Publish Complaint and Grievance Policy
Submitted by admin on Tue, 05/04/2021 - 15:24
F/EA includes the Complaint and Grievance Policy in each Consumer Welcome Package and the Policy is distributed by Counselors. The F/EA Complaint and Grievance Policy is published so that consumers understand that they have a right to express grievances and that F/EA welcomes reporting of grievances. The Policy outlines the process by which consumers should report complaints and grievances to F/EA and the steps F/EA will take to resolve the complaint or grievance.
The Complaint and Grievance Policy is updated by the <<Staff Title>> as needed. Upon request, F/EA’s Complaint and Grievance Policy and applicable Policy and Procedure documents are submitted to Program Administrator.
Copies of the Complaint and Grievance Policy are stored on the Welcome Package forms shelf within the F/EA Payroll Department.
The Complaint and Grievance Policy is included in the Consumer Welcome Package distributed to consumers
- As the Complaint and Grievance Policy is updated, the most updated version is included in the Welcome Package.
- The Complaint and Grievance Policy includes the following information:
Internal Controls:
The internal controls used by F/EA to monitor this process establish responsibility, segregate duties, document procedures and ensure independent internal verification.
- The Complaint and Grievance Policy is reviewed for accuracy as part of the quarterly review of the Consumer Welcome Package
- <<Counselors review the Complaint and Grievance Policy with consumersas applciable>>
- This ensures that consumers have an opportunity to ask questions, thereby supporting that consumers fully understand their rights to reports complaints and grievances and the process to do so
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