Mains’l strives to provide services and conduct business in an ethical and exemplary manner.
All employees avoid activities or relationships that conflict with Mains’l’s interests or adversely affect the reputation of Mains’l or the people we serve. The term "conflict of interest" describes any circumstance or relationship with a service recipient, supplier, outside agency, contractor or person currently engaged in or seeking to conduct business with Mains’l that would cast doubt on an employee's ability to act with objectivity with regard to Mains’l’s interests.
Failure to make required disclosures or resolve conflicts of interest satisfactorily can result in written performance feedback up to and including separation of employment.
Employees disclose material or potential conflicts and any relationships, personal or professional, that may create the appearance of a conflict of interest to their supervisor as soon as they become aware of them so that safeguards can be established to protect all parties.
The supervisor then reviews the situation with their senior leader and Human Resources to determine appropriate action.
The types of activities and relationships employees avoid include, but are not limited to:
- Accepting or soliciting a gift, favor, or service that is intended to, or might appear to, influence the employee’s decision-making or professional conduct;
- Accepting, agreeing to accept, or soliciting money or other tangible or intangible benefit in exchange for the employee’s favorable decisions or actions in the performance of his or her job;
- Accepting employment or compensation or engaging in any business or professional activity that might require disclosure of confidential information or business secrets;
- Accepting employment or compensation or engaging in any business or professional activity that is in direct or indirect competition or results in a possible or real negative impact on Mains’l’s business or customers; *
- Accepting employment or compensation or any other activity that could reasonably be expected to impair the individual’s independent judgment in the performance of official duties.
- Accepting employment or compensation or engaging in any business or professional activity that is in direct or indirect competition,*
- Ownership by employee or family member in any outside agency that does or seeks to do business with Mains’l or is doing business in the human services field or,
- Any other arrangements or circumstances, including family or personal relationships, which may dissuade the employee from acting in the best interest of the company.
Rev. 10-08-2019
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