Reconciliation of Uncashed Checks
F/EA reviews uncashed checks monthly in conjunction with the monthly reconciliations. After one year, any checks that have not been cashed are removed from the bank reconciliation uncashed checks list (<<GL Account>>) and recorded in General Ledger account <<Account No,>>. F/EA follows unclaimed property procedures for the state in which employees being paid reside.
- On a monthly basis, F/EA Accountant prints ending balance for account <<GL Account Number>> (uncashed checks GL account)
- Enter ending balance to reconciliation sheet for applicable account found here: <<File Path>>
- Open F/EA Uncashed Checks spreadsheet found here: <<File Path>>
- Open tab for applicable month
- Sum uncashed checks for the month
- Enter sum of uncashed checks for month on reconciliation sheet
- Ensure the sum of uncashed checks amount matches the ending balance
- Any discrepancies should be researched and corrected
- Applicable adjusting entries should be posted to account
8. F/EA Accountant signs and dates reconciliation sheet
9. F/EA Accountant passes reconciliation sheet and supporting documents to <<Staff Title>>
10. <<Staff Title>> verifies completeness and mathematical accuracy
11. <<Staff Title>> signs and dates reconciliation sheet
12. Signed reconciliation sheet is scanned and saved here for at least seven years: <<File Path>>
The internal controls used by F/EA to monitor this process establish responsibility, segregate duties, document procedures and ensure independent internal verification.
- Each of the supporting documents are reviewed for mathematical accuracy by each verifier
- Each reconciliation document is prenumbered
- Each party initials and dates each reconciliation document displaying confirmation of their review
- All control documents are password protected and access is restricted to F/EA Assigned staff with responsibility for account reconciliations.
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