Apply for Employer Identification Number


Applying for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the IRS is the first step in registering the employer with tax agencies and authorizing the F/EA to file and pay taxes on the employer’s behalf. An Employer Identification Number is required on all other employer tax forms. As of 2013, the IRS now allows Fiscal/Employer Agents to apply for EINs online.

  1. <<Staff Title>> (or assigned staff member) removes Form SS-4 from participant’s folder for all consumers for whom EINs have not yet been applied for
  2. <<Insert process for getting the EIN>>

If applying for EIN online:

  1. Visit the IRS EIN Application site and click "Apply Online Now" button
  2. Enter the information on the completed SS-4 for each step. For the question "What type of structure is applying for an EIN?", select "View Additional Types", then click Continue.
  3. Select "Household Employer" on the following screen.
  4. Finish the application process and save the CP 575 confirmation of EIN letter PDF file for recordkeeping.

If applying for EIN via fax:

  1. Put all F/EA Start-Up package forms for Forms SS-4 faxed to IRS in a folder
  2. Label this folder with the date that Forms SS-4 were faxed to the IRS
  3. Staple the SS-4 to the front of the folder
  4. Any EIN fax confirmation forms received are placed in the above folders
  5. Review folders daily to check for EIN confirmations received
  6. If an EIN has not been received within 7 days, call the IRS at 1-800-829-4933 If EIN confirmation is received over the phone, write the EIN on Form SS-4 and attach a sheet of paper to the SS-4 with the message “IRS gave EINs over the phone on DATE. Did not get confirmation from fax.”
  7. If EIN confirmation is received via fax, attach the fax confirmation sheet to the form SS-4
  8. Write the participant’s EIN on each form in the F/EA Start-Up package
  9. Enter participant’s EIN in Payroll System


Internal Controls: 

1. Forms SS-4 are quality checked prior to obtaining an EIN (see Collect and Process F/EA Start Up Packets)

2. After contact IRS to obtain EIN, the EIN or any issues with obtaining the EIN are recorded in the participant’s file