Purchase Workers' Compensation Insurance in each Consumer's Name (as applicable per State and Program rules)
Submitted by admin on Tue, 05/04/2021 - 15:37
F/EA is responsible for purchasing, on behalf of each employer and in the employer’s name, a Workers’ Compensation policy covering all of the employer’s workers. <<Insert individual State or Program policy>>
F/EA submits documentation of Workers’ Compensation policies procured on behalf of employers to Program Administrator upon request. Reporting workers’ compensation premiums paid on behalf of consumers is performed as part of the annual Individual Budget reconciliation report. F/EA also reports premium payments to Program Administrator as part of the monthly program account reporting process.
<<Workers' Compensation Procedure will vary by program and state>>
Internal Controls:
The internal controls used by F/EA to monitor this process establish responsibility, segregate duties, document procedures and ensure independent internal verification.
- <<Depends on procedures>>
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