People residing in a Mains’l home are responsible to pay for room and board expenses out of their Social Security (SS) benefits, Group Residential Housing (GRH) benefits and earned income. Mains’l Services is responsible for collecting this payment from the person or their legal guardian/representative payee monthly and offer support and assistance with the forms required to apply for and maintain the benefits they are eligible to receive.
Mains’l Services will oversee the completion and filing of the following forms necessary to receive support for Room and Board services and collection of Room and Board Payments:
The CAF form will be filled out by the manager with assistance from guardian and/or case manager upon enrollment and is submitted to the county by the manager. If the county representative requests to complete the CAF they will sign and date the R&B worksheet as the responsible party for these filings. This form must be completed in the month the person is admitted. The county will then notify the person, rep payee and/or Mains’l Services the amount of GRH that will be paid for this person.
The Shelter Verification form will be filled out by the manager and/or case manager at intake and submitted to the financial worker. If the case manager requests to complete the Shelter Verification Form (SVF) they will sign and date the R&B worksheet as the responsible party for these filings. This form will determine GRH eligibility
The Room and Board Worksheet and Financial Agreement is completed at intake by the manager and guardian/case manager and is put in the person’s file on the “M” drive.
This form is to acknowledge the financial responsibility as representative payee of the person’s funds.
Collection of Room and Board Charges
Payments received by Social Security and GRH are received monthly and applied to the monthly Room and Board invoice.
Room and Board Training
All managers are required to complete Accounts Receivable training with Finance within six months of hire.
The accounts receivable aging report will be reviewed by the Accounts Receivable Manager and the Controller quarterly.
1. CAF(Combined Application Form)
2. Shelter Verification Form
3. Room and Board Worksheet and Financial Agreement