaining a smoke-free environment is the responsibility of all employees. Thank you for playing your role as an employee at Mains’l to support this. Also, employees are informed of this policy and procedure at the Human Resources Policy and Procedure training and can access it through the employee portal. Employees who do not meet these expectations may receive written performance feedback.
At times during an employee’s employment suspension may be used to objectively and fairly conduct an internal review. Suspension is based on alleged, suspected, or an actual serious offense.
A serious offense may include, but is not limited to, the following examples:
Management may vary from this procedure if circumstances demand.
Unemployment compensation insurance is paid for by Mains'l and provides temporary income for employees who have lost their job under certain circumstances. Your eligibility for unemployment compensation will, in part, be determined by the reasons for your separation from the Company.
If a situation arises where an employee needs to take an unpaid leave of absence which is not covered by a state or federal guaranteed leave of absence, Mains’l may grant employees unpaid leave of absence under certain circumstances and in situations when it can be accommodated.
Unpaid leave of absences are not required to be given to an employee as other state and other federally mandated leaves. A position with Mains’l may not be guaranteed following an unpaid leave of absence.
An unpaid leave of absence is reviewed on a case by case basis according to the employee’s needs and the impact of the employee’s absence on their work location and team. A request for an unpaid leave of absence is approved at the discretion of Mains’l in partnership with management and human resources.
How to Request
Requests for unpaid leave or any extension of an unpaid leave should be submitted in writing to the
employee’s immediate supervisor 30 days prior, or as soon as possible to the beginning of the leave period or extension of the leave period. The request needs to include the start and end date of the leave.
The supervisor will partner with the designated HR representative to discuss if accommodation can be made without negatively impacting the organization.
If a request is not received and approved and the employee takes the leave, the absence is considered a No Call/No Show or Unapproved Absence and the guidelines as stated in the Attendance policy and procedure apply.
Insurance Benefits
Employees may continue the coverage in effect before their leave of absence according to the provisions of the insurance contract and the Federal COBRA legislation. Information concerning provisions, restrictions, and cost of insurance under COBRA are sent to the employee.
If the employee returns to full time work following the leave of absence, they must re-enroll in the insurance plan and are subject to the waiting period.
Other Benefits
Holiday pay (salaried employees) will not be paid during an unpaid leave of absence.
Return to work
It is expected that an employee will contact the supervisor prior to the end of their approved leave of absence. If the leave is at the discretion of Mains’l and not covered under any other leave policy or regulation, there is no guarantee that the employee will be returned to their position. If the position is not available, the employee will be referred to human resources to apply for other positions within Mains’l. If an employee does not contact the supervisor at the end of their approved leave of absence, the employee is separated from their employment. Upon returning to work it is important for an employee to complete any missed trainings that would have occurred for their position during their absence.
If the need arises for an employee who has exhausted all other forms of paid time off to have time off, it will not be paid. If the employee does not request time off as set out in this policy and procedure, the absence is considered a No Call/No Show or Unapproved Absence and the guidelines as stated in the Attendance policy and procedure apply. It is expected that employees partner with their supervisor to receive approval for any unpaid time off requests.
Every effort is made to accommodate unpaid time off requests. However, consideration must also be given to the needs of the people who use our services and to maintaining the prescribed staffing schedules at the work location. For this reason, the supervisor may cancel or postpone previously approved unpaid time-off requests. When this is necessary, as much notice as possible is given.
Employees are expected to find replacements for their unpaid time off.
We are committed to exceeding our customer’s expectations in all we do and providing excellent services. It is important that when employees are at work, they are directing their full attention to the person/people for whom they are providing supports and to their job responsibilities. It is also important to minimize potential risk to the people around us and to promote an environment in which employees remain productive.
The workplace/site is not an appropriate place for children and visitors of employees during working hours. Working hours include team meetings, trainings, and scheduled shifts.
Mains’l recognizes that circumstances arise; exceptions to this policy may be granted in advance by the supervisor following review with the senior manager for extenuating circumstances.
When an employee encounters sudden circumstances that compromises or eliminates child care and is scheduled to work, it is Mains’l policy that children or visitors of the employee should not come to the service location for the following reasons:
If all other options by the employee, including attempting to find replacement staff, have been exhausted, the following procedure shall be in effect:
If an exception is granted in advance by the supervisor and senior manager, it is expected that the child (ren) or visitors are not napping or sleeping at the work location as this might compromise any emergencies requiring evacuation.
Mains’l desires and consistently promotes a safe and secure home for the people we support and the workplace for employees. In accordance with this desire, exercises its right to prohibit the use, possession, and storage of weapons on its premises.
This rule applies to all employees and visitors as well as anyone else on Mains’l premises. Employees also are prohibited from using, possessing, or storing weapons wherever and whenever they are engaged in work for Mains’l.
These prohibitions apply even to those who are qualified to carry handguns under state law as Mains’l bans guns and other weapons on all of its premises.
Violations of this policy will result in immediate separation of employment. Anyone who has information of any potential violation of this policy must immediately inform a supervisor or office personnel. Failure to report a violation of this policy will result in employee discipline, up to and including separation of employment.
