Assess, Categorize and Maintain a Log of Complaints and Grievances
Submitted by admin on Tue, 05/04/2021 - 15:24
Upon receiving communication from participants or representatives, whether via phone, in person or in writing, F/EA <<Staff Title>> determine if the communication must be classified as a complaint or grievance. Staff is trained, within 15 days of employment as a F/EA <<Staff Title>>, on handling complaints and grievances.
Any communication that should be categorized as a complaint is recorded as such with applicable details. Complaint records are maintained for a minimum of 7 years per File Retention Policy.
Assess Communication and Determine if it is a Complaint or Grievance
- As calls and mail are received, F/EA staff must assess whether the communication from a participant should be categorized as a complaint or grievance
- Some communication is clearly categorized as a complaint or grievance:
- The participant states over the phone or in writing that they are reporting a complaint
- The participant requests to speak with a manager or supervisor to report an unresolved issue
- A grievance is reported in writing
- Some communication is more difficult to classify as a complaint or grievance and requires follow-up questions:
- When communication is not clearly a complaint, Customer Service staff will ask the caller if they would like to lodge a complaint
- If the caller responds in the affirmative, the issue should be logged as a complaint
- If the caller declines the opportunity to lodge a complaint, the issue should not be logged as a complaint
- In general, issues of the following nature are not deemed complaints, unless they are also characterized by complaint criteria identified in step 2 and step 4:
- A participant reports that a check that was expected has not yet been received
- A participant reports that the check received was for a different amount than expected
- A participant reports trouble faxing a timesheet to F/EA
- A participant reports trouble completing participant or Worker start-up packages
- A participant reports receiving an over-usage letter and questions the validity of the letter
Record Complaints or Grievances
- Once communication, either received via phone or mail, has been classified as a complaint or grievance, it must be logged
- <<Staff Title>> log the complaint or grievance in Payroll System per the process outlined in Policy and Procedure document
- The following information must always be recorded:
- Code <<X>> in the “Caller” field for complaint
- The participant’s name
- The date of communication
- The time of communication
- The complaint or grievance
- The method by which communication was received (phone, voicemail, writing, in person)
Internal Controls:
The internal controls used by F/EA to monitor this process establish responsibility, segregate duties, document procedures and ensure independent internal verification.
- Policies and Procedures document how to classify communication as a complaint or grievance
- Staff are trained on handling complaints and grievances within 15 days of employment as a <<Staff Title>>
- Complaints and grievances are coded as such and recorded in detail in the Customer Service System
- Recorded complaint and grievance data is stored for a minimum of 7 years per File Retention Policy
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