Mains’l ensures a safe and secure home for the people we support and the workplace for employees. Notwithstanding the fact that employees may have a lawful permit to carry a firearm, employees are prohibited from using, possessing, or storing weapons whenever they are engaged in work for Mains’l. Weapons include firearms, ammunition, knives, explosives, or similar dangerous items.
Employees work with people in several venues as well as at the central office:
This procedure addresses each of these situations with directives for maintaining a safe and secure environment.
In a Persons Home (leased by Mains’l or owned/rented by a person we support)
Employees are prohibited from using, possessing, or storing weapons while in the person receiving services home. If an employee believes that a visitor has a weapon in the person receiving services home, the employee will give an oral warning that weapons are prohibited on the premises. If the visitor refuses to comply, he/she will be ordered to leave the premises. If the visitor remains, law enforcement officials will be called.
In the Employee’s Home: (for employees who provide respite services)
Employees are prohibited from using, possessing, or storing weapons in their home while a person receiving services is in their home. If the employee cannot abide by this expectation, the person receiving services must not stay in the employee’s home.
In the community (in public and private places)
Employees are prohibited from using or possessing weapons while with a person receiving services in the community.
In vehicles while transporting for work purposes (vehicles owned by Mains’l or by the employee)
If the employee is using their vehicle, the employee is prohibited from carrying, on their person or in the vehicle, any type of weapon. If the employee is using a vehicle owned by Mains’l the employee is prohibited from carrying, on their person or in the vehicle, any type of weapon.
At the Office
Employees are prohibited from using, possessing, or storing weapons at the office. If an employee believes that a visitor has a weapon at the office, the employee will give an oral warning that weapons are prohibited on the premises. If the visitor refuses to comply, he/she will be ordered to leave the premises. If the visitor remains, law enforcement officials will be called.
Once again, maintaining a safe and secure environment is the responsibility of all employees. Anyone who has information of any potential violation of this policy must immediately inform a supervisor or office personnel. Failure to do so will result in employee discipline up to and including separation of employment. Furthermore, an employee who violates the directives in this policy as to their personal use, possession or storage of weapons will be separated from employment immediately.
Employees are informed of this policy at orientation.
Mains’l strives to create and sustain a safe workplace for its employees. Employees of Mains’l should exercise proper judgment and safe work practices to eliminate the potential for accidents and injuries. However, accidents and injuries in the workplace can occur. Such accidents and injuries will be investigated to determine the cause. Employees of Mains’l who sustain a workplace injury will have their injury immediately reported to a specialized agency who works with our workers compensation insurance company. The insurance company will determine if any treatment for the injury and/or any possible lost time from work are compensable. The procedure for reporting accidents and injuries is detailed in the Workplace Injuries and Workers’ Compensation Procedure.
It is the policy of Mains’l to return injured employees to productive, transitional light duty work temporarily, as early as possible during their recovery. This work will not necessarily be the same as their pre-injury duties. This is done to facilitate the speedy recovery of injured workers and to reduce the rising costs associated with workplace injuries. Within the requirements of the employee’s treating medical providers, the limitations of the law, and the economic and physical limitations of our work sites, Mains’l makes every effort to provide meaningful work wherever and whenever possible.
Absence from work due to a workplace injury may be counted as Family and Medical Leave for those employees who are eligible, as defined in the Family and Medical Leave Act. If an employee is receiving workers’ compensation benefits, the employee cannot use any paid leave such as Paid Time off (PTO) or Sick Leave.
If a temporary transitional light duty or job restructuring position is made available to the employee and the employee chooses to stay out of work, the employee may be forfeiting the right to continued workers’ compensation lost wages and may jeopardize their employment status.
Before returning to work, the employee must present a workability statement from the treating physician. The statement must include any restrictions that apply and it must be presented immediately following the doctor’s appointment. If the doctor has issued a workability statement, and the employee does not return to work within three (3) days, the employee could face action up to and including separation of employment for job abandonment.
The following procedure will govern the reporting of workplace injuries and reporting of such to Mains’l’s workers’ compensation insurance company:
In California the injured employee will have either designated at the time of employment a medical provider of their choosing or will be required to seek treatment from a provider listed in the State Medical Provider Network (MPN). The MPN is available at the main office through human resources.
If the employee uses work time to go to the doctor on the day of the injury, the employee will be paid through the end of the shift. If additional time is required, the employee can use accrued sick time or Paid Time off (PTO).
Employees are on notice that all comments, job refusals, refusals of employment, or statements that may have a bearing on a workers compensation claim will be reported to WCMC.
WCMC will issue weekly progress reports to Mains’l on all claimants and claims activities which will be reviewed carefully for progress on recovery and compliance with medical requirements.
Mains'l property, including but not limited to lockers, phones, computers, tablets, desks, work place areas, vehicles, or machinery, remains under the control of the Company and is subject to inspection at any time, without notice to any employees, and without their presence.
You should have no expectation of privacy in any of these areas. We assume no responsibility for the loss of, or damage to, your property maintained on Company premises including that kept in lockers and desks.